Cyan eyes stared at the numbers on her phone screen, trying to convince herself to hit the call button or at least send a text. She had thought quite a bit about Hawks since their talk in the hospital, but she still wasn't sure what to do. Her feelings were all in a knot between him and Aizawa and when she thought of losing even one of them, her heart hurt.
Groaning to herself, she tapped the green dial button and after only two rings, it picked up, "Hawks Agency Non-Emergency Line… How can I help you?"
"Um, I was hoping to leave a direct message to Hawks or even leave a voicemail..." Kit took her thumb nail between her teeth.
"Can I have a name first, please?" The woman on the other end asked.
"Kit." She said after a second.
"Oh." There was a pause on the other end, "Please hold."
It went silent for a bit, but then it began to ring again before a voice she recognized picked up, "Kit?"
"H-hey, Hawks." She sat straighter in her chair, "I didn���t think I'd actually get a hold of you at the office."
"Well, technically you didn't. You're on a special list so they direct your call straight to my personal phone." She tilted her head a little at his, "I'm glad you called; I've been thinking about you."
"Mhm, yeah, I've… been thinking about you too." She could hear something in the background that sounded like shuffling, "I was going to ask if you had any free time in the next couple of days… that maybe you'd like to meet up and hang out or something?"
"Wait, wait, I need to land and check." He said with excitement clear in his voice.
"Were you busy? I can call back later." She went back to biting on her thumb nail.
"No!" He nearly yelled into the phone, "Sorry, but no, I was just on my way to a meeting, but I have plenty of time for you." Kit could hear shuffling again, "What about this weekend? I can fly there in a couple of hours."
Kit eyed her calendar, noticing there was no school Saturday, "How about Friday night?"
"Hmmm…" He hummed, "I can be there at five at the earliest to pick you up."
"That's good. I usually leave the main building around that time, so I'll let Nezu know you'll be stopping in so the alarm doesn't activate." Kit picked up a pen to write the time on the calendar, "Uh, so I'll see you then, okay?"
"Alright, Furball, see ya!" He quickly hung up and she had to wonder if he was as nervous as she was.
She set her phone on the desk and sat back in her seat, "I wonder if I should let Shouta know…" She pressed the palms of her hands into her eyes, "Why does this have to be so difficult?" There was a knock on the door and Kit stood from her seat, looking at the time as she opened the door, "Ah, Shinso, you're early!"
"I can come back at my appointment time…" He mumbled, turning slightly.
"I never said being early was a bad thing." Kit told him, "Come in!"
The time passed almost a little too quickly for Kit, making her heart racing the closer the time got for her… date? She didn't know if it was considered a date or something platonic. She figured she would find out in a few when Hawks showed up to pick her up.
"Bye guys! Be safe!" Kit called after several kids that were going off to their internships, then turned to head around to the dorms, but squealed when a body dropped from the sky to land right in front of her, "Good god, Hawks!"
"Surprise!" He grinned down at her.
She placed a hand over her head, "You're already trying to give me heart attacks again."
"Just like I used to." He stated as if proud of himself, "Are you ready to go?"
"I have to go put my things in my apartment," She lifted her shoulder to show a shoulder bag hanging off, "I know you typically fly everywhere, but would you walk with me?"
"Sure thing." He gave her a single nod then walked next to her as she made her way towards the dorm, "How are you feeling since getting out of the hospital? I know that they said you were only about ninety percent the last I heard."
She poked at her rib area, "I'm all perfect again."
"Well, I knew that, but I was asking about your health." He winked over at her.
A giggle erupted from her, "You haven't changed too much." She looked up at him, "You're finally taller than me, though."
"Boys grow slower than girls." He mumbled with a pout.
They got to the Heights Alliance dorm and Kit led him through the common area, thankfully no students were out, and let him into her apartment so she could drop her stuff off. She went to the bathroom and freshened up, but decided to keep her hero costume on since Hawks was in his as well.
Her tails twitched behind her as she left the bathroom to see Hawks looking around the rest of her room, "I'm ready to go if you are."
"I was ready when you called me the other day." He turned and made his way towards the door again.
They exited her room and were part way down the hall when Aizawa opened his door, his eyes instantly on Hawks before looking over at Kit, "Going out?"
"I'm taking her out to a restaurant that has some of the best sukiyaki." Hawks looked down at the little female next to him, "That is, if that is still one of your favorites?"
"Oh, it is one of them…" She blushed a little, "I can't believe you remember that."
"I remember a lot of things about you." The statement caused her blush to darken more.
