He was gone before I uttered another word. All the lights suddenly came back and they almost blinded me. It means they were purposely shut down for his arrival down here. Before I adjusted my sight there was a Laric standing in front of me. I couldn't see his face but by the smell I knew he was higher ranking than those I used to encounter before.
"We have two weeks to prepare you for the encounter with foreign packs. That is not much time so refrain yourself from sarcastic jokes and inappropriate comments. I suppose that shouldn't be a problem, since your life depends on it."
This was all moving way too fast. Nothing interesting was happening in my life for the past 18 years and now in the last 24 hours happened enough for the life time. Suddenly, I missed the boredom to which I have adopted.
"Who is coming and as I understood I should hide my mate bond with your master?"
My voice sounded different. It was weaker and easier to read. The effect of the encounter with Jaroslav was still legging on me. I couldn't recover from him. It is funny. He is my father and I can't make myself call him that. He is master to me as much as he is master to his pack members.
"Is it forbidden because we are related?"
I asked and weakly smiled. I made it sound as If we were some distant relatives and not father and daughter- bounded by flesh and blood. It sounded less disgusting with made up distance between us.
"It is forbidden because he is the Original Werewolf. He is not allowed to have mate for the power balance to not be disturbed. We kill our mates as soon as they are born."
In other words having a mate would give him too much power. I could understand why this taught scared other packs but why would Original Werewolf agree to it? He is willingly giving away the power he could possess.
"Is Original Werewolf okay with this?"
"He was the one to propose that rule to begin with. He despise the thought of anyone in his pack having a mate including himself."
"Why am I still alive then?"
He was silent for a moment. "He doesn't despise the idea of a daughter as well."
Is this the closest I could get to him and hope for. Not being someone he despises?
"Wouldn't it be easier to just reject me and break the mate bond?"
"Original Werewolf and Larics don't have the luxury of rejecting their mates like other werewolves do. Rejection doesn't exist in our world or your father would use it the day you were born. That is why we kill our mates to break the bond."
"How can your master control himself so well around me. If, I didn't felt what I felt, I would have never suspected a bond between us." That was the question I was most eager to find an answer too.
"I don't know Sarai. I am not his friend. He does not confide in me."
"How are you planning to train me to hide my attachment?" I asked.
"There is no training for that. The only thing we can do is make you extremely weak."
"Make me what?" I didn't like the sound of that.
"I am ordered to starve, exhaust and beat you in the period of next two weeks. To the point that your body can no longer react to the mate bond. Or anything else, for that matter."
"This is crazy. It could never work out." This is fucked up. Torturing me as the only solution to save my life. Should I be grateful or mad.
"Master doesn't want to risk any chances when it comes to you. We start now. I am ordered to take you to the operating room." He said with coldness that made me stunned.
"Take me where?"
"To the surgery. There has to be procedure done."
"What procedure?"
"I am not allowed to tell you. Follow me or I will take you by force."
"Are you fucking kidding with me? Tell me what the hell is he planning to do to me?"
"Miss, please..."
"Tell me!"
"Genital mutilation to reduce your hormone levels."