
"You two why are you so stupid, didn't I already remind you to hide the incident from Alisya?" Karin kicked Rinto's feet and Yogi was angry.

"Sorry, I forgot and accidentally said it!" Rinto grimaced in pain.

"Whose motor is it using?" Karin couldn't see the number of the motor used by Alisya because she had gone far.

"That jacket! That's mine!" Yogi checked the key in his pocket that was no longer available.

"How did he take it?" Yogi remembered very well that it was not so easy to take the motorcycle key in the side pocket of his pants.

"Looks like she took it while you were still surprised because Alisya slammed her chair!" Karin turned back into the school.

"Alisya, where is she going?" Rinto stammered.

"Of course, teach someone!" Karin held her head in pain.

Rinto took his cellphone and made a call, but was stopped immediately by Karin.

"Are you looking for death? They will kill you if they find out that Alisya, has found out their plan! And now you are telling Alisya about their position, even though I am sure that most likely Alisya should not know their position." Karin sat limp.

"What do you mean, with Alisya can find out their position ??" Rinto asked half panicked.

"This morning do you remember Alisya saying that just three of you were enough to be her friends?" Rinto and Yogi looked at each other and nodded slowly.

"That means the two of you have entered the list of people she must protect." Karin stood up as she continued.

"I still don't get it!" Yogi scratched his head that was not itchy.

"The tool given by Adith has very high technology so Alisya easily develops it and hacks it. That way she puts tracers and eavesdroppers into the cellphones of the three of us!" Rinto widened at Karin's explanation.

"Is Alisya such a genius? Why has she been using the tools your father gave all this time?" Yogi felt Rinto's questioning voice trembling between fear and awe and Alisya.

"This is all because of Adith! I am also still investigating the relationship between the two, but Adith has awakened the deepest side of Alisya! Besides, Adith's genius has influenced Alisya. Alisya will greatly develop following the people who are nearby! possessed by Alisya is too dangerous "Karin sighed heavily remembering everything.

"And because this genius Adith finally influenced the mindset and aroused Alisya's true identity?" Rinto shuddered at the events of that night.

"Right!" The three of them have returned to the class that is now empty.

"What will Alisya do now?" Yogi asked as soon as they finished packing the items.

"I, I don't know either," Karin stammered thinking of all the possibilities that could occur.


Adith who was on his way home from the airport because of a business trip drove his car to school to just see Alisya. Adith began to feel a deep longing every time he did not see Alisya.

Shortly before entering the school area, Adith saw a man riding a motorcycle speeding past his car. Adith felt that she had seen those angry eyes. He then recalled the shooting incident where the man also appeared right in front of him with the same gaze.

"Mr. Ali ..." Adith immediately turned the car around following the motorbike's departure.

Adith painstakingly chased the motorcyclist and almost lost it. The motorbike seemed to stop at one of the floor buildings that was quite foreign to him.

He waited in the car for a long time, paying attention to the motorbike who seemed to have not yet left the building. Because he waited long enough, Adith finally got out of his car to make sure about the owner of the motorbike.

Shortly after he got out, the motorcyclist had also left the building with a few blisters that looked like he had just fought. Adith immediately greeted the owner of the motorbike.

"Sorry ... I'm Adith!" He thrust his hand at the motorbike who was silent seeing Adith. That person still used the ninja's helmet, so it was difficult for him to see the face of the impeller.

"Sorry ... I just wanted to ask!" Adith had not finished his sentence, the motorcyclist had pulled him up on his motorcycle.

"Mr. Ali ..." Some people immediately chased after the motorbike with a slight limp.

Adith, who was confused, just resigned to following the person he now knew was Mr. Ali, who was racing his motorcycle. Adith held on and without realizing he was in front of his house.

"How do you know this is my house?" Adith asked with a face full of confusion.

The motorbike did not answer it and just turned the motor around.

"Hey, at least say your name!" Adith shouted even though the driver was still speeding. Adith was able to guess who the motorbike was because he had heard his name before, but he deliberately wanted to hear that person's voice.

"Adith ... Who is he and where is your car?" Adith's mother came up to Adith because she heard a motorcycle that she didn't recognize.

"Finally I found Ali. Ali saved me first!" Adith stuttered to hug his mother.

"Ali? Are you serious Dith?" Mrs. Adith confirms the words of her child.

"Yeah ... Remind ten years ago when I was kidnapped and got away? But then it was stopped by the kidnappers' dogs who barked in the dead-end alley where I was hiding and then there was a little boy who saved me!" Adith tells with a trembling body.

"I finally met him, after 10 years I kept looking everywhere. I had forgotten about it, but when I heard that name I remembered again. I want to find it again!" Adith said with tears.

"Are you sure he is that child? The child 10 years ago who saved you?" Adith's mother confirmed the words of Adith that her mother felt were uncertain.

"Yes, I'm sure it must be Ali. I know of the same scent as the scent 10 years ago! That scent I will never forget!" Adith's voice sounded firmly trying to convince his mother who was still confused.

"But Dith, that Ali ..." Adith quickly interrupted her mother's sentence with a polite voice but a deep conviction.

"I will look for him and bring him to Mama again so that you can trust me!" Adith's mother, who was the first to hear Adith calling her mama after all this time since she lost Ali, couldn't say anything more.

"Dith, are you calling me mom again?" her mother asked tearfully.

"Didn't I always call you Mama as always ???" Adith asked confused.

"No, Dith, you always call me Mother! And that sounds like you are distancing me. It's never as thick as that title compared to you calling me Mama" Her mother burst into tears. He was very happy to hear Adith calling her mama because the first time he used the title because Ali was the one who taught it.

Ali said that mama is the noblest calling that can connect between a child and his mother. Although the mother has the same meaning, for the child, the mother is a call for someone else while the mother is for the mother herself. That is the soft thinking of an 8-year-old child but makes the heart of Adith's mother very touched and prefers mommy calls over mothers.

"From now on, not only mom! But I will continue to call mother as mama" Adith hugged her mother tightly.

"Adith .." His mother sobbed in his arms. He missed this child's hug. His heart melts in tears of happiness.

"I'm sorry Ma, sorry I took you so long to hear me call you Mama again" Every call that Adith issued in a soft voice made her mother's tears not stop flowing.

"What's the matter? Are you all right?" Adith's father came out because he heard his wife crying.

Adith wiped her mother's tears and led her into the house followed by her father.

"Your mother why Dith ??" Asked his father still confused.

"It's okay, Dad. Mom is just happy! I went upstairs, I want to contact Uncle Dimas!" Adith then excused herself after kissing her father's hand.

"Ma'am, am I not mistaken? He called me, Dad. That means you are, aren't you? Right, ma'am?" His wife nodded and hugged her husband.

Adith's father also burst into tears that flowed profusely, for both calls it has meaning and very deep meaning. 10 years since the call was never heard again until finally, a miracle had occurred so that night they could hear the name again mentioned by the only child they loved so much.