Chapter 12 An Audience or Not

The not so distant roar of traffic sounds was only barely overpowered by the horrid sound of the squeaky voiced woman of the late night infomercial blaring on the overhead television. Light flickers from its screen casting shadows around the dark room. Russ rubbed a hand over the back of his sore neck as he forced one tired eye open. He tries shifting his stiff body, but the splashing of cold water brings the memories of the past several hours back to him. His attention quickly sharpened, and his keen eyes settle on Joslyn. He stroked a large hand over her face brushing the stray strands of hair plaster to her damp brow and cheeks away. She released a soft moan, and her lips curved into a weak but satisfied smile at his touch. Russ could feel some of the tension release from his body. He smiled back down at her in the dim light. "Hey baby, you are feeling any better?" he whispered against her temple.

"Umm..." Jos moaned contently as she snuggled against his chest.