Chapter Six

Gemma's P.O.V

As I was walking along the streets of London, my mind drifted off to these past months and I have a feeling that things are going to become more dramatic and I don't know what to do. I walked into Starbucks and I saw this familiar guy staring at me and it was starting to creep me out. "Hey, can you um...stop staring at me it's starting to creep me out." I said to him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to creep you out. My name is James, I'm a friend of Katherine's, well more like a brother." He said putting out his hand for me to shake it. Wait...this is that guy from the shop, I don't think he remembers who I am. "Hi, I'm Gemma." I replied shaking his hand, the minute I touched his hand I felt an odd tingling sensation go through my hand. It was weird, I don't know how to explain it. "I know who you are, Kat told me about your encounter with her. I was wondering if you would like to come to a house party that I'm hosting on Friday?" He asked. So, he doesn't remember our encounter by the house. "I would love to. Is it ok if I bring my friends along?" I asked not really wanting to go alone, I still don't really know this guy. "No problem, see you around Gemma." He replied with a goofy smile on his face. "Bye James." I said while trying to hide my face as I could feel myself starting to blush. On my way back to the hotel after buying the drinks from Starbucks I whispered to myself, "Well, that was eventful." I smiled thinking of the encounter with the tall boy with short black hair and chocolate brown eyes. Man, I am going to in trouble.