Mike woke up and felt like he had been run over by a truck, his organs felt they had been crushed into bits, every movement he tried moving bursts of pain flooded his body, feeling the condition of his body he knew he had no other choice but to stay as he was.

Enduring the pain mike turned his head to observe his surroundings, the walls were white and apart from the bed he was laying on there was only a television set mounted on the walls.

The television immediately started playing a recording, Mike was dumbfounded the man on the screen was his father and judging from the surroundings it was the later part of the video that mike had always been keeping as his father's last relics, on the screen his father's white coat was stained with blood, his hair was tattered and there were scratches on his face, but even though there was a strange charm in the picture, the dead bodies tattered around and the chaos in the laboratory further accentuated this charm, the camera taking the video was already cracked and lying on the floor but it still took its duties diligently and recorded the scene, mike's dad face had lost its normal enthusiasm and was filled with a strange indifference and coldness, as his father was about to walk out of the bloodied laboratory set the whole building started to vibrate and then what seemed like a black maw appeared out of thin air and sucked him into its dark depths.

"That was the last time we saw or heard from Mr. Langley, we have been searching for him all over the world with whatever instruments possible but no clues have been found till today, the only possible lead we got was that on that same day and few hours after Langley disappeared a small town was wiped out of map by an unidentified superpower, since then the rate of superpower awakenings have gone through the roof and the powers existing already seems to have reached an all new high as if they have been stimulated and evolved."

A young woman in a white suit said as she appeared on the screen as soon the video ended.

She had a cold beautiful face that seemed to radiate an aura of seriousness and her hair was tied up in a professional looking bun that further shaped her face into one that meant business, the professional smile that hung her face made mike a little disgusted, a thousand question ran through mike's mind but in the end the only question that came out of his lips were "so who are you?"

"oh how rude of me, you can call me Maddison."

"well Miss Madison can you tell me where we are right now."

Madison smile seemed to stiffen before she then replied somewhat professionally "you are not qualified to know, but I can inform you that you are very safe right now."

"And while we are all asking each other questions can you please tell us mike, how you managed to evade our pursuit all these years and why we found you naked in the desert?"

Madison's eyes sharpened as she asked this question, mike felt her eyes were piercing him through the screen, his breath hastened and his eyes erratic before he then calmed down and chose silence as his answer.

"I see." Madison seemed to have expected the silence as she just nodded and then switched off the screen leaving mike alone in the sterile white environment of the room.

In a dark room several figures were besides a bandaged girl looking at a recording on a computer with relish.

On the screen the video showed mike attacking a female figure, his eyes glowing dark red and a devilish aura emanated from him and seemed to pressure the female, the video continued showing the girl trying to attack the approaching figure with her metal baton but as the baton reached a few meters from mike the baton started to expand and melt.

The girl realizing this immediately teleported a few meters behind mike and a drew a long samurai blade out of thin air, Immediately the blade cut towards mike at blinding speeds aiming at giving him a cut before it was destroyed by the heat that enveloped his body, but the blade that had already touched his skin burst into pieces destroyed before it completed its mission.

Mike then erupted in flames exploding and succeeded in blowing the girl away. Before mike wanted to light the area the girl was blown to in flames, her figure had disappeared and soon reappeared in the air above mike throwing a bunch of flying knives at his vital points, mike perceiving the crisis created a dome of flames around him for protection.

The knives succeeded in piecing the defense but they had melted before it was able to injure him.

Taking advantage of the already present dome mike pushed the flames upward and created a flaming hurricane hoping to injure his opponent or at least force her to teleport her away but what he didn't expect was that she braved through the heat and flames that left her with injuries and burnt clothing to throw off his guess and appear where his defenses and alert was weakest, she threw a ball shaped device that quickly erupted in a flurry of light and sounds and teleported away with her injuries before the device affected her too.

The recording stopped there as the light had erupted.

The bandaged female walked up to the computer and shut it down before turning round to the silent room asking "I think this is proof enough that the professor's heir is worth it, so now who is up for a rescue mission?"