Chapter Five

Katherine's P.O.V

*5 months later*

I met this girl at Starbucks her name is Gemma, she is so nice but very different from the friends I have. She seems so innocent and that bugs me. I don't know why, but it just bugs me. I'm on my way to this café around the corner of my flat to go and see my friend, James, well he is more like a brother than a friend. He works on my nerves for majority of the time, but I love him to bits. "Hey Kat! There you are, I've been waiting here for almost an hour." said James. "Sorry J, I was held up in traffic." I answered. "Anyway, I wanted to ask you if you could help me plan the biggest house party ever?" James asked. "Well, when is it?" I asked. "Friday, well what do you say?" James asked. "Fine, let's get started." I answered while shaking my head. As the time went on, we planned for the party on Friday and it was almost 4 p.m. "Hey J. I have to go, but we'll meet up tomorrow with the rest of the boys to discuss the rest of the plan." I told James. "Cool, see ya later Kat." James answered excitedly. As I'm walking away my mind drifted to the first list. What have I gotten myself into?