Shooting audition (1)

The next day, Luo tianlin went on a business trip.

Xia Bo had no choice but to leave the puppy in Mrs. Lin's care, then followed ke youbin to director Zhou's audition.

When it came to the shooting athlete's audition, Shabo was very calm.

After shocking the coach and Lin Qi in the shooting training class, she didn't go again.

The coach had said that he had never seen a genius like her.

In the first class, he expanded the target from five meters to ten meters, fifteen meters, twenty meters ... In the end, he even got a good score of 10 points in the 25-meter run.

Ke youbin had also sent her a lot of information about the shooting athletes.

She had also finished reading ten lines at a glance.

However, on the day of the audition, when Xia Bohe arrived at the audition venue and saw the staff bring the camera equipment into the building, she felt her beating heart and exploded with extreme excitement.

He wanted to act in more shows!