"Hm," Aizawa hummed, seemingly unimpressed as he leaned up against his door jamb, "Be careful, then. Don't forget you owe me a date from the other day."
Kit swore she felt her heart jump from her chest, "I didn't forget."
Hawks wretched his eyes away from Aizawa to look towards the hall door, "I made reservations; we need to leave so we can make it on time."
"Right." She gave him a nod and waved back to Aizawa as she started walking again, "See you later, Shouta!"
"Have a good time, Myobu." Aizawa called out before going back inside of his room.
Kit stumbled a little at this and even Hawks looked shocked, "He knows your real name?"
"Yeah…" Kit collected herself a little.
"Just how close are you two?" He nearly demanded.
"Don't ask questions that you might like the answer to." She fidgeted until they got outside, "Did you want to take the train or I could drive…?"
He gave an exasperated look, "Do I have wings for nothing?" He took a step closer to her to wrap one arm around her waist, "I hope you're not afraid of heights."
She didn't get to answer before his wings opened up wide and with a couple thrusts of his wings they were already over the main school building. A couple more flaps and he turned towards town and began to glide that way. It only took several minutes with his speed, though not nearly as fast as his normal speed, before he began to land before a tall building that she recognized as a very exclusive restaurant to get into.
Once he let go of her, Kit made a move to check her windblown hair before looking towards the doors, "Erm, I make a good amount of money, but I don't think I can afford this place." She looked down at her hero costume, "And I'm not exactly dressed right."
"You look beautiful no matter how you dress." He wrapped an arm back around her waist, but this time to lead her towards the doors, "And who said you was going to pay anything?" She went to protest, but he leaned down to get his mouth close to her ear, "Let me treat you, Kit."
She closed her mouth slowly and allowed him to pull her inside where the hostess gave him one look, "Ah, Hawks, welcome to you and your companion." She came around the station and wove a hand out for them to follow her, "I will take you to your table. You requested the balcony?"
"Yes." Hawks' answer sounded distracted as he didn't remove his eyes from the little fox next to him.
They followed her to an elevator where it took them to the top floor and she took them outside to a private table surrounded by plants, "Your waiter will be with you soon. Can I go ahead and submit your drink request?"
After sitting down and requesting their drinks, Kit and Hawks were left alone, and Kit looked out at the view, "This is beautiful."
"It's alright." He shrugged as he looked out, "I see better views above the clouds." He looked back at her with an appreciative once over, "But with you in the view, it becomes ten times better."
"Have you always been this corny?" She knew with the way his wings worked that he could feel her heart rate increase.
"You even said that I hadn't changed that much." His facial features turned serious then, "I don't lie though."
She let her claws tap on the glass table, "Flattery might just get you anywhere."
"I'm almost counting on it." He whispered to her intense gaze.
The moment was lost once the waiter came out for their order. Taking Hawks' suggestion, she ordered the sukiyaki while he got a type of chicken dish. It only took a little bit of time before their orders came back out along with some wine. Kit wasn't normally a wine drinker, or a drinker in general, but it went well with her dish.
"This doesn't seem like your type of place to eat." She couldn't help but comment.
"It's not." He shrugged, picking up a stick of his chicken, "But I wanted the best for you."
"Well, next time, let's go somewhere you actually like." Kit gave him a kind smile.
"Next time?" He gave her hopeful eyes.
This caused her to pause and lower her chopsticks, "I really did miss you. I searched for you for a long time and so when I saw that Tokoyami was going to your agency… I had to go see for myself that it was really you."
Hawks stared at her for a moment, then looked out towards the clouds, "Are you really going on a date with Eraser Head? I heard that he was married to his work."
"Be nice." She chastised, "And yes." She saw him open his mouth to protest, but she spoke first, "Look, I didn't know I was going to find you again and he has been there for me since I started at U.A." She paused in thought, "I don't know when it changed, but I wanted to get closer to him…" She set her chopsticks down fully then, "I can't… tell the difference between my feelings for you or him…" A slight flush came to her cheeks, "And if I'm being honest, I don't know if I can choose; I don't think my heart could handle it. If I had to, I'd go with neither so I could at least be friends with the both of you."
"Would it help to know that I love you and I know I do?" He stood and quickly rounded the table to crouch down to her level, "I loved you back then and I still love you now." He reached a hand forward to hold her cheek, "What did I tell you in that letter I left for you? Do you remember?"
She pressed her cheek into his warm palm, "I remember because I still have it." It was at home in an old shoe box with other little trinkets she had collected over the years, "What about it?"
"I told you…" His face coming close enough that his nose brushed against hers, "… I'd kiss you first next time."
