She's most afraid of hearing it now

Zhou xiran was at home, drinking papaya milk that the servant had made for lunch.

But now, even the milk in her hand didn't smell good. She looked at Xia Bo's Weibo and saw that her followers had climbed from 2 to 52000.

In less than an hour, she had gained 50000 fans, and they were all live fans.

Zhou xiran could not feel anything else other than a stuffy chest.

ran ran, your uncle's family is here. Come out quickly. Mother Zhou called out softly, " where's the dessert you made this morning? quickly take it and let everyone try it.

Zhou xiran hurriedly logged out of Weibo and responded.

When she walked into the living room, she smiled and presented a homemade rum cake, which was praised by her uncle's family.

I think ran ran has become more beautiful, right? " Her uncle, Zhou Wushan, smiled and asked her to sit.