Chapter 13 Fate of the Future

Orion gazed out over the sparsely lit parking lot of the small roadside hotel. Even at such a late, or rather early, hour the nearby interstate was still buzzing with traffic. His eyes scanned the grounds until finally settling on the pool setting center the parking lot. He walked over and leaned against the rusted white railing that surrounded it. "What ya got going on now?" He asked as he watched Raven first whisper a chant into the soft, brightly colored petals of a flower then place it into the pool with several other flowers.

Raven sighed lifting the bowl of water she'd scooped out of the bathtub earlier and gazing down into it. "Trying one more spell before my powers are completely drained." She answered but then glanced over at him. "How are you feeling? Have you recharged yet?" She asked with a spark of hope.

Orion shrugged, "That depends... What kind of spell are you trying this time?"