A Welcomed Sight

It's been several hours since Zee left. Saint tried to call him. No answer. All kinds of thoughts were running through his mind. Should I wait or lock up and go home? Maybe he assumed I would leave right away. I should have left! He could be quite some time dealing with the fire. I hope he and everyone is okay. Suddenly the door opened, and Gulf was standing there holding his chest and panting. "Shit, Saint you scared me. I didn't know anyone was here." He started rummaging through Zee's desk. "What's going on, Gulf, what are you looking for?" Saint asked frantically. "I need Zee's wallet. He forgot it when he left for the restaurant. Ah found it." Saint went over to Gulf and grabbed his arm. "GULF?" he yelled.

Saint stood there in shock as Gulf hurriedly explained what had happened to Zee. The crash. The rollover. They had to cut Zee out of the car with the jaws of life. He was unconscious. Saint wasn't sure what to do. The tears started and he couldn't stop them. Gulf grabbed Saint's hand, ran out the door dragging him to the car "We have to hurry. Mew went with Zee in the ambulance." He stated.

The ride to the hospital took about 10 minutes but it felt like an eternity to Saint. The pain in his chest increased the closer they got. Gulf took the entrance to the emergency room and found a parking spot. They jumped out and rushed in looking for Mew.

They spotted him down a wide hallway sitting by himself and hurried to him. He stood up and said "They took Zee through the double doors about 20 minutes ago. They have taken him to surgery. The police just asked me for some information about the accident. I don't know much." He lowered his head. "They said it appeared the driver of the semi-truck fell asleep at the wheel. The driver is in another part of the ER getting checked out, but the officer said he appears fine." He looked up with tears in his eyes. "I am so scared for Zee. He is my best friend." He sat back down and lowered his head again. Gulf sat down next to him and put his arm around him. "He is going to be just fine, Mew, I just know it."

He leaned his head against Gulf's shoulder and went on to tell them that the police officer also said he would follow up with them again later because he needed to get Zee's information from his driver's license. He left saying he hoped our friend was going to be okay.

Minutes turned into hours and the only sounds in the Emergency Room was an occasional sigh by one of the three men and the humming of voices down the hallway at the check-in area. The overwhelming sterile smell of the hospital permeated the hallway. The hard-back chairs they were sitting on were placed along the wall right next to the double doors that had a sign posted "Hospital Personnel Only" where Zee had been rushed through several hours earlier.

Saint felt like he couldn't breathe, and he was afraid he was going to start crying for the hundredth's time. Why wasn't anyone telling them what was happening? "please please please be alright." He whispered. It had been over three hours since Zee was rushed through those doors. They were told he had been taken to surgery when Zee first got here but no other information had been provided since then.

Mew stood up and said "I am going to call his parents. They need to know, and the doctors won't tell us anything without them." He walked outside to get better reception on his cell phone and called his parents. He told them everything he knew and that he thought Zee was still in surgery now. He could hear Zee's Mom crying in the background. His Father was consoling her and at the same time telling Mew they were on their way.

Mr. and Mrs. Panich arrived a couple hours later. Mrs. Panich hugged each of the men while crying and asking if there were any news. Mr. Panich went straight to the nursing station. "Where is my son, Zee Panich? What is happening?" The nurse tried to calm him down, but he was not having it. Finally, she relented and called the surgery unit to see if there was update on his status. "Mr. Panich...Your son is out of surgery and they are finishing up. The Surgeon will be out shortly to update you on his condition."

After about thirty minutes, the surgeon came out of the double doors. "Are you Mr. Panich's family?" he asked. "Yes" all five said simultaneously. He smiled gently and looked at Zee's parents. "Your son is in stable condition. He sustained multiple lacerations. He has a couple of broken ribs and has dislocated his shoulder. He had some internal injuries that we were able to repair in surgery. My concern is that he suffered a major concussion and he has not responded to stimulus." He concluded.

Everyone stared at the surgeon for a few seconds and started talking all at once. "What does that mean? When will he wake up? When can we see him? What do we do?" He held up his hands. "After Recovery Mr. Panich will be taken to his room. We will get him comfortable and then you can see him. Only two at a time please. As far as his recovery goes, the next twenty-four hours are critical. The brain is a very complicated organ. I will check on him again later this evening."

Everyone thanked the Surgeon as he went back through the double doors. Saint wasn't sure whether to be relieved or not. Yes, the surgery went well, and his body will heal. But he has not woken up. That really scared him. Mr. Panich looked at everyone and said "I think we should go find a cup of coffee and get you boys something to eat. It has been a very long night and hopefully by the time we are done we can all go and see my son."

They gathered around a table in the cafeteria on the first floor of the hospital. Mew went into a more in-depth explanation of the accident for Zee's parents. After he finished everyone was silent for a few moments when Mrs. Panich looked at Saint and asked "I don't believe we have met, My Dear. Have you known my son for very long?" Saint hesitated for a second and quietly said "Not long. We met a few months ago." She stared at him knowingly for a few seconds and gave him a gentle smile. She turned to her husband and said. "I am so glad our son has such wonderful friends that love him." He nodded in agreement.

At the nurse's station in the ER, they were told Zee's room number and the floor he was assigned. They took the elevator to the fourth floor and checked in at the nurse's station there. As only two could go in at once, Mr. and Mrs. Panich went in first. After about twenty minutes, his parents came out. Mrs. Panich was crying. "He still has not woken up." Mr. Panich put is arm around her and indicated that Mew and Gulf could go ahead in. They visited for a little while, but the feeling of worry and helplessness had Mew crying so Gulf guided him out of the room. When they came out, they motioned for Saint to go ahead and go see him.

Saint entered the room quietly. The room was dark other than a single light over Zee's bed. He was hooked up to several monitors and an IV. Saint walked up to the bed and carefully picked up his hand. The tears gently ran down his face. Zee had cuts and bruises everywhere. His head was wrapped in gauze. He had multiple bandages on various parts of his body. Even with all he had been through he was still beautiful to Saint. A smile played on his face as a single thought went through his mind. A welcomed sight as he stared at the face of the man he loved.