Chapter Ten

Gemma's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning thinking about the two boys I met last night. I had the best night after all, they really took my mind off everything that happened at the party. I rolled over to check my phone on the nightstand, only to see that I had two text messages both from Thomas asking where we are meeting up later, that brought a smile to my face, thinking about last night's conversation. I heard a crash coming from the living room or whatever it's called. I got up to see what the hell is happening out there, but not before responding to Thomas' message saying that I will be meeting them at Starbucks at 1 p.m. I arrived in the next room only to see Jess and Nikita laying on the floor. Jess on top of Nikita while Nikita is moaning in pain. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to the kitchen to make me some toast before going to shower and get dressed. I am thinking of getting a job and I saw that Starbucks was hiring. I haven't told the girls yet, but I am thinking of moving here I'm just not sure what their response is going to be. I finished my toast and I take my tea back to my room to shower and get dressed. After my shower I get dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans with a black Metallica shirt and a pair of black combat boots with my denim jacket. I leave my hair down, but I take a hair band with just in case. I walk out of my room and see the girls passed out in the next room; I leave a note on the table saying that I am going out. I walk out the hotel in the direction of Starbucks, once I get there, I noticed that the help wanted sign is still up so that gives me a little bit of confidence. I approach the cashier to ask about the job. "Hey, I was wondering about the job." I asked with a smile on my face. She looked and smiled back at me and said " Hey, yes the job is still available. I'll go get the manager and I love your shirt." "Thank you very much." I replied laughing. She left to go and get the manager while I wait to see if I can actually get this job. She emerges from the back with a woman in a slightly sophisticated dress. The woman approaches me with an emotionless expression. "Brittney tells me that you are here for the job." she says with a monotone voice. "Yes ma'am, I am hoping that you would consider me for this job even though I may not look like much." I replied slightly intimidated by this woman.

She looked at me with her piercing blue eyes and I felt a cold shiver run down my spine as I held eye contact with her. She then broke into a smile and said, "I do need your documentations and CV, but other than that you can come in for training tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. sharp." I let out a breath of relief and smiled back at her. "Thank you so much, you will not be disappointed ma'am." I replied excitedly. " Please, call me Anne." she said chuckling. "Thank you, ma'am...uh...Anne" I replied laughing. She left to go back to her office in the back. Britney turned to me with a wide smile spread across her blood red face. She immediately erupted into a fit of laughter. " You...should...have seen...your face!" she said to me in between laughter. I started to laugh as well; her laugh is very contagious. She eventually calmed down and spoke again," Would you like to order something?" I look at her with a smile embedded into my face. "Yes please, although I would like to sit down." I told her as a hear my phone go off signalling that there is a message. " No problem, sit down and I'll be with you soon." she replied and then walked off. I spot a table at the back and sit there while looking at my phone to see who send me a message. I notice that it is from Thomas saying that they are two minutes away and that they are bringing another one of their friends with. I replied saying that I am seated at the back. I hear the bell above the door ring causing me to look up and see the boys walk in. They spot me and come to sit down. Thomas sits next to me and Quinton is opposite him while the other boy is across from me. I greet both Thomas and Quinton then I turn my attention to the boy sitting across me. He is fairly tall with curly-like hair, dark-skinned and dark brown eyes. He smiles at me and put his hand for me to shake, " HI! My name is Evan." I look at him wide eyed with a smile on my face. " Hi, my name is Gemma. It is very good to meet you." I replied to him laughing. "It is very nice to meet you too, Gemz." "Gemz?" I ask with a confused look. "Yeah, that is our nickname for you!" he said with a very proud look on his face. "OUR!?" asked Thomas with his eyebrow raised. "Admit it bro, you are going to end up calling her that anyway." replied Evan with a smug look on his face. I couldn't help but laugh at his facial expression. " I think I am going to call you, Gem, because I like that." said Quinton while looking at Evan with a smile on his face. Evan's smile immediately fell from his face, " Fine! You want to call her that then call her that, but Thomas and I will call her, Gemz." he said that in the most serious voice ever. "Jeez, Evan. Don't get so worked up, it's just a name." replied Thomas with a very sarcastic tone. I just laughed and then I realised that this is the type of friends that will last a long time.