Iron Man

"Hello, uncle Dimas. Can you find information about Ali, in the office building in central Jakarta? Oh yes, please leave my car in front of the building around there too." Adith's tone spoke not as a boss but as gentle and polite as a family that made Mr. Dimas speechless.

"Okay, sir!" Pak Dimas's voice was hoarse and choked with tears. He did not expect to hear the call after all this time.

"I'll try my best!" He added after taking a deep breath.

"Thank you, uncle!" Adith hung up and slammed her body on her soft bed.

"My heart is beating fast! After all this time I finally found your brother Ali .. I didn't expect to see you, smell your scent. The scent that could make me forget that time. The aroma that ...." Adith suddenly stopped his sentence. How could he describe a specific man and make his heartbeat so much?

For the first time, he met Ali, 10 years ago. Adith admires him and regards him as a big brother. But as time went by he did not think it turned out to be something that tickled his heart. Ali's smile when invited him to play, Ali's gentle attitude that always pays attention to him, then the song they always sing together where Ali considers Adith as an Iron Man.

"I want to be your lover," Ali said to Adith in a shrill voice.

"Ali, we are playing house. I am indeed the Iron Man, but you cannot be my lover." Adith denied in an innocent voice.

"But I like Iron Man!" Ali stood holding his waist to Adith.

"I just want a beautiful woman," Adith shouted.

"I will be a beautiful woman when I grow up and will marry you even if you reject me." Reply to Ali with a voice that is no less loud.

"But you're a man, so you can never be a woman." Adith also did not want to lose.

"Eh ... Why are you fighting?" Mrs. Adith came to mediate.

"This is Ma ... How could Adith talk about me ..." The sound of the alarm sounded breaking the room made Adith wake up from his sleep.

"Aaahh ... Damn! Because of the sentence brother Ali until now I still take these words seriously!" Adith rubbed his face roughly.

"No, I like women! That's right ... women!" Adith convinced herself by remembering Alisya. The woman who is now starting to control half her heart. Adith ran with enthusiasm in a cool style in front of the mirror and put his hand in the pocket of his sleep pants.

"I'm so cool even though I just woke up!" Praise yourself.

Wobbling wobbly, he walked toward the bathroom preparing to go to school.

"Dithya, are you awake? Breakfast first ..." Adith's mother's voice startled Adith, who was wadding and slipping her. The sound of a bang sounded so great that Adith's mother barged in.

"Are you OK, Dith?" His mother immediately headed for the sound source. At the sight of Adith who was floundering trying to release his hand from the pocket of his pants made Adith's mother not worried, but instead laughed at her son lying close to the headwall.

"hahahahahaha ... what are you doing ?? I thought you fell but seeing your model like this I could not stand it" His mother quickly took out her cellphone and took pictures of Adith's model lying around but with a cool style that was quite ridiculous because her hands were still in the pockets of her pants when falling.

"What are you doing ... It's not helped, it's actually in the photo." Adith complained annoyed.

"Your model is floundering, like a Dith layur fish!" Adith who wore a loose white shirt in contrast with her silky white body made Adith's mother imagine her child like a Layur fish.


"Alisya, are you alright?" Rinto stormed to see Alisya who was already sitting in her chair.

"Yes," he answered shortly.

"Where were you last night?" Karin, who had just entered, also attacked Alisya.

"I only taught them a little!" Alisya ignored in a slightly angry tone of voice.

"Rintoo ... to ... I saw my motorcycle in the parking lot ..." Yogi ran into the classroom not realizing that Alisya was already in the class too.

"Sya, forgive me! I didn't mean to hide anything from you!" Karin approached Alisya and put a pitiful face.

"It's not Karin's fault, Sya. I asked her to hide it because it can make me look uncool!" Rinto smiled wryly.

"Come on Sya ... It's enough you didn't pick up my phone that has reached 100 times ... I'm trying to apologize Sya! I also went to Grandma's house to pick you up while using a motorcycle! "Karin handed me a motorcycle key hanging by Doraemon.

"I will forgive you if you tell me everything I don't know" Alisya glared at Karin.

"Alright !!! I'll tell you everything!" Karin sighed in resignation.

"Starting with Rinto and Miska's disappearance that I know all tell me that it is related to me," said Alisya.

Karin's eyes suddenly widened. She might be able to tell everything about Rinto, but for Miska's problem, Yuyun and Nely will shock Alisya. Karin wasn't sure what to say or how she would say it. She was very afraid of Alisya's mental state and she was still emotional.

Karin knows that the tools provided by Adith have helped many Alisya's conditions so far but it will be very dangerous for Alisya to know and remember the events at that time. Alisya will be in critical condition. Karin's body trembled violently not knowing what to do. She could only be silent until the school bell rang.

"You still have a chance to come home later. Today we will still study until late!" Alisya deliberately gave time to Karin.

Rinto and Yogi looked at Karin with a confused look. they don't understand why it took Karin so long to tell the truth to Alisya.

"Are you OK?" Rinto asked half in a whisper.

"I'm fine!" Karin nodded slowly.

"What's wrong ?? why are you so depressed?" Yogi was worried seeing Karin's pale face.

"Alisya has everything for me! I love her so much and I don't want anything bad to happen to her either!" Karin's raspy voice upset Rinto and Yogi.

"You are a good friend of Karin!" Yogi tried to calm Karin.

"What are you afraid of??" Rinto softened his voice.

Karin glanced towards Alisya's seat to ensure her presence.

"sHe's going to the library to get her extra workbook!" Yogi reminded.

"Alisya was traumatized by the incident 10 years ago when Alisya was abducted and subjected to extraordinary torture! The kidnapper was a psychopath who had a sexual disorder by harassing little boys. torturing and hitting Alisya who was only 8. The blow that landed on Alisya's cheek caused her to experience a mental disorder Misophonia "explained Karin whose voice was getting hoarse.

"Misophonia ???" Rinto frowned.

"Misophonia is a mental disorder where sufferers hate the sound of people eating, yawning, snoring, coughing, and even breathing. For this reason, Alisya is very sensitive to noisy noises" Karin added with tears flowing.

Rinto and Yogi began to understand Alisya's condition, which had been making them confused but did not dare to ask about it. Rinto and Yogi are still speechless absorbing all the sentences delivered by Karin.

"I'm afraid if Alisya knows the truth about what Miska did to me, it can make it worse because Miska's actions are similar to what Alisya experienced. Moreover, the place where Miska held me was a warehouse which was also the place where Alisya was kidnapped then" Karin added.

Rinto and Yogi lost in each other's thoughts. They did not expect a woman who had a gentle nature to go through so much suffering, moreover, she had to go through when she was very young and did not understand how cruel the world was. Such a small child should still be full of laughter and play to his heart's content without thinking about anything. Rinto and Yogi's hearts are tight thinking about Alisya's position which in the future she also has to lose her beloved mother.