What Is Your Name

Adith came down with several books, saw Alisya who was standing near the window that gave a full glow to Alisya's face. Her wavy hair swung in the wind. She put a white shirt into a black skirt under her knee which is wide enough to make Alisya look beautiful and feminine.

Adith did not think that Alisya could dress so beautifully, because she was accustomed to the strong impression of Alisya's personality.

"Ehem ... Let's just go to the backyard. Let us study more comfortably!" Adith invited after a long stare at Alisya.

Karin had been watching Adith, who was staring at Alisya, smiled at her behavior. Alisya quickly put on a serious face after hearing Adith's voice.

For 2 hours, Adith gave them some material and also the questions they had to work on, to be able to see the extent of their ability to understand the material. That way, he can provide the right learning method.

"Let's eat first, so we can focus more!" Adith's mother's brought them some fruit and cold drinks.

"Uwaaaahhhhh ... Thank you, auntie!" Alisya immediately took Mango Juice with a happy face.

"Hey, that's mine!" Adith tried to take the juice, but Alisya had sucked it up. Adith's mother's smiled at the behavior of the two.

"Adith, cruel auntie!" Karin also took Orange Juice as fast as lightning.

"Thank you very much, auntie!" Rinto and Yogi picked up some fruit.

"What is your name?" Adith's mother's looked at Alisya softly.

"Ah ... My name is Alisya, Mrs !" Alisya immediately stood up to introduce herself then took Adith's mother's hand and kissed her politely.

" I'm Karin, auntie!" Karin also took the hand of Adith's mother's, followed by Rinto and Yogi.

"Alisya doesn't like orange juice?" asked Adith mother's who made Alisya nervous.

"Yeah, yeah aunty ... I don't like it, the problem is a bit wry!" said Alisya with a shy smile

"In that case ... You can ask aunt to make Mango juice, anytime you want!" Adith mother's stroking Alisya's hair made Alisya touched.

"Thank you, Auntie!" Her voice choked with her emotions.

"Well ... You may continue. Auntie, go first well ..." Adith's mother left after taking a few empty glasses to refill.

"How is it, Ma?" Adith's father immediately approached Adith mother's out of curiosity.

"She is Ali, Pa ... Ali was the kid who saved Adith first!" Adith's mother's tone was sad.

"Then why is her attitude normal?" Adith's father was confused by their interaction.

"I don't know either, she doesn't seem to recognize me!" Adith's mother's voice choked up as she tried to hold back tears.

"Did she forget about this house? Forgot us and Forget with Adith?" Adith's father hugged Adith's mother to calm her down.

"I think she has a reason for forgetting us, Pa. But I'll make sure of that one more time." Adith's mother immediately got up to fill a few empty glasses earlier.

After a while, she returned with enough mango juice for everyone to drink.

"Tea a rest first ... You guys have studied for 5 hours!" Mrs. Adith came accompanied by Adith's father.

"Oh yeah, uncle ... Auntie, thank you very much! Sorry for the trouble." Karin immediately followed in Alisya's steps, who quickly took both her luggage.

"Are you, Alisya?" asked Adith's father.

"Yes, uncle!" Smiled Alisya politely.

" Adith's classmate?" asked Adith's father again.

"No, uncle. We are all from Sains class 2," Alisya explained.

"Karin, where do you live?" asked Adith's mother gently.

"I'm in City A, auntie!" Karin answered politely.

"Rinto, where are you?" asked Adith's father.

"I'm in City C, uncle!" Rinto nervously did not expect to talk casually with someone as great as Daddy Adith. He did not think that both were so friendly.

"What about, Alisya?" asked Adith's mother in a loving tone.

"I'm in … Me too, in City A, auntie." Alisya bowed her head not daring to look into the loving eyes of Adith's mother.

"With parents, there?" Adith's mother remembers that Alisya, or what Adith's mother thought was Ali, did not live there.

"No, auntie, I live with grandma! My mother died 10 years ago and my father was out on duty, auntie." Alisya's voice sounded sad.

