Hey, Turn Of The Lamp

Alisya couldn't hide her embarrassment, because Adith heard all Karin's words. She also did not think that Adith casually walked away smiling meaningfully leaving them all without commenting.

"You ..." Alisya glared at Karin who was giggling at the shy red face of Alisya.

"Sorry ... I didn't know that he was still there!" Karin answered amidst the strangulation she was holding.

In the end, none of them left school hours that night. They are increasingly encouraged to study more seriously until they don't realize that the time is 10 o'clock.

"Some nights you also go home on foot?" Rinto asked with a look of astonishment.

"Even though it's night, the road isn't too quiet," said Alisya. They walked through the corridor where the light was not too bright.

"Sya, is it just my feeling, or do the other students' gazes look at you a little weird?" Karin said half whispering into Alisya's ear.

"I feel it too. They look at Alisya, with hate," adds Yogi.

"I don't know, from the beginning their gaze was like that." Alisya did not care about them and just walked casually.

The three offered a ride to Alisya, but she refused because she would stop at one of the nearest supermarkets, on the way home, and also did not want to bother the three. Because it was a Saturday night, the streets were quite crowded so they were not too worried about Alisya.

After delivering Karin to her pickup, Alisya who was still at the school gate would move away but the luxury sports car with the open roof stopped right in front of Alisya dazzling Alisya's eyes with her car's headlights.

"Hey turn off the lights." Alisya's voice was quite firm.

"Hi, Alisya ..." A man's voice that was heard teasingly teased.

After adjusting his eyes to the existing lights, Alisya could slowly see who they were. There are 3 guys in the car.

"You are walking, when you go home ... How about you come with us?" Invite a guy in the back seat.

"No, thank you!" The answer was curt and left.

"Wait a minute." The guy who previously held the steering wheel stopped Alisya by holding his hand.

"Saturday night is dangerous for a woman!" He said standing up and getting out of his car.

"No more dangerous than the three of you!" Decisively Alisya.

"Hahahahaha ... Hey, we just want to drop you off Alisya! We don't mean anything bad to you." Someone who sat in the front seat spoke.

"I don't trust you guys!" Alisya tried to politely let go of the guy's grasp.

"You don't know who I am?" He asked after his grip was removed.

"Male?" Alisya answered curtly.

"I did not ask what kind of sex I am!" The light of the guy began to get annoyed because two of his friends laughed out loud to hear the answer, Alisya, who put on a sure face.

"I know! Just making sure." The two boys couldn't control their laughter anymore.

"Looks like you look more beautiful than handsome." The laughter of the two broke out.

"Sorry, I haven't introduced myself well. My name is Zein Abraham Wijaya!" He said while extending his hand politely.

"And me, Anggara Lesmana!" The guy in the back seat smiles sweetly.

"And I, Riyan Tri Legions. We met in front of Sains 1 grade when you went to the complex and also when I became Karin's Partner." His smile is polite.

Alisya only realized after being reminded by Riyan, how could she forget Zein and Riyan whom she often met. For Anggara, this might be their first time meeting.

"Sorry, I just remembered!" Alisya still put on her flat face.

"You are truly unique, well ... For other women, they won't be able to look as hard at you at us, for fear of being embarrassed by our status and handsome faces." Anggara leaned close to Alisya's face.

"I don't care about such a thing." Decisively Alisya.

"Forgive us, if it makes you feel uncomfortable. We just want to have good intentions by dropping you off." Zein gently asks Alisya.

"Come on, the road might still be busy. But lately, there are a lot of beggars hanging around, it's not good for you to walk alone." Riyan added while moving to the back seat, together with Anggara.

Alisya can indeed feel the sincerity of both voices. But she wasn't sure enough to be in an open car like that. Although she knows, if the car that opens its roof will not be so drunk because of the wind, Alisya remains unsure if it is safe for him to be with them, especially because of the threat from his grandfather.

"Thank you very much, but I really can't get in a car. I'm quite acutely drunk on the ground." Alisya gave a sincere smile to the three by patting her hair behind her ears.

Alisya's sweet gesture is simple, making all three of them fascinated. Alisya has a very Oriental Indonesian face. Even if they looked closely, they would find a little Japanese carving on their faces. The beauty is simple but so charming that anyone who sees Alisya's face will never be bored to look at her. Moreover, Alisya's sweet smile, which showed a row of flat white teeth and the rise of her cheeks that rose from her smile, made the three of them praise Alisya silently.

"So ... So, all this time you've been walking because you can't ride a vehicle?" Riyan asked after coughing.

"Even if it's an open car like this or a motorcycle?" Anggara was half surprised.

"Is that why you always walk?" Zein was amazed between feeling strange or distrustful of Alisya.

"I see ... my Motion sickness is pretty bad, so sorry ... I have to go now!" Alisya left after refusing politely.

All three just looked at each other absorbing the sentence Alisya, which is quite strange for today's millennial century where everything is completely high-tech.

"Is she from ancient times?" Riyan asks with a confused face.

"I've never even seen her holding a cellphone!" Anggara shook his head in amazement.

"I never thought there are women like that in this world, that's why she doesn't care about the status or the face of other people." Zein smiled increasingly admiring Alisya. The three of them passed away with each other's thoughts.


"Assalamualaikum, auntie. Is there an Adith?" Karin greeted her when she arrived at Adith's house.

"Oh yes, Mr. Adith is inside ready with other friends," Aunt Emi, Adith's maid who has worked for 20 years at their home, opened the door.

"Thank you, auntie!" Karin came in immediately, so welcome.

Aunt Emi remained silent, confused by Karin's greeting that some people might even call her bibi, as a sign that she was a maid. But Karin's call made Emi's aunt feel deeply moved.

"Excuse me, can I come in too?" Alisya's soft voice surprised Aunt Emi.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry, Auntie didn't see!" Aunt Emi was surprised but did not immediately let Alisya enter. Aunt Emi remembered this beautiful face, she could easily recognize Alisya. But because they were not sure, Aunt Emi immediately closed the door to find Adith's mother.

"Alisya come on, have you been here before?" Karin pulled an eyebrow who looked embarrassed, remembering Karin's words that Adith had heard last night.

"Whose fault am I being awkward like this?" Alisya looked hard at Karin in a curt voice.

"Yeah, yeah ... sorry! Alright, let's go in, Sya, remember Takahashi's grandfather right?" Karin teased Alisya by putting her grandfather's name on.

"Damn! Why do I have to obey you wearing this outfit anyway." Alisya is not comfortable with the clothes she is wearing.

"You're beautiful!" Karin pulled Alisya into the living room and there were already Rinto and Yogi who was sitting tidying their luggage.

"It's been a long time?" Karin immediately approached Rinto and Yogi.

Both of them turned to look at Karin who looked beautiful in a relaxed style but quite stylish, with a white T-shirt wrapped in a black blazer and knee-length shorts that were not too sexy.

"Adith, where is he?" Asked Karin again because they both remained silent. Karin followed the gaze of those who had been stunned silently looked at Alisya.

"Beautiful, right?" Praise Karin proudly. Karin's voice made both of them uncomfortable when they saw Alisya.

Alisya did not immediately sit in the chair, she just walked towards the window of Adith's house, which was big enough to get a slight breeze to get rid of her nervousness.