Old master Luo's treatment (1)

An hour later, Xia Bo he followed old master Qin out of the bedroom.

The whole family gathered around.

"She's asleep now after the injection."

Old master Qin said.

he's old and has been suffering from this illness for quite some time. He can't be cured in a short time with a few needles and a few prescriptions, " said Wang Yao.

you should have seen Western medicine long ago. She needs surgery.

Luo Jiaxing's expression darkened when he heard this.

The attending doctor had suggested this before. He had also invited a cardiologists overseas to take a look, and they also said that surgery was the best method.

However, Luo yuanchang was old and had high blood pressure, so his physical fitness was not at its peak.

The surgery could lead to more after-effects, and the worst result was an accident during the surgery. In better cases, the surgery would go smoothly, but the spirit would always decline because of the surgery.