"No", was all I managed to say before he roughly grabbed me by my delicate arms. I bit his fingers so hard that the blood came out of the flash but he made no sound even though I knew it hurt badly.
I was beyond terrified. They want to deform me. Permanently damage me. Take from me the essence of what makes me a human. Genital mutilation is the worst thing you can do to any human being and my own father subjected me to that disgusting procedure. Could I ever feel pleasure after that? Could I ever function normally or recover from that?
He grabbed me by the neck and pushed my head down towards the ground. I tried pushing him away with my hands but with his other free arm he blocked my attempts. He dragged me through endless hallways with me resisting the whole time. At one point I managed to kick him with my left foot but it didn't took him by surprise. Instead he secured his grip even tighter around my neck.
We arrived at the room which I assumed was the surgical room. There was already a women waiting us there, covered with a mask and surgical clothes. I could smell she wasn't one of the Larics. No, she wasn't even the werewolf. This one was a human. My father actually hired a human doctor to perform a procedure on me. Before I was aware, I was pushed on some kind of metal desk and tied up with iron handcuffs.
I wanted to scream but it was then when I sensed the same smell from before- when Original werewolf visited me in the cell. It was him. The Original werewolf himself. I looked around and spotted him sitting on the other side of the room, silently observing. His face was deformed with deep scars and burns. His black eyes were carefully watching, completely devoid of empathy. Around the nose area he had some kind of gas mask that I assume helped him breathe instead of the nose. He looked as a monster. Someone incapable of understanding the human language. His muscular body was deformed nothing less than his face was. He was killing machine. This kind of person is not afraid of anything. He feels nothing. Desires nothing. One hit from his palm and he would permanently damage my internal organs. Now I realized that.
I must have been beyond terrified not to sense his presence as soon as I stepped in this room.
"Please stop this." I screamed begging for him to hear the desperation in my voice.
He stayed still. But the human doctor didn't- instead she moved closer and confidently took some kind of instrument from the table. This was not happening. This was not happening.
"I would rather die than go through this!" I tried once again but to no avail. My father didn't even twitch.
I wanted to say some more, fight some more but suddenly I felt so tired and sleepy. I looked at my left arm and noticed that there was already needle inside of my vein and purple substance flowing inside of my body. Anesthetic. No. All I remember then was darkness.
I woke up in great pain in my pelvic region. Dizzily I looked around the room and saw the female doctor cleaning the blood dripping from my legs. How much time was I passed out. I looked at the direction where my father was sitting and was surprised to see him still sitting there. What happened to me?
Suddenly I realized what they had done to me and wanted to scream but the anesthetic was still having its effect on me and I couldn't find any strength to cry or even move.
"Cut her hair and deform her face." I distantly heard my father say and as response I let out a small wimp. This nightmare will never end.
Why is he doing all of this? I understood his twisted logic behind genital mutilation but how can ugly appearance help me survive?
As, If he heard my thoughts, he spoke up "No men will take a joy when looking at you."
This is fucked up. So this one is not for my safety or survival but for pure jealousy and possessives.
"How can I live like that?" I said barely forming my words into a whisper but I knew he heard them, since he stood up and walked towards my weak and wounded body.
"You are my daughter. You have the privilege of living comfortable life no matter how disfigured your face is." He said this as, if this realization would bring me some divine comfort.
"Don't do that. You will mark me forever. Everyone that looks at me will feel great repulsion and disgust. It's humiliating." I wanted my words to have a begging tone but instead they came out as a hiss.
I hadn't had time to even fully comprehend and digest what was done to my genital area and I was already trying to spare myself from the next monstrous act he planned to inflict on me.
"I assure you, everyone will show you the usual respect and courtesy you are accustomed to."
Of course they will. No one is stupid enough to insult me and be killed by my psycho father. But it doesn't change how they would think of me. No one can control their thoughts, not even my father- can he?
"But I will be ugly!" I almost screamed out.
He smiled. "Exactly. This way the mating bond will never be questioned or put in doubt." He casually crossed his arms "Who could love such an ugly being? Only a father."