Not Saying Anything is Saying Everything

At Annabelle's Apartment.

Annabelle and her sisters return home and suddenly find Margaret cooking.

Eline: (Runs to the kitchen, driven by the delicious smell) Wow!. (Notices Margaret cooked a lot of food) That's a lot of food.

Margaret: (Smiles proudly) I just wanted to cook for you girls. This will last us about a week.

Eline: I bet it's delicious.

Annabelle: Mom's food is always delicious.

Margaret: (To Annabelle) Come have a taste and tell me if it's really delicious. (Annabelle gets a spoon, tastes all the food, and acknowledges by nodding her head) Is it good?.

Annabelle: (Smiles) It's delicious.

Later at night

At the Balcony

Margaret and Annabelle are outside getting some fresh air.

Margaret: I called you here because I wanted to talk to you. (Without any words from Annabelle, Margaret continues) Since you're the eldest, I figured out it's best if I share some of my worries with you. First of all, I want to say I'm sorry for neglecting you and your sisters. Whenever I remember what your father did to me and how he cheated on me countless times, I guess I felt frustrated. I changed into a totally different person... (Annabelle suddenly interrupts her).

Annabelle: Yes you did.

Margaret: (Regretfully) I was wrong. I regret everything. I'm going to stop drinking from now on. I want to be a good mother to you and your sisters.(Almost tearing up) I know I haven't been the best mom to you and your siblings. I starved my kids, I didn't pay attention to any of you, to know how you were doing in school, I regret all of it. I want to be a better person, not only for me, but to my kids as well.

Annabelle: (Struggles to hide her emotions) Thank you for making an effort.

A Month Later

At Annabelle's Apartment.

It's finally Christmas and Margaret celebrates with her kids for the first time. Annabelle and her siblings exchange gifts.

Eline: (Excited) I have so many gifts!.

Annabelle: I didn't get you a new game, but it's something you'd love.

Eline: (unwraps Annabelle's gift and sees It's a new pair of Nike shoe. Screams in excitement) OMG!!!.. I've always wanted one of this. I didn't think I'd get it this sooner. Thank you so much Anna, you're the best.

Annabelle: (smiles) You're welcome.

Eline: (Quickly unwraps Clarissa's gift and sees it's a new game) A new PS5!. Thank you Clarissa.

Clarissa: (Proudly smiles) You're welcome.

Eline: (unwraps Margaret's gift. It's a new dress) This is the best Christmas ever. (Hugs Margaret) Thank you mama (they continue unwrapping each other's presents and they all look happy and grateful).

A Month Later

It's New Year's Eve. At 7pm, Margaret, Annabelle and her siblings all gather outside to light fire crackers. They watch as each of the firecrackers explodes up in the sky. It's a beautiful display of fireworks all in different colors.

All: (Shouts) Happy New Year!!!!!

At Diana's Place

Annabelle and her sisters arrive at Diana's place.

Annabelle: (Screams in excitement when she sees her best friend running towards her) Diana!!!!

Diana: Best friend!. (They both hug each other in excitement) I missed you.

Annabelle: I missed you too.

Diana: (To Clarissa and Eline) Happy New Year (hugs them both).

Clarissa and Eline: Happy New Year.

Diana: Come on in (they all walk inside. Harry suddenly sees Diana and he starts acting shy. Diana notices right away and she giggles).

Annabelle: (Meets Diana's parents) Hi Uncle, hi Aunty. Happy New Year.

Geoffrey(Diana's dad): A very Splendid New Year to you.

Jenifer(Diana's mom): Happy New Year Sweetheart (hugs Annabelle).

Annabelle: (Introducing Clarissa and Eline) These are my sisters, Clarissa and Eline.

Jenifer: (To Eline) How old are you?.

Eline: (Smiles) I'm 15.

Clarissa: And I'm 17.

Jenifer: Such beautiful kids.

Geoffrey: (To Annabelle, Clarissa and Eline) Join us at the table. It's dinner time.

Annabelle: Okay (They all move to the dinning section. Clarissa and Eline dish out food for themselves at another table filled with lots of different food and they both move to the dinning section to eat. Annabelle goes next because it is self-service. Harry suddenly joins her).

