I Have Motorcycle

"Are you OK, Sya? "Adith was suspicious of Alisya's erratic gait.

"I'm a little dizzy, Dith, but it seems okay!" Alisya answered in a low voice.

"Well, let's just get here today. I'll give you some material that you can study during the curfew." Adith let Alisya calm down before walking.

"Thank you, Dith!" Alisya's voice was soft.

Adith heard the sound of Alisya's watch, which was getting faster and faster. That made him worried about Aliaya's condition. He gently raised Alisya's hair and curled it behind his ear and adjusted the device that was on Alisya's ear.

"I will arrange it so that you feel comfortable!" Adith explained as he continued to adjust the devices in Alisya's ears.

Because she was too weak, Alisya did not have the strength to fight so she just left Adith. Adith's face that looked serious set the hearing instrument in her ears, making Alisya fascinated by Adith's good looks. When Adith brought her face closer and her breath gently blew Alisya's hair, Alisya's heart was beating fast making her head throbbing more painfully and her watch was beeping loudly.

"Are you okay?" Adith asked, surprised to see Alisya's face turning red.

"I am fine!" Alisya answered, annoyed to move her body away.

"But your face is turning red. Do you have a fever?" Adith quickly raised his hand on Alisya's head, to check Alisya's body temperature.

Alisya did not answer Adith and left without caring about Adith.

They both walked to the garden behind the house, with Adith's position slightly behind Alisya for fear of her condition. Adith was afraid that at any time Alisya would collapse.

"Auntie ... I'll leave first, okay? Looks like, I'm not feeling well!" Alisya said goodbye to Adith's parents.

"Are you sick?" Asked Adith's father, with a worried look.

"In that case, you can just rest in your room!" Asked Mrs. Adith.

"It's okay, auntie! I'm just dizzy." Alisya replied politely.

"I'll take you home, Sya .." said Adith worried about Alisya.

"No!" said Alisya.

"Your condition is worrying, you know!" Adith's voice was no less strict.

"But I can't ride a car, Adith you know that!" Alisya's voice sounded weak.

"I have a motorcycle!" bright Adith.

"Yes, Sya, .. You are just escorted by Adith. Let me ride my motorbike with Yogi." Ask Karin softly. Alisya finally resigned to see she could not refuse Adith who seemed determined to drive her.

"Let's say goodbye ... Auntie, Uncle." Alisya said after greeting both of them and they immediately left home.

"Sorry, auntie ... Next time, we play here." Karin said goodbye politely.

"Come often - well! Because I feel lonely at home alone." Ask Adith's mother with a friendly smile.

"Yes, aunty, of course." Said Rinto

Karin is taken home by Yogi on Karin's motorbike, while Rinto follows both, so Yogi can return with him later.

"Sya ... If you sit in that position, you can fall!" Adith reminded Alisya who was sitting too far away from her body, and that was quite dangerous. Moreover, because of the height of the Ducati motorbike that Adith uses, making Alisya's sitting position very difficult.

"I'm fine Dith. Sitting like this is comfortable for me." Alisya tapped Adith's left shoulder with a little closer so his voice could be heard by Adith.

The right moment made Adith quickly take Alisya's hand and wrap it around his body. That way, Adith can keep Alisya from falling.

"Then, let me hold your hand so you don't fall. At least this way I'm not worried." Alisya's body which is now quite close to Adith makes Alisya difficult to move freely. To keep her body distance, Alisya leaned her head behind Adith.

Adith deliberately hangs Alisya's helmet so she can be more comfortable because her head hurts and only she wears a black Standard Helmet.

"Hush hush, Go ... Go ... Go ..." Ali drove the pack of Dogs barking towards the injured little boy in the Gang.

"Why are you here?" Asked the boy.

"I saw you running after these dogs, so I followed you here," Ali said, trembling with fear.

"Stupid! You could be in danger." The boy scolded Ali.

