Chapter 82: The Three of Us Are Colleagues on the Same Construction Site

The girl cautiously glanced at Li Shaoquan and, seeing that he wasn't looking at her, let her gaze fall and murmured sadly, "It was WeChat... the 'People Nearby' feature."

It really was the routine of an online romance.

Li Qiao gazed deeply at the girl and then thoughtfully looked over at her brother. Judging by their clothes and appearances, their family was probably not well-to-do.

Furthermore, when they handed over their belongings at the police station, the cellphones they took out were very old and off-brand models.

If it was for money, the matter would be easier to handle, but if they really just wanted an outcome with Li Shaoquan, then...

With that thought, Li Qiao eyed Li Shaoquan, who was squatting in the corner drawing circles on the wall, and analyzed the situation before her with profound meaning in her gaze.