Brother Zhai, which year's wine are you from?

Not only did he not lose face?

Luo tianlin listened to the little girl's soft inquiry and turned his head to look at her. He saw that her snow-like face was covered with a peach. The pink powder was a tender color that only very few red wines had.

The car window was closed, and the faint fragrance of flowers on her body became stronger. Accompanied by the heavy smell of wine today, it burned like a small flower that was blooming.

People tasted it.

Luo tianlin lowered his dark eyes and clasped the girl's little claws that were scratching his palm playfully.

He leaned over and pressed her petite figure against him.

His eyes rolled.

He finally lowered his head.

He sucked on her soft lips that were suffused with a light red gem color.

It was slightly sweet and tipsy.

There was also a hint of fullness, like sweet wine after a meal, seeping into his teeth.

Xia Bo he gasped in surprise. She didn't expect Luo tianlin to attack her!