"You need help." The boy looked surprised to hear the words of a child in front of him who was trying to keep the dogs away with a scarred face.

Can you stand up? "Ali asked again after successfully pulling the dogs away a bit, but the dogs were still staring intently at the two.

"I ... I'm too scared, so I can't stand up! Besides, it seems like I sprained my ankle." The answer is limp.

"Look at me if you are afraid" Ali took the boy's hand and helped him up.

The boy tried to stand up even though he knew that the child in front of him also felt the same fear. But he was amazed that the child could still hide his fear, even though his voice was shaking with fear.

"Mr. Ali ... are you alright?" A group of men in black suits quickly chased the dogs and rescued them both.

"Uncle ... Hikkz ... Uncle, why is it taking so long?" Ali immediately cried when he saw the man in the black suit.

Seeing Ali who was crying, the child beside him also joined to cry violently. He felt that his position was safe enough now. His sense of relief made him unable to hold back his tears. A few moments later, the child's parents came and immediately embraced the child who winced in pain from an injury to his leg. Ali only paused for a moment and then cried again no less great than the previous one.

"Ahhh ...." Alisya realized.

"You almost fell!" Adith tried to hold Alisya's body, whose hands were now perfectly wrapped around her body. Adith's voice woke Alisya from her sleep.

"How long have I slept?" Alisya immediately let go of her hand and was surprised because it was getting dark. He was in front of the gate of his grandmother's house.

"About 3 hours!" Adith answered while justifying and stretching his aching body position.

"3 hours?!" Alisya got off Adith's motorcycle, surprised.

Adith only nodded slowly.

"Why didn't you wake me up? How come I didn't notice!" Alisya grumbles in annoyance.

"I see that you sleep well, so I don't dare to bother you! What about your head, is it still sick or not?" Adith asked later.

"Are you stupid? Why are you still worried about me?" Alisya cursed in annoyance.

"What the heck ... Not that to say thank you too!" Adith's voice was curt.

"Yes ... That's because ..." Adith immediately interrupted Alisya's sentence.

"Because today you are so beautiful, so I can't bear it!" Adith leaned his face into Alisya's. He was anxious to see Alisya's angry behavior in front of her.

"Huh, you ..." Alisya's words stopped because Adith's lips had touched her forehead warmly and her soft hands were holding Alisya's cheeks.

"I'm back! Say hello to grandma, sorry I did not enter!" Adith darted away leaving Alisya who was stunned petrified.

Alisya was silent for a moment in front of the gate of her grandmother's house, which emitted a faint light. She paused to examine what had just happened. Her face turned red, then ran into the house.

"Wahhhh ... How romantic huh?" Grandma Alisya immediately teased Alisya who just entered.

" grandmother was looking at us? How come it's been left alone?" Alisya was annoyed and whined.

"You want to see, you can test it as a child too! You never thought if he could survive your big head for 3 hours." His grandmother left.

"What are you doing! Grandma, how could you, with Alisya." Alisya protests followed her grandmother from behind.

"Hmmm ... Grandma also wants to wake you up, but when you see your face that is so soundly. Well, I already ... I'll leave it to you." Her grandmother opened the food hood on the table, invited Alisya to dinner.

"But, right, Adith, Grandma. He lasted up to 3 hours." Alisya sat in front of her grandmother.

"You see, it's been a long time since Grandma saw you sleeping so well. Since the departure of your mother, Alisya." Her grandmother's soft voice soothed Alisya's heart.

"Sorry, Grandma ... It's been worrying for grandma all this time!" Alisya bowed sadly.

"No dear ... This is all because Grandma loves you." Grandma Alisya stood hugging Alisya's head and stroking Alisya's hair gently.

They dissolve in sad emotions and eat in a quiet atmosphere. Alisya is not too eager to eat, even though the delicacy of her grandmother's cooking is a strong attractor of her appetite. Alisya lay down after she showered using hot water to refresh her body.

Her mind continued to drift until he was unconscious and fell asleep in a deep sleep.