Chapter Nineteen

Jessica's P.O.V.

I was busy talking to Adam when something caught my eye, Gemma's arm, she was busy taking off her sundress when I saw it. Scars all over her arm. I couldn't take my eyes off of it, Adam noticed that I wasn't paying any more attention and followed my eyes. His eyes widened as he saw the same thing and the thing, he did next shocked me even more. He grabbed Thomas' arm as he walking by us and before Thomas could say anything Adam pointed slightly to Gemma. Thomas turned around and saw the scars. He clenched his jaw and pulled his hands into tight fists. He stood there for about 2 seconds before he looked at us and motioned us to follow him. We obeyed and walked up the stairs to his room. Once we entered the room, he closed the door and looked at us. I took a few steps back when I saw a look in his eyes that I couldn't recognise. "Did you guys know about this?" he asked so softly that I could barely even hear it, but I did. I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. "No! This is the first time I saw it." replied Adam hastily. Thomas nodded believing him. I looked down at the floor trying to get my words in order. When I looked up, I noticed that both boys are now looking at me waiting for any answer. I took a deep breathe before I spoke bracing myself for their reactions. "Yes, I knew about this." I spoke looking at the two boys waiting for a reaction. Adam looked shocked and speechless whereas Thomas' face is blank showing no emotions, not even in his eyes. "How long have you known?" he asked bluntly. "I have known for years now, at least six years, but I thought she stopped after..." my voice faded slightly already regret saying anything. I should've just lied, but I don't know what compelled me to say something. Maybe it was the look on their faces or maybe it was the weight on my chest caused by this secret that I had to carry for all these years. All I know is that Gemma might never forgive for this once she finds out and trust me, she will. She always seems to know even when you don't say anything. "After what?" asked Thomas venomously. I took another breath, here goes nothing. "After she tried to kill herself...twice...and nearly succeeded both times." I replied slowly backing away from both boys as I can see the anger in Adam's face as he looks like he is about to explode. Thomas looks surprisingly calm and that scares me to death.

"I helped her stop; she was supposed to be clean for three years." I continued wanting them to know at least some of the facts before they go storming downstairs confronting her. "What do you mean supposed to be!?" Asked Adam confused. "Some of the cuts on her arm are new at least a few months old meaning she has been doing that for a while now." I told them trying to get them to understand. "Look you can't go down there all hot headed. We need a different approach because this specific topic is very sensitive to both her and me." I continued looking at Adam. He nodded and sat down on Thomas' bed shaking his head slightly. I know he doesn't understand why she does what she does and to be honest neither do I, but that doesn't stop me from trying to at least help her when she needs it. Thomas has been silent this entire time and I don't know what is going on in his head, but I hope it is nothing that can cause us problems.

Thomas' P.O.V.

I can't seem to wrap my head around what Jessica just told me. I mean I understand that life is tough and I know that these girls haven't had the best life so far, but why would she start cutting again when she knows that we are there for her. All I want to do right now is go down there and demand answers from her, but I know that it won't end well for any of us. Maybe I could talk to her alone and try to find out what is going on. Damn it! Why do I care so much? I barely even know her! Maybe it's because you care about her. Shut up! stupid conscience. I care about the same way I care about Adam and Jessica, as a friend and as her friend it is my job to make sure that she is alright. Yeah keep telling yourself that. She would do the same for me.

Third Person's P.O.V.

Little did Thomas know how right he is. While the three friends are upstairs trying to figure out how they are going to help their already broken friend, Evan and Caitlyn are trying to get their friend to confess her feelings for a certain someone. Trying and failing. The night goes on as the three friends came down the stairs as though nothing had happened thinking that no one would notice the worried gleam in their eyes. They were wrong, Gemma immediately noticed the look in their eyes which made her worry even more. Little did she know that her whole world just got a little bit interesting as new players will enter and some key players will change the game completely as for now the game is quiet, but don't forget that silence is deadly.