I'm A Weak And Vulnerable Girl

"I'm not going to!" 

Huo Xishen nodded and replied, "That means leave it to me. Lie down, Darling." 

Sensing that Huo Xishen was about to unbutton his pajamas, Yan Jinyi got ready to kick him but Huo Xishen dodged very quickly. 

'Damn it, Doggy Huo is doing it for real!' 

Yan Jinyi hugged her blanket and said, "Mr. Huo, don't...don't be like this. You should give your virginity to the person you love the most. You'll regret your actions if you act rashly!" 

Huo Xishen questioned, "Why would I regret it?" 

"You will ruin the innocence and chastity of a young girl!"

Huo Xishen thought otherwise and he inched closer towards her. "We're a married couple. Isn't it right for us to do this?" 

She swore that she would knock him out with a punch and throw him to the dog's kennel if he were to get up to any more nonsense again. 

"Darling, are you not willing?"