
"Morning, Sya ..."

"Hi, Sya ..."

"Good morning, Alisya."

"Morning Alisya ..."

Alisya was confused because, during her trip to school, she received many unusual greetings. Those who ride the vehicle will slow down the speed of the vehicle, only to greet Alisya. She was afraid of all the sudden attention. Even when he arrived in front of the gate, all those who had already queued for fingerprints had opened the way to Alisya, then to finger her finger. Her head was quite crowded with all the events that morning.

"Why Sya?" Karin asked after placing her bag next to the table.

"I don't know, everyone is suddenly acting weird". Alisya squeezed her temple. She is not used to getting a lot of attention from other people.

"Don't you know? Yesterday's camping made you very popular!" Karin explained enthusiastically.

"What do you mean?" Alisya doesn't understand.

"You're the first girl in this school to dare to challenge Siska!" Rinto added as soon as he entered the classroom and listened to Alisya and Karin's conversation.

"Many admire you for that!" Yogi added.

"Okay! But I still don't understand the root of the beginning." Alisya leaned back.

"hhhhh ... you're smart but like slow" sighed Karin.

"Siska ... I mean Siska, she is famous as a woman who likes to bully many students and students among ordinary people. She is very demeaning even to the point of destroying the business of their parents if anyone does not follow her orders or dare to oppose her. Not only that of course, but she can also easily ruin a person's life and escape accusations because of the power of his father who is a high-ranking official of the state! Rinto explained at length.

"And you ... You not only dare to fight and oppose her, but you even teach Siska a lesson and always manage to get away from her." Add Yogis.

"That is why you ordinary students, who are still alive and well, can even appear at school, making all students and students from ordinary circles admire you!" Karin giggled.

"Okay, I understand ... But I prefer it if they hate me. That way I won't be approached by them and don't get disgusting things like this" Alisya pulled out a pile of expensive gifts from her desk drawer.

"My pants got dirty with all this rubbish!" Karin's reflex pinched Alisya's thigh in annoyance.

"You should be thankful that finally, you can have lots of friends now!" Karin said exasperatedly.

Alisya, who has always been closed since childhood, made her only have one best friend.

"With all three of you, it's enough!" Alisya's words made Rinto and Yogi's eyes glare at Alisya. Both were surprised not to count. They are very happy like they just got recognition from a lover.

A few moments later, there came some equipment starting from cushioning chairs and tables, air conditioning, freezer containing drinks, Feendingmachine with various types of food, a large enough monitor screen, and 1 bookshelf that was enough for all students in class MIA 2.

"Because you swept all the Camping activities yesterday and got the highest points so your class can win all the competitions and quests given, then you deserve this prize as a learning facility for the next 2 weeks." It was clear when Vernon entered the MIA 2 class.

"Wowwww ... I never thought I could see Brother Vernon up close!"

"He is so handsome ..."

"Oh, ma ... your son-in-law is coming!"

"Vernon ... you are handsome!"

"Vernon ..... I love you"

The class atmosphere that was suddenly excited, attracted the attention of other classes. The women incessantly praised and shouted the name of the handsome student council president from among the elite.

As soon as he finished speaking he went to Alisya's chair and greeted her politely then left. This simple treatment instantly made all the students scream hysterically and also felt jealous. At first, there might be someone who hated her or envied her but now Alisya is their Idol so that it makes them even more amazed at Alisya.

"Yes, thanks to you and Beni we won a lot," said Vivi, her classmate, who was the first to invite Alisya to speak.

"Your offerings get the highest points so we get this present," Eva continued.

"This facility will be very useful for the next 2 weeks, where we will receive additional lessons and study until 10 pm before entering the semester exam." add another.

CENDEKIA INDONESIA High School is a school that is very strict in selecting students and students so that the school curriculum is more or less experienced compared to other schools. Besides, the exam was conducted at the school to see the results of students were in the end there was no system of classroom stay but was expelled from school. Once discharged, you will not be able to enter any school in Indonesia. that is why the next 2 weeks is a hell study for all ordinary students at the school the elites are no exception.

"Let's make a study group too, for Sunday." Invite Karin.

"I am coming along!!!" Yogi raises his thumb vigorously.

"I agree too!" Add Rinto. The three turned to Alisya waiting for an answer.

"I'm up to you guys ..." she said as she waved to them

"That's a sign we should just go to her house!" Karin's smile.

"No! Not my house .." Denied Alisya quickly.

"Yes, what about my house!" Said Karin excitedly.

"Okay!" The three answered in unison.

That day they studied from morning to night and collected some material summaries and completed some additional assignments given to Alisya who had missed some previous subjects.

"Uaaahhhh ... I almost threw up because of the physics and mathematics formulas that danced above my head" Alisya moved to drive something floating in her head.

"Are you alright?" Rinto asked a little worried.

"You don't need to think about her, she just doesn't like studying!" Karin answered while writing.

"You have to try Sya, otherwise you won't be able to answer the exam well because of lack of material" Yogi reminded.

"Alisya will still get very high results if she wants. This woman studied like this, only because of her agreement with my father to study seriously." Karin stopped her activities and directed Alisya's nose to use a pen.

"What agreement?" Look at Rinto and Yogi seriously.

"My father agreed with Alisya's father and Alisya can remain in Indonesia, if she can protect herself and get good grades including being able to go to school here. And not directly the agreement also exists between Alisya and my father who supports her because all of it is Alisya's wish "Karin explained that they were no less serious while Alisya continued her activities.

"I see, there's one thing I'm curious about! Why does Alisya always hide her existence?" Yogi asked by lowering his voice because there were still some students who had not returned.

"That's because Alisya hates her father and that too to protect herself!" Karin looked at Alisya sympathetically but was ignored by Alisya.

"Who exactly is Alisya's father? I only know of an uncle, who kidnapped me then for trying to harm Alisya." Rinto accidentally discusses things that should not be known by Alisya. Karin's eyes widened in surprise at Rinto's words.

Alisya slammed her hand on the table then glared at Rinto.

Seeing Alisya's grim stab into the bones of Rinto made Yogi and Karin tremble a little. Alisya's eyes were full of anger and deep hatred as if she was ready to kill anyone who approached.

"Does this mean that you know that I went to school here?" Alisya's question is like a sword that is ready to cut anyone without any answer choices that can be issued by them.

"Sya, Rinto hasn't experienced any problems. And he's fine until now." Karin reminded Alisya in a trembling voice.

"Yeah yeah, Sya ... They did kidnap and beat Rinto, but he was fine." Karin suddenly threw a book at Yogi to stop the sentence but it was too late and Alisya had heard everything.

Alisya stood up leaving all of them after kicking the chair hard to make some students who were still in the room were just as scared as the tense faces of Karin, Rinto, and Yogi.

Alisya's face turned dark as she passed the school corridor and out to the school parking lot. Karin and the others tried to catch up to stop Alisya but because of their fear, their legs went limp for a while so they were late because Alisya had been speeding on a Yogi motorbike.