Harry: Hey (dishing out his food as they move from one dish to another).

Annabelle: Hey.

Harry: (notices Annabelle is unable to grab a piece of chicken as she panics in his presence. He helps her) There!.

Annabelle: (Smiles awkwardly) Thank you.

Harry: Don't mention. What else can I help you with?.

Annabelle: The rice pudding.(Harry continues to help Annabelle dish out her food. Diana sees them and thinks they're acting all lovey-dovey).

2 Hours Later

Annabelle walks into to the Restroom and Diana follows.

Annabelle: Oh, Diana!.

Diana: (Looks at her questionably while giving the same questionable smile) I think I know!.

Annabelle: What do you know?. And why are you smiling like that?.

Diana: You and Harry!.

Annabelle: What about us?.

Diana: Are you just pretending not to know?, or you're just being naive about the whole situation?.

Annabelle: What are you talking about?.

Diana: That Harry likes you and you know it. Don't you see the way he looks at you?.

Annabelle: (Pretends not to be concerned) What about his looks? (admires her face in the mirror).

Diana: (More serious) Annabelle my brother likes you. He's liked you for a long time. As far as I know, I think he started paying attention to you and everything else around you the day I invited you to his birthday party.

Annabelle: (Feels uncomfortable) Diana no!. Please stop.

Diana: (Even more seriously, despite the fact that Annabelle is starting to feel uncomfortable) Harry trains in a military school, but he couldn't tell you that. He was afraid you'd lose interest and leave even before he can get the chance to tell you how he feels.

Annabelle: Why are you telling me this?.

Diana: Because I see the way he looks at you and how he acts around you. Do you know he's your number 1 fan on social media?. Always anxious and waiting for your next update. The day you he came to see you, so he could take you out for bowling was because he wanted to get to know you. He wrote down everything you hadn't done after he inquired from me because he wanted to do them together with you.

Annabelle: (Getting mixed feelings) Diana...

Diana: I just wanted to make sure that you know. I hope you can be honest with yourself.

Annabelle: (Smirks) You think you know my true feelings?.

Diana: I won't if you don't tell me. (Grabs her hands softly) Anna, do you even like him?, even a little?.

Annabelle: (Silent for a few seconds and then she finally speaks) I'm afraid.

Diana: Of what?.

Annabelle: You know how bad my past relationships were. I'm scared to get caught up in another terrible relationship. I don't want to take that chance.

Diana: (Sympathizes with her) I know how you feel. I'm not going to persuade you into believing my brother is an Angel, but I'm going to promise you that he would never hurt you. He can be a bit stubborn sometimes, but that all comes down to one thing. He wants to keep his loved ones safe. So believe me when I say he loves you a lot.

Annabelle: (Slowly removes her hands from Diana's. Reluctantly) I don't know...

Diana: Take your time. As your best friend, my only wish for you is that you feel what it's like to be in love again and to feel loved in return.

Annabelle: (Struggles not to tear up, she grabs Diana's hand and forces a smile) Let's go.

Diana: (smiles back) Okay (they both leave the restroom. Annabelle tells Diana to go ahead and join the others).

Annabelle: (Stares at Harry who is cracking jokes and laughing with everyone for a long time. Murmurs to herself) Is he really the one for me?.

At Robert's House(Annabelle's Father)

Robert and his fiancée Samantha are unboxing presents mailed to them by Annabelle and her sisters when Robert finds a letter in a box attached to an envelope.

Robert: We have a letter (sees it's from Annabelle).

Samantha: (focuses her gaze on the letter) It's from Annabelle.

Robert: It is!. (Starts reading) Hi dad. How're you?. I hope you're doing okay. I and my sisters are doing just fine. I don't intend writing a very long letter, so I'll just go straight to the point. (Robert and Samantha stare at each other for a second and then he continues reading) In that envelope, it contains mom's petition for a divorce already signed. I thought you'd be finally happy to move on with your life, so I contributed to having her file for a divorce. It's no use being separated and still married. Also, this will be your chance to finally marry Samantha which you've always wanted. I hope you can live a happy life. Don't worry about us, we are extremely happy. Yours truly, Anna.

Samantha: (Notices the sadness in Roberts eyes, she hugs him) We finally have someone rooting for us.