"Lines" finals (1)

For the first few seasons of "dialogue," the contestants had to shoot a big show together for the audience to vote for the final.

Each contestant would play a role, and the audience would vote based on their performance.

This kind of competition was very exciting, but in the end, there were other elements of performance that affected the audience's judgment.

For a real dubbing teacher who wasn't an actor, the rules of the competition were very disadvantageous.

Therefore, after switching to live streaming, they simply changed the rules, which also aroused the novelty and support of the audience.

in the first round, each teacher will first listen to the general reading of the ancient poem and recite it with the same rhythm and sense of language.

the machine will give you a similarity score. The 500 online viewers will vote.

"The final three will enter the semi-final of the first and second place."