He finished closing the distance, the hand on her cheek sliding to the back of her head enough to pull her forward. The kiss started slowly, but he nipped her bottom lip and instinctively she opened her mouth to lick her bruised lip only for his own tongue to plunge into her mouth.
The breathing through his nose was harsh suddenly and he pulled back, "I better stop here or I'd be taking you to a literal cloud nine." He pulled out a cell phone all of a sudden, "Continue to eat; I need to make a phone call."
She was still panting, but she nodded to him, wondering what was suddenly so important. He left for several minutes and she started to become worried about him after almost ten minutes when he walked back into sight. He went to the hostess stand and was flagging down the waiter for the bill and some boxes. He looked back and quickly flashed her a smile, letting her know that he was okay, but she had to wonder if she was.
"Hey," He gave her a box for her food, "I have somewhere I want to take you."
"Uh, okay." She quickly boxed her food, eyeing him as he packed his too, "What is it?"
"It is a surprise." He gave her a smug smile, "Ready?"
"I think so." She said slowly as she stood from the table and walked close to him.
He pulled her close, "I hope you don't mind but I need to make a stop first."
"That's okay. Whatever you need to do." She gave him a small smile.
"Are you ready to fly with me?" He asked again one last time.
She tilted her head and couldn't help but wonder if his question this time had a double meaning to it, "As ready as I'll ever be."
The amber of his eyes seemed to darken and he tightened his hold on her before he took off, letting them free fall from the balcony. When they got closer to the ground, she had to fight the urge to close her eyes, her heart rate increasing. Before they got too close though, he made a big push with his wings and soon he was flying further into downtown Musutafu, but still only a little ways from the main school campus.
When they landed again, Kit looked up at the sign, "Um, a hotel?"
"I need to do something really quick and this is where my room is for the night." He walked inside, "That's okay, right?"
She gave a slow nod as she looked around to see other people in the lobby and noticed they were watching them with curious gazes. This made her want to curl into a ball, not liking the sudden attention, but instead she got closer to Hawks. He only looked down at her for a moment, a peculiar look, but wrapped an arm and wing around her shoulders as if noticing her unease. Her nerves finally settled when they entered the elevator and he pushed the button to the second to top floor.
"The best room was taken, so I got the next best thing." He grumbled, but shrugged a single shoulder, "They wouldn't let me pay for the room though since I guess they wanted to have the favor of a top class hero."
Kit shook her head with a laugh, "So arrogant."
The elevator doors opened to a short hallway that only had a single door and he let her go so he could unlock it to grab her again to pull her inside. The room was pitch black dark and when the light was turned on; she was temporarily blinded as he continued to lead her in further. Blinking rapidly for a moment, she finally could open her eyes all the way without spots in her vision, but what she saw in front of her made her rub her eyes with her palms instead.
Lowering her arms halfway to look at what she saw before, she became bewildered, "Shouta? What are you…?" She snapped her head towards Hawks who had taken their boxes of food and put them in the mini fridge, "Hawks?"
Hawks had an almost guilty look on his face, but not quite, "I called him when we were at dinner." His voice was low and she knew he was being serious, "We came to a… very quick understanding, you could say. We're not going to make you choose."
She let her brows furrow for a moment in confusion before she thought back to what she had said at dinner, "W-wait," She backed herself up towards a wall with her hands up in defense, "You're messing with me… I… You… You're joking!"
"You know I do not joke about serious matters, Princess." Aizawa came closer towards her.
"Princess? Already got nicknames?" Hawks teased, looking at Aizawa before refocusing on Kit, "That's okay; she is my Little Vixen."
Kit closed her eyes to shake her head, "I don't understand…" Her heart was beating loudly in her ears, "Please…"
"Please what, kid?" Hawks was now pressed up to her side, "I like the sound of you begging, but do you know what you're begging for?"
She nearly squealed when Aizawa's voice was in her ear, "I think I do too."
No other words were exchanged as they began their assault on her. She wasn't quite sure what to do or make of this since she was still sure they hated each other. What did they mean when they said they came to an understanding? The thoughts were becoming harder to concentrate on though when their hands began to roam and grope her.
Hawks huffed in frustration and grabbed a hand of hers to place on him, "Touch me! I need you to feel me." With the way that her hand was pulled, she now was facing him fully with a hand on his chest, "I've wanted you like this for a very long time, Little Vixen, especially after our first kiss." With that, he pulled her in close again like he did at the restaurant, but this time his hand tightened in her hair, his mouth devouring her.
