The person who has been slapped in the face (1)

The fans 'faces were as red as they had been earlier.

He wenhang's fans and passersby were all slapped in the face within a minute of watching the video.

Some of the onlookers were all screaming in excitement.

The beautiful lady in the video did indeed bump into he zhihang accidentally while walking. In the next second, she jumped three steps away and stuck to the wall as if she was avoiding a virus.

Not only did she not hug him, but she also kept a distance to avoid arousing suspicion.

Even when it was her turn to go to the washroom, she humbly let he zhihang go first. She didn't have any self-awareness that she was a girl.

Don't even talk about throwing herself into his arms, they were simply friends of gentlemen.

[ this sister is so funny. She was stunned for a while when she was hit, but when she recognized teacher he, she was immediately shocked! ]