A couple of days later, Kit found herself once again walking the halls of the main school building of U.A. Hawks had stayed until the next night, but while he had been with them, he had gotten a message from HPSC that they had a new mission for him. He had taken a while to talk to them, but unfortunately he found it would most likely be a while before he would be able to visit again. She had also received a message, canceling her standby status since they found no trace of the L.O.V.
Aizawa had also become rather busy over the last few days. After class in the afternoon, he would make trips out to the hospital to spend several hours out there with the little girl who had finally woken up. He told her that he'd let her know as soon as she was needed to come out, but the doctors were worried about her becoming overwhelmed easily around too many people at once; she was diagnosed with severe social anxiety.
The spirit within the school seemed to have finally gone back to normal and even rose as time went since the school's cultural festival was in a few weeks. The students were planning what their classes were going to do, going into competition against the other classes almost, while the teachers took this time to catch up on work and help where needed. She, along with most of the other staff members, was worried about having the festival. It had been agreed on that the festival would only be able to be attended by students, staff, and special circumstantial people.
Kit came around the corner only to stop when she saw Aizawa coming out of Principal Nezu's office, "Shouta?"
Both Aizawa and Nezu lifted their gaze to see her and Nezu greeted her enthusiastically, "Ah, Kit, I actually had a need to speak with you as well." He looked at Aizawa then, "Keep me up to date and we will do the best we can to accommodate her."
Kit bit her lip, wondering what was going on, but she shook it off. Aizawa nodded his head to the small white creature and he flashed her a closed mouthed smile as he passed her. She was still trying to get used to the lack of public acknowledgement from him, but sometimes it was hard. Hawks always bragged that once he was able to, he would shout it from the rooftops about their relationship. Of course, she didn't know if she wanted that either, but... something would be nice.
She walked into the office and sat when Nezu poured them some tea, "I got a phone call from a local college student the other day asking if we had any teachers or counselors who worked with behavioral health." He paused to drink some of his tea, "When I mentioned that we did, they requested if they could intern with you for a few weeks due to their degree."
Kit blinked and set her cup down, "Oh, I don't mind."
"That's great!" He stated happily, "I guess their degree is in health and wellness, but he is specializing. You will be a great help to the young man."
Kit gave him a nod, "I hope so."
"Perfect. Due to the security in the school, I'll have you go and pick him up from his home address to bring him here. He will be staying in an extra dorm room we have in the 1-A dorms." Nezu put a finger to his mouth in thought, "I don't know when this internship will be, but I do know it won't be until after the festival. Do you need help gathering materials?"
"Materials won't be hard to gather." Kit also had to think about what she would need.
"If you need anything, just inform me." Nezu told her kindly.
"Thank you, Nezu." Kit smiled kindly.
Kit left Nezu since it seemed like he had other appointments. She decided to go ahead and gather what she would need and file it away so she could be prepared as soon as possible. When she was done with that, she found herself at a loss. Since the students were all excited about the festival, it distracted most of them from the issues in their daily lives. Not to say that they didn't need her, they just seemed to always put it off in excitement of preparing for the event.
The next day, Kit was so bored from nothing to do, so she decided to go out to the training grounds to do some self training since she hadn't done so in a while. She had been switching between melting the test bots with her cyan flames to duplicating herself and doing combat. She knew that she needed to work on her beast form, but she was almost nervous to use it since she wasn't sure how to control it. Of course, this should be the exact reason to practice, but she would do it later when she could have a certain someone who could negate quirks help her.
She narrowed her eyes at her next target and threw out her hand, but when the flames didn't come, she nearly panicked, "What...?" The bot, obviously not caring that she couldn't use her quirk, still attacked and she ducked around it to pounce on its back to tear her claws into the hard wiring. She leaped off of it, letting it fall behind her, and raised her hand to look at it, "Something is wrong..."
A deep chuckle startled her and suddenly everything made sense, "Shouta!" She swung around to see him leaning up against a building, his red eyes still focused on her, "What are you doing?"
"I just wanted to see what you'd do if your quirk was taken." He pushed off the wall to walk over to her, his hair lying back down after he deactivated his quirk, "You are still very talented."
Kit wanted to be upset, but she couldn't help but flush from the compliment since Aizawa wasn't easy to impress when it came to skill, "Thank you. I'd hope the training all my life would pay off."
He stared down at her for a moment before pulling her into his arms, "The next few weeks are going to be busy, I'm sure you know, but I hope it will become easier since I'm going to start taking you to the hospital with me. I was speaking to Nezu about it yesterday when you saw me with him."
"Oh?" Kit couldn't help but flick her tails in excitement, "Finally, I'll have something to do."
"I'm sorry." He murmured into her hair, "I hope I haven't neglected you."
"Not really." She bit her lip, looking slightly guilty, "I just like attention from you."
Again, this pulled a chuckle from him, "I will try to give you more." He looked around, "Are you finished here?"
"Yeah, I'll set the bots to clean up." Kit walked over to a control panel and typed in a few commands before looking back at him, "It's lunch time, right? Wanna go get something from the lunch room?"
He gave her a single nod and they made their way back to the main school building. After grabbing some food from Lunch Rush, they found a table for two and ate together. Unnoticed by them, one of Aizawa's female students noticed how close the two teachers were and swooned, alerting the others. There was even a point where Aizawa gave her a large smile, causing even more of the students to notice.
