Chapter 19: 2nd Host, Carla Robinson

Sorry about the delay and the short chapter. My computer was having issues so had to write and edit this on my phone. But this story is still going strong. Wish everyone some happy holidays.


Seth walked away from the bookshelf and was left with his thoughts. He had watched all of Carla's life, from birth until the accident/attack. He knew the girl well. And in all honesty, he could only say this about her:

'She has potential!' he thought excitedly.

Growing up without a father, the girl could only be under the care of her mother. But since her mother was a powerful Alpha, she was constantly busy. Not only with work but also ensuring that her enemies did not go after her daughter.

Due to fearing her enemies attacking Clara, Ikarus kept her daughter at home for most of her life. his meant that she could not go to a normal school and had to be tutored by some trusted instructors or learn online. And they were the ones to discover it.

Carla was a genius. Even though she had been homeschooled most of her life, Seth knew that she was more intelligent than other children her age just from viewing her thoughts as she grew up. She was tested at the age of 9 and her IQ was recorded at 150 which solidified his thoughts on her.

Her memory was almost photographic so if she saw something before, she could almost perfectly recall it with just a thought. Although this was a double edge sword in the world of Alphas who could read people's minds, it was still a powerful gift.

Not only was she smart but she was also very creative and wise as well. Even though she was no inventor, the girl was excellent at video games and was ranked in the top 10 in 7 different games at the moment.

She was able to overcome other opponents not just by outsmarting them and using her characters and units the most efficiently but also the most uniquely. Whenever someone tried to copy her style or strategies, they would end up failing without even knowing why.

Being the daughter of a powerful Alpha who had made a large number of enemies, the girl was also trained in several martial arts as well as the use of knives, handguns, and bows.

Even without abilities and just using her intelligence and training, she had joined her mother and her team, The Amazons, on missions before and subdued grown men who were military trained and armed to the teeth before. She was even integral in hunting down a few drug lords who were pushing a new dangerous drug onto the streets.

But even with all this knowledge and skills as well as helping her mother solve crimes and see what criminals are truly capable of, the girl was still, somehow, pure. She believed in good because that is what she was taught by her mother but the girl did not really seem to care about helping others, well the other people to be more precise. It was more like she felt it was 'noblesse oblige'.

She felt that she was superior to others so she helped the ones beneath her since it was her duty but not out of care for the people themselves. To put her under an alignment, she would be lawful good.

The girl would follow the rules of her personal code that she had been raised with by her mother but did not care too much for moral or societal laws/rules that fell outside of them.

'Although this girl would have made a good pawn if she was a bit more independent, she still has her uses. She can bring me to the academy filled with potential Alphas which will let me unlock my weapons' other abilities.

But I'm pretty sure that she will live. No need for me to use my [Grand Healing Factor] to keep this girl alive. No one wants the daughter of a powerful Alpha to die. That is textbook supervillain or rogue hero backstory right there.'

And just like Seth had expected, the doctors were giving it their all and had invited the more powerful healing Alphas at the academy to ensure that the girl survived. Within 2 hours, she was fully recovered and only needed to awaken.

The next day, Carla woke up in her infirmary bed with a new light in her eyes. She looked around and noticed that her mother was no longer there but Carla did not feel disappointed in the slightest. It was not the first time her mother had been busy with work and needed to leave her be.

Carla flung the blankets that covered her body before she carefully swung her legs over the side of the bed and placed them on the ground. She took a deep breath to calm herself and to focus before she put more strength into her legs and tried to stand but she did not expect it to be so easy.

She stood as good as she would if she was not injured. She took the chance to observe her body and confirmed that it was a fit as it could be.

'Hmm. Even that bruise that Panther gave me when we were training the other day has healed. Gotta love support Alphas!'

Carla looked at the nightstand near her bed and saw that a note was there with her name on it. She picked it up and read the note swiftly before throwing it to the ground and walking out of the infirmary room, hoping to find a teacher or faculty member that could take her to the orientation.