In the woods outside what seemed like a military base two figures spontaneously appeared a few meters away hidden among the thick foliage, one male with long brown hair twisted into a ponytail carried a oversized sniper rifle on his back and around him were hostels filled with different variety of guns, although he carried a large amount of ammunition he was dressed extremely casual without any type of armor protection at all one could tell he was extremely confident in his skill, the other figure was a female with platinum hair wearing a black combat suit that hugged her body, the only weapon on her was a silver samurai blade with white delicate pattern on the handle, the sheath of the blade was transparent and looked fragile showcasing the sharp slender silver blade inside.

"I thought we weren't supposed to use anything higher than control in this plane." the male said while setting up his sniper rifle, reluctantly removing her sight from the heavily guarded base.

"there is a difference my manifestation is inherited and part of the origin it won't exert more than control level, plus after this we are applying for warp."

Almost throwing the bullets he was feeding he turned shocked "what a warp, I thought we didn't have energy for that kind of strain again."

"we don't but the guy we are rescuing is a high fit with Prometheus so we won't have to worry about energy in a while, enough of that cover me I am going in." she said impatiently and with that she put her hand on her blade and rushed towards the camp, the guards noticed someone running towards them and without any questions asked fired shots in the direction the sound originated, bullets resounded through the forests but it failed to hit any target although the running sound has disappeared, before they were about to send someone to check, a low whistling sound emerged and holes appeared in the heads of several guards.


one of the guards screamed but it was no help, they shot around widely and pressed the alarm on the wall to alert the base while trying to retreat through the metal gate of the base, as the gate opened to grant them access they found a sword wielding woman appear in the corridor of the gate smiling at them, although the smile could be called charming but all the remaining guard felt was fear, her clothes were spotless but droplets of blood was seen flowing down her blade.

"owl I am through the gate" were the last words the guards heard before they fell dead, holes appeared in their heads almost simultaneously, bullets falling to the ground after completing their mission.

Owl who was a few meters away removed his sight from the scope of the sniper rifle and then strapped it to his back and started walking towards the base the weight and heat of the rifle seemed to have no effect on him as he was walking.

As he entered through the gate he pulled two pistols from his holster and started strolling through the base past the bodies he had shot and along a corridor that headed downwards and then split into different paths, he didn't see any signs of 'ghost' along the way only her conscious slashes on the bodies of the dead solders that littered the floor told tales of her existence.

Prickling his ears owl heard footsteps of hurried soldiers headed his way as the sirens were blasting through the whole base. Before he saw any figures appear he had already emptied the bullets in the gun which then bounced around like pinballs before disappearing into the paths he heard footsteps from, the bullets fired were specially made to bounce off surfaces accumulate kinetic energy and still not lose lethality coupled with owl's superpower 'ballistic control' which could calculate the trajectory of any shooting projectile regardless of terrain he had basically killed most of the soldiers who were hurrying over.

Quickly adding another magazine, owl sprinted forward avoiding the grenade which had just been thrown over by the panicked soldiers, fired more bullets to intercept the bullets that had been fired from the remaining soldiers and then performed a quick reload before any one was aware and rewarded his enemies with a shot that blasted their brains.

Taking a breath and picking a rifle from the bodies on the floor, owl continued forward planning on continuing his massacre in order to attract most of the cannon fodder to his side, owl only hoped ghost wouldn't meet any opponent here that got her excited and would delay her from rescuing the target, because he was not interested on testing the already fragile nerves of the syndicate, although he disdained the government funded organization he also knew that they were the united nations crazy dogs with access to a lot of resources and no one could predict what cards they held up their sleeves.