Chapter Sixteen

Gemma's P.O.V.

I open the door and the boys are standing there along with Bricia and Brittney, who I invited just so that I wouldn't have to suffer through this alone. They smile as they walk into our new flat, which was decorated by Cait, Jess and myself. Jess and Cait do not like the way my room looks; they claim that it is too dark and that even the devil wouldn't want to enter it. My room is decorated with black and blue paint on different sides of the walls along with grey curtains and a bunch of posters are scattered across my walls ranging from Selena Gomez to Linkin Park. Jessica's room is a lot brighter than mine with her cream coloured walls with purple shapes and animations along with her baby blue curtains and posters also scattered across her walls ranging from Noah Centineo to One Direction as well as calendars, post it notes and more. Caitlyn's room is light grey with her cream coloured curtains and posters along with calendars scattered across the walls.

The party took off with showing everyone around the surprisingly spacious flat. I kept quiet for most of the night only communicating to Britt, Thomas and Adam. I got to know Adam a little bit more and I have come to realise that he loves drawing, playing football and music. He is a very good listener and I relate a lot to him. I understand why Jess is so smitten with him. Brittney and I also have a lot in common. She too is an excellent listener and she gives brilliant advice. She loves music, movies, series and reading. She is also a very social person considering the fact that she talked to everyone here and it is only half way through the night. Thomas is very interesting. I noticed that he knows a lot of interesting facts that I could never even dream of knowing. He loves music, comic books, drawing and playing video games. He is also a brilliant listener and just like Britt he is also very social. Shortly after dinner everybody just sat around the living room talking with their glasses in hand. I was busy cleaning and listening to the various conversations that I could hear from where I was situated. Jess, Cait, Britt and Bricia were having a conversation about random topics while Evan and Quinn were talking about some comic book character, I can't remember who and Adam and Thomas were talking about some music artist. A few minutes later, I was busy packing away the dishes and putting the leftovers into containers when I heard the counter bar stool scrape against the wooden floor. I knew someone came to sit by me, but I wasn't sure considering that my back was turned towards the counter. I turned around to see Adam sitting by the counter looking at me expectantly. "Why aren't you with the rest?" I asked him confused. "I could ask you the same thing." he countered with his eyebrow raised. "You have been disconnected from the group whole night. What's up?" he asked me with a slightly worried look. "Nothing is up, I am just busy cleaning the dishes. I'll be there soon." I said dismissing the subject. "You know your mood had an effect on everyone tonight and it's not fair to them." He replied trying to keep the subject alive. "Yeah, who was affected because everybody is having a good time." I bit back knowing the exact answer. "Well for one Jessica has been off the entire evening and it's not fair towards her." he replied trying to make me feel some sort of guilt. Of course. I rolled my eyes starting to get annoyed. I turned my head to the right to grab the last container of leftovers to put in the fridge when my dark brown eyes met his blue-green ones. His eyebrows furrowed when he saw my facial expression. I quickly looked away and place the container into the fridge. "Yeah, well she should have thought of that before she invited everybody without telling me." I replied knowing exactly what I just started and I hope that I can leave before this gets any worse. "So that is what this is all about. Are you serious? You are mad at her over something so stupid and now you are trying to spite her by ruining her night!?" he said raising his voice slightly catching Thomas and Evan's attention. I looked at the two boys before I replied, "It's not stupid to me. I was planning on catching up with school work because I have 3 assignments due at the end of this week (It's Wednesday) and I behind because I have been trying to get a handle on my new job. So, a little warning would have been nice." I bit back venomously glaring back at him. I felt a hand on my shoulder and that's when I realised how close I am to Adam with my hands curled into fists. I turned to see Thomas standing behind me with a worried expression etched onto his face and I looked to see Evan standing next to Adam coping Thomas' expression. I turned around and moved Thomas out of the way softly before making my way to my room to get my leather jacket, keys, wallet and cell phone. I left my room to see everybody standing in the living room staring at me; Adam, Bricia, Cait and Jess with disappointed looks and Thomas, Evan and Quinn with worried looks. I just scoffed at that before storming out of the flat running down the stairs as fast I can, out the building doors and towards the dark alley across the street. I stood there for a couple of seconds to see Evan and Quinn come outside to look for me. They sprinted into different directions to try to see which way I went. After a brief pause, I let out a breath that I didn't even know that I was holding. I heard a chuckle echoing through the alley making my blood freeze and my eyes widened. I turned around slowly to see a figure leaning against the opposite side of the alley, smoke coming from the figure. "You looked stressed, want to a fix to help you relax?" asked the figure with a chuckle.

"I don't do drugs and why would I take drugs from a random stranger in a dark alley?" I replied with slight sarcasm still afraid of what this person might do to me. "We're not strangers." he said as he stepped into the light that was shining from the street. "I am in your English Lit class." he replied smiling deviously. "Dylan? Why am I not surprised that you're a drug dealer?" I replied with a slight eye roll. "A kid's gotta eat." he replied with a shrug. "So, what do you say? Want a fix? I have something here just for you. It will keep you awake long enough to complete the school work you're behind in and it will take the edge off as well to help you focus." he said with the pills lying in his hand. I looked at it contemplating on whether not I should take it. I do need help to complete my work and I have been feeling stressed lately. "What is it?" I asked still a bit sceptic. "It's called Amphetamine, but the street name for it is Speed. It gives you that extra boost of energy to help you complete whatever you need to." he replied with a smug smile. I heard my name been called. Evan. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket; I take it out to see the caller ID. Thomas. "I'll tell you what. I give you these free of charge and then we'll chat tomorrow about more." he said seeing my hesitation. I nodded and took the drugs from his hand. I turned around and ran towards my building missing the devious look on Dylan's face. I get back to my flat and am immediately engulfed in hugs. Evan and Thomas. I looked them in the eye with a ghost of a smile on my face before I dismissed myself going to my room and locking the door, I lean against my door staring at the pills in my hand with tears running down my face.