Chapter 20, End of Book 1: Future Vision

--- 50 years into the future ---

Apex sat in his throne made out of weapons that he had been collecting over the past 50 years and looked at his most loyal subordinates and disciples. Standing on either side of him were his clones who only his disciples knew of their true identities.

Everyone else thought of them as powerful Alphas who allied themselves with Apex. They were great for finding out potential traitors who wished to hug a big thigh and take over the Cabal.

The replication ability certainly did recreate perfect 'physical' copies of Apex but they did not have the same mentality as him. Each took on his whole personality but had certain aspects increased to a higher degree.

They were only able to be controlled by Apex due to him being the main body but they still hand minds of their own. As long as Apex did not give them commands, they would do as they pleased. Their loyalty was still with Apex but their actions would not always be the ones that he wanted them to do or in the way he wanted them to accomplish their goals.

On his right stood, Jack, or as the members knew him as Jester. Even with his playful name, few would work with him. Jack was the most dangerous and unpredictable of the trio.

He had battled against the Cabal almost as much as he worked with them. Even with Apex/Seth keeping him under watch, it was hard to control Jack without giving him specific commands. He was comparable to a devil or demon when dealing with him.

On Apex's right stood Silver. He never took on a different name or tried to be anything besides how he truly was, a warrior. Silver took all of Apex's most violent personality traits as well as honorable ones and put them together into one being.

He did not care about power and simply wished to battle strong opponents. This made him more trustworthy than Jack but just as troublesome since he would constantly let enemies escape or show mercy to certain ones he considered worthy enough.

Apex looked at the two clones that he had been working with for the past 50 years and sighed to himself.

'I regret using that ability every day yet I can't help but use it. These two make my life more difficult but also easier at the same time.'

After being disappointed in his two clones once again, Apex turned his attention to the table. There were 7 people standing before him. 3 were his disciples while the other 4 were the men and women who had worked their hardest to earn his trust as well as showed the ability to be there.

All the Alphas who were inside the room were each a division head in charge of the important divisions that kept the Cabal afloat. Each person there had earned their place at the table and would not be there if their abilities did not allow them to.

Jinx: Security Division Head: Division that protects the main base as well as protects any convoys or deliveries and is in charge of rescue operations. Works closely with the battle division.

X: Logistics Division Head: Group that makes business deals with other groups and nations as well as handles the finances.

Mystic: Vassal Division Head: second smallest division consisting of only 25 members. This division is used to control smaller gangs and organizations. They act as leaders of those gangs and invite the members that show promise into the Cabal.

Duke: Battle Division Head: Division in charge of large scale combat against other nations or organizations.

Match: Intelligence Division Head: The division in charge of espionage and sabotage as well as assassinations.

Boom: Medical Division Head: The group in charge of healing and taking care of the injured members.

Dr. Dread: Tech Division Head: Division in charge of building and maintaining the group's technology and inventions.

Apex, Jester, and Silver were not division heads but were the 3 leaders of the Cabal with Apex acting as leader, Silver his second in command, and Jester being the 3rd in command. Even though none was in charge of a specific division, they worked where they were needed (in Jester's case, where he wanted to be at the moment).

Apex had appreciation in his eyes as he looked at each of the Alphas before him. The one who had been with him the least amount of time was with him for at least 10 years. He knew their personalities well and trusted each one of them which he would have never said before.

"Now that we have all gathered for the first time in a long time, I know you all must be anxious. It is rare for all of use to be gathered here at once."

Jinx and the other disciples nodded their heads at Apex while the others just looked at him without saying another word. They knew that the situation must be very serious for all of them to gather in person. At most, 3 would be there in person while the rest sent a representative or did a hologram call.

"What have you gathered us here for, Master?" Jinx asked anxiously. She had been the last disciple her master had taken in and was treated the sweetest out of them all.

Apex looked at her and his eyes had a bit of tenderness before they turned serious once more. He had to focus and tell them what he had feared had finally occurred.

"The of 9 Pantheon tier belonging to the Association, 7 have broken away and joined different groups. Soon, the world and our organization will be embroiled in a war. This will be a war unlike any other. With all the unrest that has been going on, I don't think anyone can escape it."

He paused and looked at the people around the table who had faces that showed shock, desire, and acceptance on them. He knew each one of them well and knew how they would react.

"We have several choices before us. We can work with another organization or alliance of organizations to try our luck, we can stay out of this as long as we can and then strike once the other have tired themselves out and exhausted their forces, or we can leave this world and let all of them deal with these issues on their own.

What do you all think?"


And this is the end of book one. Book two will begin in a few days. A few things:

1. I changed the genre to sci-fi since I realized that long-term, this is more of a sci-fi novel.

2. The characters are long-lived so the story will span hundreds of years.

3. Any questions? Cause I am willing to answer.

4. Thanks for reading and hope you continue to do so.