Blow on it and it won't hurt anymore ~_1

After three days of continuous injection and drinking medicine, coupled with a diet with low salt and oil, Luo yuanchang felt that his body had become much lighter.

But even so, when he saw the dozens of long, thin needles that glowed with a cold light, he still felt very uncomfortable.

As a man, it was better to have a quick death than to stick out his head and stab him!

Luo yuanchang was really regretful now. If he had known earlier, he would have gone to the hospital for the operation directly.

At least the doctor had given him general anesthesia, so he didn't have to watch the needle poke around his body!

"Dad, bear with it for a while. Ten days will pass in the blink of an eye." Xu yazhi consoled.

Luo yuanchang snorted and didn't answer.

I heard that dad fell asleep during the acupuncture session. It was quite comfortable, right? " Luo Jiaxing rarely teased him.

Comfortable your grandma!

Luo yuanchang's eyes widened.