Hell no Badboy

Kessiana's Pov

I turn around and see a familiar blonde head in a turquoise blue dress.

"Aa-.." I start but Amelia doesn't let me finish.

"Shhhh... shhhh yeahh I know I'm late but is it not worth it"she said gesturing to herself and twirling.

"It sure is" I said smiling. She looks really pretty, the dress making her eyes pop and with her light makeup.

"Aaron just texted me. We finally know what Michelle plans to do." I take out my phone and show her Aaron's text.

"I was expecting worse but yeah this will do" Amelia said laughing and I'm guessing she's Imagining Michelle drenched with slime.

"I can't wait babe" Amelia says as Troy walks towards us placing his hand at the small of her back. She turns to see who it is and a smile forms on her face when she sees its Troy.

"Hi Kess" he smiles "You look nice"

"Thanks Troy, you don't look bad yourself" I answer back with a smile.

My face is beginning to hurt with all the smiling.

"Babe He doesn't look bad at all, he looks hot" Ami cuts in. Troy gives her a flirty smile and gestures for her to come dance with him.

"See you later babe" Amelia says taking his hand and walking to dance.

"Have fun" I answer taking out my phone checking to see if I have any other new messages.

I have two new messages one from my mum and the other from the network service. I never check those messages.


How are you doing dear? Sorry I couldn't see you off for homecoming there was an emergency, I'm coming in late tonight. Have fun.

I quickly send a text back and start to look around for Aaron. Why is he taking long to reach here.

Just then I see Aaron walking through people dancing and towards me. I put my phone back into my purse and take a sip from my drink which I got while I was talking with Amelia.

He finally gets to where I am his strong cologne reaching my nose as I secretly sniff it in. He smells nice.

"We have to get Miss Megan away from the voting box or get her distracted for a while, so we can add more votes with Michelle's name into the box".

"But we don't know how many Michelle has put into the vote box" I said frowning.

"Yeah so we'll just have to add a lot.

Nothing is too much, you have to start getting the votes ready and I'll deal with Miss Megan".

"Okay, lets get to work" I said as we walked to an empty corner of the hall and voted Michelle on a lot of papers. I really hope this is enough.

Aaron also helps with the votes and once we're done we put them in a polythene bag we saw nearby and walk back towards Miss Megan and the vote box.

I call Amelia so she can help with putting the votes in the box. She gets to where we are, and we wait letting Aaron start with distracting Miss Megan.

After few minutes, Miss Megan is already engaged in a conversation with Aaron. She was no longer standing directly beside the box. She was now backing the box and smiling at something he said. How he did that I'll never know.

"That is our cue" I said to Amelia. She nods as we walk to the box and start putting in the votes as fast as we can. No one notices us doing this cause everyone is carried away with one thing or the other. At a point, Miss Megan turns startling me and Amelia but Aaron quickly got her attention back. When we finish, I nod to Aaron to tell him we're done and we leave the Area and to the drink stand.

"That was fun" Ami says grinning.

Few seconds later Aaron walks towards us and a smirk forming on his face. "Not even Miss Megan can resist my charms".

"She's just trying not to hurt the little boy's feelings" I said rolling my eyes.

"You guys have fun I'm going to meet Troy" Amelia says and walks away.

Finally we're done. Now we have to wait I really hope it was enough. I feel like the most part of a weight has been lifted off my chest.

"Do you care to dance?" Aaron asks stretching his hand forward.

I finally got to do what I wanted to do. I might as well enjoy the party. So I stretch my hand to reach his hand. I'm not a really good dancer but a few steps on the toes wouldn't hurt right.

"Sure, lets dance".

Aaron grabbed my hands and we started making our way to the center of the dance floor.

We brushed past hormonal teenagers who are sucking their faces off eachother.

I glanced to my right to see Michelle giving me a wicked grin. I returned her's with an evil smirk and snapped my neck to Aaron when I felt his hands sneakingly taking hold of my waist.

I feel his warm breath on my cheek when he whispered into my ear. I couldn't really grab all of the message because of the blaring music and screams from hyper-teenage girls in their cleavage revealing dresses but I picked the last sentence "Don't give her any attention." I nod my head slowly and tilted my head upward to give him a smile which he returned.

We successfully reached the center of the dancing floor where I see a lot of couples grinding against each other to the flow of the music.

I look up to see Aaron smirking at me.

"We aren't doing that" I say looking at the disgusting looking grinding teenagers.

"What other way are we conforming to the beat and rhythm of the glorious music sunshine" he smirks.

"Hell no bad boy" I said shaking my head and folding my hands on my chest.

"You look like my mom telling me to get my hand off the cookie jar"

"We still are not doing that. How do they get to that with teachers around. This is a freaking school party. They are meant to already get fucked up with detention stuck up their ass."

"The teachers have their faces stuck up in the voting box determining who homecoming king and queen will be. Why don't you enjoy the violation why it last. Besides, I'd love to do that sunshine" he says giving me a flirtatious smile.

"If you really want to do that, find another person to do that disgusting stuff!!! I ain't gonna grind over you to get your manly hormone feel pleased."

"Why can't we? " he says giving me a childish smirk.

"If you won't agree to my condition, I'm leaving"

"It's only gonna be once" he says still giving me the childish smirk.

He really looks like a kid who is getting deprived of being sugar high.

"Fine!! Be my guest" I say taking my leave. Just then the music changes from the fast rhythmic beat to perfect by Ed sheeran.

He grabs my hand before I storm away and spins me around making me do a princess twirl.

I instinctively place my hands on his shoulder and my head on his chest.

I can feel his heart beat and still enjoy a nice swig of his manly cologne.

He cups his hand around my waist and closes the centimeter distance between us.

He rests his chin on my head and starts a slow waltz. I never knew he could waltz. I flick my eyes around feeling the attention on us and I shudder.

I feel his warm breathe on the crook of my neck as he breathes calmly like a newly born child." stay calm the glares won't sting besides I'm here" I nod and relax slightly in his hold still feeling the piercing glares on me.

"This feels better right?" He asks against the crook of my neck.

"Yeah" I say nodding.

This feels totally better than grinding.

"Eehm, Kess I'll like a drink. Do you want one?" He says loosing his hold on my waist, the song coming to an end.

"Yeah!! Sure!! Orange booze will do"

"Okay, I'll be right back. Don't go missing princess"

"Okay" I say as giving him a smile which he returns and walks away.

I really need to find Amelia. I take out my phone and send her a text. I hope she's not too carried away to check it.