I don't know how much time has passed. It could be days. It could be weeks for all I cared. I still had bondages all over my face not daring to take them off and look at myself. What would I see? A shadow of a beauty I used to have. They also starved me. And they starved me good. As for my father, If I can even call him that, I hadn't seen him ever since. The only good thing that happened is that promised beating never came. I guess my father considered me too weak to handle it.
What I hated the most is that I didn't hate him after all of this. Not really. I was only really tired and wanted an escape from this life. In a way I understood him. Not ending my life is his way of caring. Is this enough for me though? Could I ever be satisfied with the scraps he is feeding me off? What should be considered basic human rights as living, breathing and existing, is in his world considered as privilege- almost love.
Shortly after the surgery on my genitalia and face, I was brought back to my room and locked once again. Days passed and my body felt like it was slowly shutting down and there was nothing I could do to keep me alive.
From my thoughts one firm voice brought me back, "Today is the day" I heard it say. He opened the door for me and lead the way to the main hallway.
"What day?" I asked him barely raising my voice.
"Master and all of the alphas are already in the meeting room. They are only waiting for you." He spoke with firm and intimidated voice. I only realized then, that I have never met this particular Laric before, not once. Not that it matter anyways.
We walked for what felt like forever. Passing thought endless hallways that all looked the same as the one before and the one to come. When we suddenly stopped before the gigantic black doors.
He looked at me and raised his voice in a commanding matter: "Whatever you do- don't let them know."