Blinded by the Light

When the evening was over, Zee took Saint home. They stood outside for at least an hour talking. Saint moved closer to Zee and placed his arms around his waist and said, "I do not want to say goodnight yet." Zee smiled sweetly and said that he felt the same, but he had to be at work early. Saint sighed heavily and said it was okay that he understood. Zee pulled him into a hug and placed his lips against Saints. He parted his lips and Zee slipped his tongue into his mouth. A soft moan escaped from Saint and that gave him the permission he needed to deepen the kiss. Reluctantly, after a few minutes they pulled away from each other's embrace and said good night. Zee waited until he was sure Saint was inside his dorm and started for home.

Zee and Saint started meeting on a regular basis. Having lunch or going to the theater to see a movie. Sometimes Zee invited Saint to one of his restaurants for dinner. Zee would stop by the Cafe when he knew Saint was working. They had not defined their relationship, but they knew they were in one. They just wanted to enjoy each other's company.

Saint had never been to Zee's home. It was not a problem for Saint until out of the blue Zee invited him over for dinner. The sexual tension between them had not lessened. In fact, it seemed to intensify with every meeting. Saint wondered if Zee was ready to go to the next phase in their relationship. He did not want to presume that was the case, but he did not want to go unprepared either. He carefully prepared for the evening. He showered and put on his favorite jeans and red t-shirt. Saint thought that if this was Zee's plan, then he was probably already prepared, he hoped. Saint has had very little time to devote to a relationship or the desire to really. Not because he didn't want a relationship, but he has always been very busy with his studies and school activities and to be honest he had never met anyone he particularly wanted to have one with, until now. Saint remembers Tommy sharing some details one night when they got a little drunk about the physical side of being with a man. He told Saint about him and Jimmy. He was very happy for his friends but it totally shocked Saint simply because he lived with them and had no idea.

Zee arrived to pick Saint up at 6:00pm. Saint got in the car and Zee immediately hugged him. "I missed you" he said with his deep voice. Saint snuggled into him and whispered, "I missed you more". Zee smiled widely and said, "Let's go eat".

The drive to Zee's house took about 20 minutes. Zee turned on the radio and they held hands the entire way. Saint thought it was perfect. When they arrived at Zee's place, he was pleasantly surprised. It was not a large home but quaint in size. A lovely backyard where Zee grew his own herbs and vegetables for his restaurants. Three bedrooms and a wraparound front porch. A very modern kitchen with everything a chef could possibly want, of course.

Zee told Saint to go ahead and make himself comfortable and he would start dinner. Saint offered to help but he said no he wanted him to relax. He turned on the television and found something interesting to watch. Zee finished dinner and quietly walked into the living room and found Saint fast asleep. He sat down next to him on the sofa and gently touched his cheek. "Are you ready? Can I show you how I feel?" he whispered.

Saint felt a hand gently shake him. "Saint, dinners ready". He blinked several times and sat up very quickly. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep". Zee smiled and said, "It's ok, not a problem." Zee smiled and helped him up and they went into the dining room. The table looked amazing with various dishes to choose. Saint sat down smiled and said, "This is the first time I actually get to try your cooking". His restaurants had other chefs that did the day to day cooking. Zee was mostly in the planning stages of menus and such. Zee looked at him, "I hope you like it". Saint laughed "Chances are pretty slim that I won't like it. I love pretty much all food."

They talked, laughed and teased each other all through dinner. Saint was so impressed with Zee's cooking. Everything tasted amazing. Zee explained the various methods of cooking and the plating styles for the presentation of the dish to make it the most attractive. It was all very interesting to Saint because he couldn't cook at all. Tommy did most of the cooking at the dorm. Zee could not stop laughing when he told him about all the mishaps he has had when he tried to cook.

When they finished eating and all the leftover food was put away and the dishes were cleared. They went into the living room and sat on the sofa and started watching a movie. Zee wrapped his arm around Saint and started rubbing his shoulder. Saint snuggled closer. Zee picked up Saint's hand and started gently massaging his palm. After a few minutes, He kissed his palm and ran his tongue up to the tips of his fingers. Saint's breath caught. "Zee!" he murmured. Zee turned and placed one hand under his arm and the other on his thigh and lifted Saint's leg over his lap so that he was facing him and whispered "Please".

The look he gave Saint had him catching his breath. Never had he felt so much in a single glance from another person. The need and desire he felt had him instantly reaching for Zee. As Saint parted his lips, Zee ran his fingers through his hair and tugged pulling his face closer and joined their lips.

They kissed passionately for a little while but the need to touch Saint and to feel his bare skin against his grew to the point that Zee was unbuttoning Saints shirt feverishly. Zee stopped to look at him bare chested laying on the sofa. Zee had his legs between his. "You are beautiful' he whispered. Saint blushed and murmured "So are you". Saint sat up and proceeded to help Zee remove his shirt and he placed his hands on his well sculptured chest. Saint leaned forward and kissed his chest running his tongue from his adam's apple down to the top button of his jeans. He gently grabbed the button and started unbuttoning his pants, kissing the area that was revealed with each button. Zee's head fell back, and he moaned.

Music suddenly started playing from Zee's cell phone. "Damn it. Why would Mew be calling this late". Zee knew it was Mew because of the Grateful Dead ring tone. He also knew it must be very important or he would not be calling. He reached over to the coffee table and grabbed his phone saying sorry he needed to take this call. Saint smiled faintly hoping everything was ok. "What's going on, Mew?"

"It's on fire, Zee. The restaurant. I think it started in the back. I am not sure. Me and Marcus were the only ones in the building. We are safe but the building...." His voice trailed off as Zee could hear the fire trucks and people yelling to stay back in the background. Zee yelled on the phone to Mew. "I am on my way. Stay clear and let the fire department handle it." Zee jumped up and put his clothes back to right gave Saint a kiss and said. "I will call you later". Saint nodded and told Zee to please be careful.

Zee ran to his car and slid into the driver's seat. He sped out of the driveway and headed to the restaurant. Thankfully traffic was light. He turned a corner sharply about 3 miles away from the restaurant and nearly sideswiped a parked car. Slow down he thought to himself. He was so concerned for his friends he just couldn't and subconsciously pressed the pedal a little more.

He was about a mile away when a semi-truck swerved into his lane. He tried to turn to the right to avoid the truck, but the tail end of his car hit the truck on the left side. His life did not pass before his eyes, like they say it does. The reality of it is that it happened in an instant. A moment in time that is etched in your memory. Zee's car did a three hundred and sixty degree turn and flipped twice landing on its side in a matter of seconds. He had no idea how long he laid there until he heard sirens. All he could see at this point was the lights of the truck. He felt the blood dripping from his forehead. The seat belt held him in place but was digging in his side from his weight pulling him down. His vision became blurry. His thoughts became random fragments. My friends need me. I am not done. I have so much I want to do. I just found him. Suddenly the darkness came. He could no longer see the lights of the truck. He was blind. Zee blinked but saw nothing but darkness. He fell into unconsciousness.