The Awaited Homecoming

Kessiana's pov

The rest of the week goes by fast, I had another session with my therapist and it was all same with her looking at me through her circle lens glasses, holding a book and pen and asking questions to get me to say something new.

I check the time and realise I have two hours left before Aaron picks me up for homecoming.

I get up from my bed and go into the washroom to take a warm bubble bath. After the bath I come out of the washroom, dry my hair and brush it.

I walk towards my wardrobe to get my dress. I put on the dress, walk up to my dressing table and wear a slight make-up.

I curl my hair and put silver flower clips on it. I wear a silver locket with a diamond chain and a pearl butterfly resting on the pendant and put on a diamond stud earring.

I also put on a silver charm braclet and diamond hand bangles in my right and left hand.

Yeah I can say I look good I take out my phone take a picture and send it to Amelia.

I check the time I have 15 minutes left.

I go downstairs to eat a quick dinner. I take a glass of orange juice and a plate of pasta.

I switch on the television and tune in to televista.I receive a message from Ami telling me she loves the way the jumpsuit looks on me, she also sends a picture of her. She looks really pretty.

I take my dish to the kitchen, empty the leftover in the bin and put the dish in the dishwasher. I go into my room,wear a silver square heeled shoe and grab a silver clutch with white and silver pearls.

I take a look in the mirror and I think I look perfect for the homecoming if I say so myself.

The doorbell goes off and I go downstairs to check who is at the door.

I think Aaron has arrived. I grab my keys and open the door. I see Aaron in a white shirt, black leather jacket, black jeans and black converse. Typical bad boy I roll my eyes mentally.

Aaron stares at me taking a closer look at me. I felt uncomfortable under his stare... think of something to break the lingering silence.

"Hi Aaron". "Hi kess. Shall we"He said taking my hands and gesturing me to his car. I shut the door and follow him with my hand still in his.

He opens the door to the passenger seat and waited for me to sit before shutting the door and move towards the driver's seat.

He sits down, put the key in the ignition and started the car.

"Aaron just so you know I'm not falling for this gentleman act of yours"I said putting on the seat belt.

"It's not an act kess, I'm a real gentleman" he smirks

"You wish" I scoffed

"Kess I'm sorry things had to be this way I shouldn't have agreed to Michelle's plan but I had no choice and I don't regret asking you to homecoming"he says looking at me before looking back at the road.

"It's fine Aaron" I said with the wave of a hand.

Wow the badboy just apologized maybe he isn't all that bad.

The rest of the ride was silent but it was a comfortable silence. We finally arrived at school, he parked the car in the parking lot, got out of the car and walked around the car to open the door for me. I smiled at him, he gave me his hand and helped me out of the car.

He gave my hand a quick squeeze and looked into my eyes smiling. He looked hot and creepy when he smiles.

"You look stunning Kess."He whispered into my ear, his hot breath reaching my ear as we walked towards the main buildiing.

"You too Aaron"

"You think I look good?"He said a smirk already forming.

"I am trying to be nice here Aaron. You look good. Everyone can see it"

"I know I look good. That's why they keep staring"He says winking at me.

"Perhaps there is a spider in your hair and that's why they are looking" I say with sacarsm laced tone.

"Ohhh and I hope it adds to my beauty"

"You are so silly" I say with a little smile.

"You look more beautiful when you smile" he said with a glow in his eyes.

"I know I look beautiful. That's why they cant stop staring" I said smiling.

"Or maybe that's why I can't stop staring"

"Are you trying to flirt with me?"

"I have always tried but you have this stone caged heart."

"You can call that resisting."

"I know you can't resist my charm forever" he says while giving me this girlish smirk.

"I'd rather fall into a pit"

He places his hand in his chest and fakes being hurt.

His reaction makes me let out a little laugh while shaking my head.

"Eehm, kess I guess this is where I go meet Michelle to see if i can pry some info about her plans" he says looking towards the opposite direction.

I trace where he is looking at and I see Michelle in a red v-neck dress that hugs her curves showing too much cleavage and leaving nothing to the imagination hand in hand with James one of the football players.

She looks anything far from hot with her overly caked make-up that makes her look like a slotty barbie doll.

"Yeah you should do that, feed me the news when you are done. I will be with Ami" I said walking into the gym room now decorated with lights and paper cardboard with Homecoming written on them

My eyes skimming the room for a blonde head with blue dress that compliments her ocean eyes.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Aaron's pov

I look at Kess as she walks away. She looks so beautiful in her dress. She's really nice to talk to. I will do anything to make sure that she doesn't get slimmed today.

I look at Michelle and her minions. That dress sure brings out her slotty nature. I still haven't found out her exact plan.

I walk over to Michelle and her minions. Seems like I haven't been noticed yet.

"Hey handsome"a very annoying high pitched voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Michelle" I said forcing a smile.

"You look breathtaking like always" she said battling her lashes. uurrggh I feel like puking.

"I would have loved to be your date but I have to give it up for my revenge. I know you can't stand being with her and you're doing this for me. Such a darling"

Will you shut the fuck up already!!!!.

"Anything for you, so what are your plans"

"Well, I am going to slime Kess and upload the picture all over the net."

I know about that bitch. Tell me something I don't know.

"So, what do you need me to do?"

"Well you just have to be around her like a normal date I'm going to get you and Kess voted as the homecoming queen and king. All you have to do is to take her to the stage and makes sure she's stays on your right".

"Is that all?"

"That's all I need you to do See ya handsome" she said walking away to meet James.

She actually had this really planned. Now I have to find kess and Ami.

Maybe I should just text her.


Kessiana's pov*

Where the hell is Ami. I have been searching for her for some minutes now and she's still no where to be found.

My phone vibrates and makes a whistle sound signalling I have a message. I check to see who it's from. It's from an unknown number.


Hey kess, it's me Aaron. Found out Michelle is planing to get us voted for homecoming king and queen and you will be slimmed on stage. We have to get her voted instead. Text me your location so that we can decide on how to do that.

It's from Aaron, I don't remember giving him my number though.

I text him my location and turn around to see a familiar blonde head in a turquoise blue dress.