Before long, she felt another body press into her back with two hands on her hips as he ground his hips into her ass, "I've wanted you again, Princess... One time just wasn't enough, but this... I will make this work for us..."
One by one, they began to lose articles of clothing and before long, they were all fully undressed. Their bodies were already becoming sweat laced and before long, they were laying side-by-side on the bed.
The winged man's body looked so… grown from the last time she really saw him when they were younger. Back then, his skin was smooth, lacking viewable muscles. But now, while he had only a couple of tiny pale scars compared to Aizawa, he was very well toned, his skin tight. And unlike Aizawa, he was completely hairless below the belt.
Hawks was currently kissing down the front of her chest, his fingers tickling her sides while Aizawa was nibbling on her neck with one hand in her hair pulling her head back and the other grabbing a handful of her ass. Her fingers made attempts to grab at both of them, but it just wasn't enough.
"Did you buy the condoms like I asked?" Hawks' voice was husky, "I don't know if I can last much longer."
"Yeah, the box is over here." Aizawa reached over onto the night stand where he pulled a box out of a shopping bag and opened it up and pulled out two condoms foils, "Here." He gave one to him and tore his open to slide one on himself, "How do you want to do this? She hasn't had her ass taken before."
This caused them all to pause, and Hawks licked his lips, then his eyes brightened up, "Lean back against the headboard," He helped prop up the man at a 45-degree angle and then looked to Kit, "Lower yourself onto him, but backwards, facing me."
Kit's blood pressure was so high, but she didn't care anymore as she crawled over and situated herself over Aizawa's cock and started lowering herself slowly onto him. Closing her eyes, she took her time doing this, enjoying hearing Aizawa's breath hitched.
Once she was fully seated, she opened her eyes half-lidded to watch what Hawks was going to do, "Give her a couple of thrusts. She needs to be nice and wet all around." He pressed a finger against her clit, looking down at where she and Aizawa were joined, causing her to gasp out, "That's a good girl..."
"Erg!" Aizawa grabbed her under her knees and began to push himself in and out of her.
Hawks trailed his fingers down to lightly touch where Aizawa was pushing into and let a finger join the cock, "Ooh, this will be a tight fit, but I think it will work." He did this a couple more times, letting more fingers join as he looked up to see Aizawa's eyes roll, "I think he likes me touching his cock too."
"Shut it," Aizawa growled out, but it was weak.
"Ah, such a grump," Hawks looked back down at the alluring sight and began to stroke his cock before crawling on his knees forward, "Pull out most of the way and stop."
Aizawa gave him a strange look, but did as told and felt the underside of Hawk's cock press against his slick one, "What are you doing?"
"Just follow my directions, old man." Hawks gritted out, "Now slowly push in."
Aizawa's eyes widened finally in realization of what he was going to do and did what he was told. Kit felt more pressure at her entrance and hissed when the head of Hawks' cock popped in.
"It stings." She groaned out, "But... don't stop."
Hawks gave a curious look up at her, then looked back down where both he and the other man were stuffing her full, "This is so hot to watch."
Aizawa swallowed thickly, "The extra pressure is amazing."
When both were fully seated, Hawks laid a head on her collarbone, "I never knew being balls deep within you with another set of balls touching would be so sexy, my Little Vixen." He groaned after this, as if to confirm his statement, "Follow my lead so we don't actually hurt her. Go ahead and start moving."
As Aizawa pulled out then went to push back in, that was when Hawks started to pull out, almost like a see-saw motion, "Goddamn!"
Hawks made a cocky laugh, but didn't say anything as they began to go faster, leaving them all panting. Kit attempted words a couple of times, but with the jarring motion of the men inside her, it was impossible.
Aizawa's breath was beginning to become labored, "I'm going to cum! Going to---!" He clenched his teeth down and threw his head back.
Hawks watched this and couldn't keep the exotic look from his face, "Good god that was hot." He had a hand on a breast, while the other flicked her clit rapidly, "I'm going to cum too, but I can't without you!"
When Hawks nearly couldn't take it anymore, he decided to go the other route and pinched her clit. Kit's eyes flew open as she yelped and began to squirt all over the cocks inside her and down their bodies.
"Whoa, fuck!" Hawks slammed into her, then ground his hips while he came as well.
After a few seconds of her pulsating orgasm washing over her, she slumped on top of Aizawa, who gave a lazy chuckle, "I hope you're not done yet, Princess."
Being barely able to open her eyes, she felt her body being adjusted like a ragdoll and soon she found herself on her hands and knees. In front of her, Aizawa knelt, his hand gripping his still hard cock, but this time he had no condom on. She looked behind her as she watched Hawks slide on another condom to replace the filled used one.
