The championship title has fallen on her head!_1

let's take a look at the score for the match ...

The emcee said some nonsense.

The netizens had clearly seen how well Xia Bohe's words matched each other along the way. They were all 100 points!

This meant that her pronouncing speed, pauses, and pronouncing were all exactly the same as the teacher from Beijing Film Academy!

"100 points!"

As expected, the host revealed the truth.

[ no suspense. ]

[ I can only say that he's amazing. ]

[ this kind of non-human behavior is really like a certain fairy. ]

[ everyone has their own speaking habits. The handling of the ending tone, the speed and rhythm, and the brightness of the voice all vary from person to person.

[ in one minute, he has completely adjusted to a model reading template. What an AI-like skill! ]

Even though it was only online, the host asked the guests to give their comments.