Darling, You Will Land Yourself In Jail

On that very afternoon, Yang Qing personally called Yan Jinyi and praised the film 'Moon' before informing her that Yixin Finance wanted to provide help to parents who were looking for their children in order to repay society on behalf of the firm and all the celebrities they worked with. She also expressed her interest in having Yan Jinyi be the spokesperson and initiator of this campaign.

After hanging up, she turned to look at Huo Xishen. 

"Mr. Huo, look, Yang Qing is trying to scheme against me." 

Huo Xishen was reading a book. Hearing her words, he raised his head slightly and asked, "Darling, are you sure you're not the one scheming against her?" 

Yan Jinyi humphed coldly and then laughed out loud, thinking to himself that Yang Qing was probably planning to take advantage of this opportunity to get a large sum of money. When the time comes, she would abscond with the money and then frame Yan Jinyi on it.