Aizawa slid a hand down the back of her head, then down around her throat, to pull back near her chin for her to look up at him, "I'm going to teach you how to suck daddy's cock."
"Ooo, going with being called daddy, huh?" Hawks was looking down Kit's body as he pressed against her, "I kinda like that name too. Maybe we both can be her daddy."
Aizawa looked down into Kit's cyan eyes, "You have two daddies that are ready to fuck you again, Princess... Are you ready?" Kit didn't answer, but instead opened her mouth to let her long tongue out to lick the underside of the cock in front of her, a hand reaching out to grip him at the base, "O-oh... I think she is more than ready."
Hawks moaned along with Aizawa, finding that watching the girl he loved suck another cock was extremely sexy to him. Not able to wait anymore, he pressed his pulsating cock into her and began to pound into her, not waiting. Kit made a sound around Aizawa's cock, but didn't stop lapping at him before sucking him into her mouth.
Her eyes were only halfway open, but they widened when she noticed a bond mark on Aizawa's hip, just like Hawks'. She'd have to remember to say something afterwards, but it was already so hard to focus.
Both of his hands found each side of her face, the urge to fuck her face nearly making him jerk into her mouth. Hawks couldn't take his eyes off the image of his cock disappearing into her hole, but he looked up slightly to eye her virginal hole that showed when her tail moved a certain way. Grinning, he decided maybe it was time to start getting her ready; she might not be ready tonight, but maybe in the near future.
Hawks slowed his pounding as he put a finger into his mouth and let his saliva cover it before moving her tail to the side to trace her back entrance. She tensed up at first, but relaxed when he didn't do anything else. Letting more saliva drop from his mouth down to her ass, he began to press his pointer finger inside.
This time her hole clamped down on his cock, "Oh, does the Little Vixen like her ass played with?"
He pushed it in slowly to the knuckle, then pulled back out, twisting it as he went. He did this several times before he felt the ring of muscle loosen up. He let more wetness come from his mouth down to lube her more before adding another finger.
The tightness around his finger seemed to affect him more than he thought it would, so he pulled his fingers out, using a towel next to him to wipe them off before grabbing her hips. His eyes narrowed down at her and he pulled all the way out of her before slamming back into her.
The jarring force caused her to jolt forward, making her gag slightly on the cock in her mouth, "Easy there, Princess." When she hummed around his cock, he threw his head back, his hands moving to behind her head, "I'm going to fuck your face, Princess..." He licked his lips as he looked back down at her, but nearly lost it when she made eye contact, moaning again, "Here we go... Take it!"
He began to thrust into her mouth, causing her to gag every few thrusts. The gagging caused the muscles in her body tightening up as a result. Hawks was now panting at her tightening cunt as it seemed to almost strangle his cock.
"God, baby, I'm going to cum again..." Hawks' movements became jerky, yet still hard, "I-I'm cumming! ARGH!"
He slammed all the way inside again, leaving his hips flesh against hers, causing her to groan around Aizawa's cock as she came again. Lifting a hand, she wrapped her fingers around his sack and gave him a gentle tug.
That seemed like all he needed, "Ah, fuck!" He yelled out, his cum spurting into her mouth, "You shouldn't surprise me like that, Princess... You caused me to make a mess." He pulled out of her mouth, "Let me see."
She looked confused at first, but then she understood as she opened her mouth to show it full of his cum. Hawks even looked over her, eyeing the white substance with a small moan.
"Swallow it all like a good girl." Aizawa's thumb was tracing her bottom lip as she closed and swallowed, "Mmm, perfect."
Hawks pulled out of her finally and she fell forward on the bed, a trembling mess. Both men looked down at her amused before starting to clean themselves up. When Kit could finally get some feeling back in her body, she stumbled into the bathroom as well so she could clean the best she could.
Soon, she found herself back between the two men, but this time under the blankets to rest, "So... how?"
"I can't stand the idea of not having you. So, if having you means I have to share, I'll do it. When you were talking about just staying friends… it was unbearable." Hawks rolled onto his side to look down at her, "Besides, that grump isn't too bad."
Aizawa narrowed his eyes at him, but leaned down to kiss her, "I can't help but feel the same, Princess, and I would've suggested it too if I would've thought about it or knew…"
"Mmm..." She attempted to blink the tiredness away, but she was losing the battle quickly, "Well, all I know at this very moment is that I think it was worth it."
They both watched as she began to slip into the dream world with a soft sigh, so they both also laid down fully to join the woman in sleep.