They finished their food and Aizawa took their trays, then came back, looking up at the time on the wall, "This is about the time that I go see Eri. You ready?"
"Sure." Kit stood from her seat, letting her eyes sweep the room only to pause on the students that were still throwing looks their way, "What's gotten into them?"
Aizawa looked over his shoulder to see what she was talking about, his eyes narrowing slightly, "Knowing my class, it's nothing good." He sighed though and began to walk from the room with a quickly following Kit, "I wouldn't worry about it though."
Kit gave the students a final glance back, before shrugging it off, not too worried about them.
The days turned to weeks and they were making progress with the small girl. The first time the little girl opened her mouth to speak, Kit fell in love with her. She now looked forward to going to see her and rather than treating it like a job to see her, she did it just to see the girl get better.
Within the last few visits, the girl had opened up to her more since there had been no previous female influence in her life. Now when she saw her, the girl liked to hold onto a tail while she sat next to her. Kit even had gone as far as to buy Eri several outfits that she could wear instead of hospital gowns. Aizawa would tease her that she was playing dress up, but Kit couldn't help the pull she felt for her.
Today was an important day for Eri since she would be visiting the school for the first time. Nezu had given permission that the girl could come to the school festival since it was limited to only the main school population. There was a condition though to introduce her slowly into the public setting of the school since she had almost literally lived in a hole most of her life. Kit had suggested it first, but Nezu had forced the topic.
It was a Saturday afternoon after school hours and most students were still hard at work preparing for their parts in the cultural festival. To help keep the girl calm, they decided to have Togata join them while they visited Aizawa's class to start. Kit also thought it was rather cute because the girl clearly looked up to Midoriya and Togata almost like siblings.
Kit stood next to Aizawa as Midoriya, Eri, and Togata began to walk away to go around the campus. Kit couldn't keep the smile off her face when she noticed Eri's hand holding on Togata's jacket. Kit looked up to notice a worried expression falling onto her lover's face, so she could help but do the same as Eri and grab a fist full of his shirt.
He looked over and down at her, his eyes glancing at her hand, then back up at her, "Hm?"
"You look worried." She flashed him a small smile, "I am too, but those boys are very responsible and will take good care of her..."
He stared at her for a moment, something seeming to charge in the air. Kit froze as well, time going slowly as he leaned down to kiss her cheek softly, his lips lingering there. When he pulled away, Kit was pretty sure she was going to faint and maybe he noticed this too cause he wrapped his arm around her waist.
"Mr. Aizawa?" Both adults froze when they recognized the voice of Ashido, forgetting that the students had been right in front of them, "Are you and Ms. Kit dating?"
Ashido Mina was a very unique girl of medium height with light pink skin. She was a little thicker than most females in her class, but Kit considered it a healthy thick. Her eyes were black where it would be normally white and her irises were yellow. Her face was framed by short, but fluffy hair that was just a shade darker than her skin. Nestled within her hair were two little horns that were slightly hooked
The two adults looked at each other and Aizawa cleared his throat, "Kit and I have been close for a couple of years now and we have just, within the last few months, decided to start dating."
Awes and coos came from the female students, while several male students cheered for Aizawa. The only one that gave everyone the creeps was the little purple haired boy, Mineta. There were days that she wondered how he didn't get suspended for sexual harassment against the other female students.
Kit couldn't help the blush that came to her cheeks from the encouragement from the students, but it seemed that wasn't enough attention, "You two are dating?"
Coming up from the side was Kayama, Yagi, Yamada, and Nezu. It seemed as if they were simply doing rounds to check on the students while they prepared for the school festival. They just happened to overhear the question from Ashido and the answer from Aizawa.
"Mhm." Kit confirmed, suddenly feeling bashful.
"Ah, congratulations!" Kit was actually relieved that Nezu seemed to be happy about this, "Blossoming love within our school is a beautiful thing!" He came up to whisper to them then, "But, I'm going to need you two to fill out Fraternization forms."
The feeling of almost fainting returned, but she gave a nervous laugh, "Of course, Principal Nezu."
Yamada came around and wrapped an arm around Kit and Aizawa's shoulders, "Boy, I'm glad I don't have to keep that secret anymore."
"You knew?" Midnight laughed then, "That is a miracle that you could keep your mouth closed for so long." She ignored the irritated look from him, then looked at her longtime friend and former student, "I'm happy for the both of you."
All Might came up and gave a pat on Aizawa's back, "You found yourself a good girl." He then leaned in, "Though, I had a feeling the other day when I saw you two sleeping together."
"Sleeping together?!" Midnight gave Aizawa and Kit a once over before licking her lips, "Boy, I didn't know you two had it in you to do such things so early in a relationship."
"No, no." All Might waved his hands frantically, clearly embarrassed as well, "They stayed at the hospital with the kids and Kit offered Aizawa her lap so he could rest since he was still recovering from the raid as well."
"Oh." Midnight then stuck her tongue out, "Darn."
Kit couldn't help but laugh a little, "Right."
"Well, we need to continue going around." Nezu raised a paw to wave, "Good luck, you two!"
Aizawa and Kit were finally alone, noticing the students also had left, and Aizawa shared a look with Kit, "If only they knew, huh?"
Kit giggled, "Shush."