"Emmm ... Why aren't you asked, Yogi. auntie?" Karin deliberately changed the subject. She knows that her best friend will be very sad every time she remembers her mother.

"You know, Yogi is someone from home. Why ask?" Adith's father laughed softly.

"What do you mean, uncle?" Tanya Karin is confused.

"Yogi is the son of uncle Dimas!" Adith answered nonchalantly.

"What?!" Karin and Rinto were surprised. Alisya also stared sharply back at Yogi, not expecting.

"How come I don't know? Even though I often play at your house." Rinto rolled his eyes at Yogi.

"You never asked. After all, my father is rarely at home, so I can't find him!" Yogi laughed awkwardly.

"Does that mean you have known each other since you were young?" asked Karin was confused by the interaction between Adith and Yogi.

"They used to be very close, even like sleeping together. The three of them often had a big fight but after one of them disappeared, everything changed." Bright Adith's mother.

"The three of them? Who are they are, aunt?" asked Karin half in surprise.

"There was a child named Ali, who liked to play with Adith and Yogi. Ali was the child who saved Adith, from 5 dogs who barked at Adith, when Adith escaped from a kidnapper," add Adith's father.

Karin's eyes suddenly widened in disbelief. She did not expect the mystery she had been trying to find had been solved. Alisya used to say that she had helped a child named Dithya, from 5 dogs. But she did not think that the child she had been looking for was Adith.

"But that child disappeared 10 years ago. I only met her mother once, because Ali played with Adith a lot. The funny thing is that until now, Adith still misunderstood the boy." Adith's cunningly looked at Adith.

Karin glanced at Alisya who was giving out cold sweat. Karin felt Alisya's condition, which was already not good from the pointing clock in her hand which was starting to sound loud.

"Are you OK, Sya?" Karin was worried about Alisya, who looked worse.

"I want to go to the toilet for a while ..." Alisya massaged her head which began to feel dizzy.

"I'll take you in." Adith immediately rose to be followed by Alisya, who stood limp.

Karin, who was worried about Alisya, also stood up quickly following the second step. But upon hearing Adith's mother whisper, Karin stopped in her tracks.

"I'm sure she's Ali, Pa ... But, it seems like she doesn't remember anything!" Adith's mother's voice was softly unable to stem her sadness.

"Emmm ... sorry, Auntie. Can you explain about the meeting between Adith and Ali? I'm curious to hear the story of aunt earlier." Karin sat facing Adith's mother.

"Yes, I also only once met Ali, for a few moments so I didn't recognize Ali." Add Yogis. Since the beginning of Yogi and Alisya's meeting, Yogi has investigated more deeply but found no information.

"10 years ago, Adith experienced a kidnapping where the kidnapper was a psychopath who not only harassed the victim but also killed and took the internal organs. Adith could escape because he tricked the kidnapper by activating an automatic call answering that was on the clock the hand that he dropped earlier. The kidnapper panicked and looked for Adith's watch. I, who was panicked before, didn't remember that Adith was wearing a watch that could track IP when the watch-shaped cellphone answered my call in the morning. " Adith's mother took a breath remembering the small mistake that could have taken the life of her child.

"That means the day after Adith was kidnapped?" Karin couldn't imagine how strong Adith was at that moment.

"Yeah right ... Thanks to that, because the kidnapper who was preparing to act had removed Adith's blindfold and leg, so Adith was able to escape. He was chased by 5 dogs. At that time in the small alley, Ali appeared carrying a wooden log for chased away the dogs so that they were saved because the bodyguard who heard Ali's scream was immediately alert to drive the dogs away. Thanks to Adith's watch and Ali's courage, we were able to find the kidnapper's hideout. But the kidnapper had escaped. "continued Adith's mother.

"But after that, both of them continued to cry in fear and it was Ali, who cried the most while wailing while holding Adith's hand." Adith's father laughed at the thought.

"Auntie, Alisya ..." Karin who wanted to say was stopped because of the arrival of Adith and Alisya. Karin intends to share information about Alisya, so she can get more info. However, she was held back by her second arrival.