Chapter Eleven

Katherine's P.O.V.

I haven't heard from Gemma since last night. I barely remembered what happened after the body shots. I remember her being there for the beer pong, but after that she disappeared. I wonder where she went, I hope she got home safe. I heard movement in the kitchen downstairs. Suddenly a loud noise echoed through the dead house and a string of curse words followed after. James. " What the fuck, man!" shouted Adam. I sigh as I got up and made up my bed and walked into my bathroom. I decide to take a shower because I want to go and see if Gemma and the rest got home alright. After my lovely shower, I got dressed in a black skinny jean with a white shirt that said " Haters back off" along with my ankle boots and my denim jacket. I put my hair in a bun and I left to see what is happening in the kitchen because it seems that all the boys are awake now. I walk into the kitchen and the first thing I see is Adam holding a butter knife in the direction of both Brett and Logan. I heard James laughing by the stove and when I walked in, they all stopped what they are doing and turned to the direction I am coming from. " Where are you going looking so fancy, sis?" asked James with a teasing look. "I am going to check on a friend of mine. She was at your party last night and I haven't spoken to her since the beer pong competition." I replied ignoring the look he gave me. " Which friend?" asked Adam. "Gemma, you haven't met her yet. James is the only one who met her." I answered. "Oh!!! Her!!! Yeah, she is alright. I saw her leave early though. I can't exactly blame her considering she was alone for most of the night." replied James with a shrug. "SHE WHAT!?!?!?" I asked shocked. "What? Are you shocked she was alone or that she left early? You can't really get mad because you were the one who left her alone which is the main reason why she left." He said with a knowing look. I instantly felt guilty, but I am angry at James because he was the one who invited her not me so why should I feel guilty? "Hey! You invited her not me!!!! so don't blame for me this!!" I told him trying to mask my guilt. "She is your friend and I only invited her because she is your friend and I wanted to be nice." He replied and the others are nodding their heads agreeing with him. "Whatever!! I am leaving. See you later and don't forget to clean the kitchen because I ain't doing it!!!!" I told them while walking out the door. I close the door behind me and went to my car and drove off to the hotel where Gemma is staying. I am hoping she is there, but I guess I will see.