Chapter 81: A higher official can crush you to death

Just as the interrogator was about to continue questioning, the door opened and Xiao Wang hurried in, whispering a few words into one of their ears.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the interrogation room became stern.

Three minutes later, everyone was led out and separately placed in different interrogation rooms.

The questions began again: Name, age, occupation, what were you doing at the kidnapping scene?

By then, Li Qiao leaned in the chair, answering cool-headedly, "Saving someone."

With a slap on the table, the interrogator exclaimed, "A young girl like you went to a kidnapping scene to save someone? Do you believe that yourself?"

Li Qiao nodded indifferently, with concise certainty, "Yes."

The interrogator was speechless, took a sip of water to cover his embarrassment, and then spoke sternly, "Let me tell you, this is a police station, not a place where you can lie. Look at the eight big characters behind you: leniency for those who confess, severity for those who resist."