
6.30 am in the morning and I was half awake. I need to get up early to catch the bus to college. I take a shower and make a simple breakfast. Lena is still sleeping. Maybe she didn't have any class this morning. The other two roommates also lost in sight.

"Hey... you're up early" Lena said walking to the kitchen.

"I need to catch the bus" My hand is busy putting strawberry jam on the bread.

"I can give you a ride. I also have class this morning."

"It's okay... i don't want to trouble you." I eat the bread. emmm sweet.

"It's not a choice." She said while heading to the bathroom.

"Wait... what?" I was confused.

"You're going with me Aira!" She yell as soon she got in the bathroom. My head still confuse.


"Come on" Lena said and heading to the car. Are you kidding me. It was an Audi. Only someone with a lot of money can afford it. Lena open the door for me.


"You welcome princess" It made me feel like I'm the boss.

We get inside the car. Lena start the engine and ready to go. "Ohh wait a minute" she said and heading towards my seatbelt. "safety first" that action make me startled a bit. Now that I know she's a lesbian, it made me feel awkward in this kind of situation.

"Nice car" I said try to get into some conversation.

"Thanks... this car is one of my favorite... what kind of music do you like?"

"I love all genre of music actually but if I have to pick one, I'm gonna go with country." I said. I still can't stop looking at the interior of this car. It was really a high tech super car for me.

"Nice" Lena said and turn on the radio. "I love country music too" The song called 'God Gave Me You' by Blake Shelton start playing.

"I love this song but it was sad at the same time..." I said while looking on the road.

"Yeah... it was..." She said. Why did I sense some kind of sadness in her eyes.

"So, are you seeing someone right now?" Where did that question come from?

"Why? are you interested in me?" Silence. I don't know what to say.

"Hey... relax... I was just joking" She laugh.

"I used to date once but we broke up 2 years ago..." That sad eyes again.

"I'm sorry to hear that... I probably shouldn't ask about it."

"Nahh... it's okay, it was a long time ago... I don't mind you asking. She smiled at me. I like those smile on her face.

"So where is your class take place?" she ask.

"At the C building"

"Okay... we're almost there."

As soon as we arrive, all eyes were looking at us. I made quite an entrance on the first day of lefture. Gosh... I wanna hide my face.

"Thanks for the ride... Here..." I gave her some cash but she rejected it.

"Save it"

"No... take it"

"You're so stubborn, Aira"

"Me? You're stubborn too"

The money goes back and forth like its not going to end. Lena can't take it anymore and lean towards me.

"Aira... if you're like this, you and me are going to have problem tonight... and this is not a joke." she wink at me.

I push her away slowly. "Okay fine... you win... Bye" I open the door and walk to the building.


"Nice bus" Sarah said teasing me in the morning.

"Oh shut up Sarah" I walk with her to class.

"Now I know why you didn't want me to pick you up" She said and shows her sulking face.

"What? No... I swear I wake up early to get in line for the bus until she showed up and force me take a ride with her."

"Okay... okay... but you're going to get home with me."

"Fine" I said and pinch both of her cheek.


I got home kind of late... It's already 9pm. This is all because of Sarah wanted me to accompany her shopping for something. There a lights from the other room. maybe the other two have already back.

I walk to my room and saw Lena half naked body. I think she's getting dressed up from taking a shower.

"Sorry..." I closed the door back. Why did I blush? we're both girls.

Lena open the door. "Get in Aira... it's no big deal. we're both girls." She already wear her top.

"You got home pretty late." she said while sitting in her bed.

"Sarah want me to accompany her shopping... couldn't say no to her." I grab a towel and cloth to go to the bathroom.

"Hey... is that your schedule on the board?" she ask.

"Yeah... why?"

"Nothing" This girl made me curious. Just why she ask me that.