Flying Blind

Saint hesitated for a moment outside of Zee's hospital room. He was juggling a few items he had brought for Zee when he heard a loud bang. When he pushed the door open just enough to glance inside, he saw Zee's tray and the food on the floor at the end of his bed. Saint sighed heavily. He was at a loss on what or how to help him.

Ten days ago, Zee woke up. Disoriented, confused and damn scared. Who could blame him? He couldn't see anything. Total blindness. All his other injuries were healing nicely but his sight had not returned. The doctors ran test after test to no avail. They finally told Zee and his family that they could not find a cause for his condition. They said he may regain his sight over time, or he may never get it back. They suggested that the trauma of the accident could have psychologically affected him and manifested through the loss of his sight and that Zee should consider seeing a psychiatrist, but he refused.

Today was Saint's day to spend with him. Everyone was doing their part in trying to help Zee acclimate to this new reality, but he was not doing well. He gently pushed the door the rest of the way open and entered. "Good morning. How's things going today? Saint asked cheerfully. Zee mumbled and turned his back away from the sound of Saint's voice. "My goodness, what happened? Let me get this cleaned up and see if I can get another tray for you." Zee responded adamantly "Leave it. I'm not hungry. I don't want anything or anyone. Why can't everyone just leave me alone"

Saint laid the things he brought on the chair and went over and sat on the edge of the bed. He placed his hand on Zee's shoulder. "Please let me stay." He begged. "All I want is to be with you." He could tell by the way his shoulder's tensed that he heard him, but he did not respond. Saint leaned back and pushed himself up on the bed and lifted his legs and gently flipped over facing Zee's back and laid down and wrapped his arm around him and snuggled. Zee pulled away a little, but Saint followed him. Zee let out a sigh of resignation and after a few minutes Saint heard gentle snoring. He smiled and thought this is progress. I have won this battle.

Saint must have fallen asleep for when he opened his eyes Zee's Mother was gazing at them from the other side of the bed. She smiled and said quietly as to not to disturb her son. "I think you are going to be my son's savor, Saint. I know this is hard for everyone especially Zee, but it seems you are the only one that can reach him. He is not responding to me or his Father. He is not talking to us and we are hovering around him trying to encourage him, but nothing is working." She looked down at Zee then glanced back over to Saint. "You love him? She asked.

"Yes, from the moment we met." Saint whispered to her as he carefully sat up and got up from the bed. Mrs. Panich came around and placed her arm around his shoulders. "He told me about you a few months ago. It must have been about the time when you met. He was so happy on the phone. Bragging that he finally met The One. That is what he always called his soulmate." She laughed and hugged him. "Please don't give up on him. I know he loves you. You may need to love him enough for the both of you for a while." She said and kissed him on the cheek.

Saint left the hospital leaving Zee in the care of his Mother and went home. Jimmy and Tommy were watching tv when he arrived. "Anything left from Dinner?" he asked. "Yea some fried rice in the frig. How is he doing today?" Tommy asked. Saint gave them a rundown of today's events. "Threw the tray again huh. That man is stubborn. He needs to eat." Jimmy shook his head. Saint went on to tell them about the call he received from Mew today. The fire department had determined that the fire had been caused by a faulty wire back near the walk-in freezer. The insurance company had come and inspected the damage. Mew was going to start getting some estimates for the repairs. He said it would probably take four to six weeks to complete them. He said he tried to talk to Zee about it, but he told him to do whatever he wanted.

The next day, the doctor informed Zee and his parents that he could go home in the next few days. Mr. and Mrs. Panich suggested to Zee to hire someone to stay with him to help with the cleaning, cooking and general assistance that he will need on a day to day basis, but he refused and said he did not want a stranger in his house. Mrs. Panich left the room and called Saint.

He arrived at the hospital and went up to Zee's room. He knocked and entered the room. Zee's Father was standing looking out of the window and his Mother was sitting in the chair next to the bed. Zee was sitting there with his arms crossed and an obstinate look on his face. Saint stared from one to the other. This is not good he thought shaking his head. He looked at Mr. and Mrs. Panich for a moment and asked, "Can you give me a minute with Zee, please?"

As his parents left the room, Saint walked over and sat on the edge of the bed next to Zee. "What's the problem? He asked. Zee huffed and turned his face away. "You don't want someone living with you? You are not a child, I know. but just for a little while until you adjust to being home." Zee turned toward the sound of his voice "NO, I don't want anyone" he said and turned away again.

Saint was silent for a few minutes. He reached down and picked up his hand. He asked him gently "No one?" he lifted Zee's hand and kissed his palm. Zee felt his breathe on his hand and closed his eyes. All he wanted was to gaze upon the face of the man he loves. That was all. No grand gestures just to see his face again. He felt the tears start and turned his head away. Saint reached up and cupped his face forcing him to turn toward him again and grabbed his other hand and brought it up to his face. "Close your eyes and see me." He whispered. Saint guided Zee's fingers as he ran them from his forehead down to his chin. When he reached his lips, Saint smiled, and Zee felt that smile all the way to his heart.

Saint released Zee's hands and got up. "Ok, this is my proposal." Saint stated firmly. I will move in with you. When I must leave for school or work you will let your parents hire someone to be there when I can't, Deal?" He saw the hesitation on Zee's face. "What's the problem? You don't like me?" Zee blushed and said, "It's not that, are you sure?" Saint teased him, "Yes I am. Why are you asking? Ah there is someone else you love more?" Now Zee was beyond blushing, he turned his head away and mumbled "No".

Saint informed Zee's parent about the decision. Mrs. Panich beamed. "That sounds perfect, Saint. I will call the agency and setup a helper to come whenever you have to be away." Zee was still huffing and puffing but Saint detected a very faint smile on his lips. All the preparations were made for Zee to go home. Saint packed and went over to his house to make sure everything was ready for him. He unpacked his belongings in the spare room and then went to the grocery store to pick up some food. That was a little concerning for Saint. Zee was the chef. How the hell are they going to eat. The situation called for a little finesse, he thought.

Saint went back to the house to drop off the groceries when he received a call from Zee's Mom. "The doctor has released Zee and he is ready to go home." She said. He said "Ok, I will be there in a little while." They said their goodbyes and Saint left for the hospital.

Saint thought about everything that had been happening in the last month. He was feeling overwhelmed and just a little bit scared. He was facing exams in the next two week and he was asked to play at The Jazz Place for the next three Friday nights which he had accepted several months back. At least the café let him reduce his hours because of his exams. He sighed and closed his eyes. He knew nothing was more important than Zee to him, but he had a feeling he was flying blind and was about to crash.