What Is This Feeling

As soon as I finish taking a shower, I head straight to my bed. It was a long day with a new lecture. Just one more year Aira, you can do this.

My eyes feel heavy and I want to drift off to sleep until a cold sensation touch my cheek. It literally makes my eyes wide open. Lena's face is one inches away from me.

"You're going to catch a cold if you sleep like that." I sat up straight on my bed. Lena give me something.

"Here... drink it" She gave me a glass of pale yellow drink. I don't know what was it.

"What is this?" I ask.

"An energy drink I made... you seems pretty exhausted... give it a sip." She's waiting for me to drink it.

"It's sweet and refreshing... I like the taste." It does boost up my energy a little. Interesting.

"Glad you like it. Finish it up... I'll help drying out your hair." She goes to her drawer and get a hair dryer. She plug in the hair dryer and sit on my bed.

"I... I can dry it later..." Why am I feeling nervous.

"Nope... just relax yourself and finish up the drink..." She insist and turn me around to dry my hair. It was quiet and awkward for me. I don't know how she feels about this or is she enjoying this.

"You have a nice smooth hair..." She said out of the silence.

"Th... thanks" As awkward as it may seem, it feels pretty nice to have someone playing with your hair once in a while.

"It's done..." Lena said and switch off the dryer.

"Thanks Rina" Oh my gosh. why did I say that?

"Rina? who's Rina?"

"Haihh... what am I thinking? she's my older sister. She died when I was 14... sorry, she used to comb my hair when I was little... you made me remind of her..." I'm such an idiot.

"I'm sorry to hear that... and for asking about it." She grab my hand. It's like a jolt of electricity running through my skin.

"It's okay... I'm the one who said it in the first place anyway." Don't cry Aira. don't cry... not now. Stupid tears.

"Gosh... This is embarrassing..." I wipe the tears with my hand.

"Hey... it's okay... crying mean you love her..." She touch my face and wipe away my tears. I don't know why but her hand feels nice and warm. We stare at each other eyes for quiet sometime and I just lost in time. She lean closer to my face and suddenly...

My phone rang... I snap into reality and pick it up.

"Ehem... Hello"

"Why is your voice like that?"

"Nothing mom... I was sleeping until you call me..."

"Sorry for disturbing you... just wanted to ask how's your day at new place."

"Yeah... it was great. I have new roommate, new friends..."

"That's great to hear... nevermind, take some rest and don't forget to eat."

"Okay mom... love you"

The call ended and now what? this is awkward. Someone just kill me already.

"Sorry for... you know... making you feel uncomfortable." Lena said and walking to her bed.

"No... it's okay... my mind just went blank too..." I don't know if it was the right word to say.

"So we're good?" she ask.

"Yeah... we are."

"Great... so I can give you a ride for class tomorrow... you have morning class right?" Is this why she ask me about my schedule?

"I can't just hope into your car without anything in return... you don't even want me to pay." I said disagree.

"Okay... how about you made me breakfast everyday you have a morning class... that seems fair to me." She made a suggestion.

"Okay... fine..." I just agreed to that without even thinking twice.

"Yeay... awesome... can't wait to taste your food."

"Well... prepare to be amazed." We both laugh after that... glad the awkwardness fade away.


As we agreed last night, I have to make breakfast. So, what do we have here... egg, bread, honey and other random ingredients. French toast with coffee sounds pretty nice to me.

I began to cook and boil the water. Actually, I like to cook. It's not that hard, you just have to know the right ingredients.

After a few minutes, the food is ready to serve. Lena just got here right on time.

"Hmmm... french toast and... coffee. Looks appetizing..." Lena said and sit on the chair.

She taste the food and I just wait for her response. She was quiet at the moment.

"How was it?" I ask curiously.

"This is good... it's great... I can eat it everyday."

"Haha... that was a lot of compliment for a french toast... glad you like it." I also take a bite. It does taste delicious.

"You are so girlfriend material" She said. Where does that even came from.

"Nahhh... I'm not that perfect... everyone has flaws."

"Seems perfect to me..." Hear her saying that make me blush and happy at the same time.


"Is the notes so fun to read?" Sarah ask.

"Hah... what? I'm sorry... are you saying something?"

"You know... there is something strange about you this morning." She stop reading her notes and look at me.

"Like what? I don't know what you mean."

"Your face" She point her finger at my face.

"What about it?"

"It's glow... I mean like literally glowing... something is happening right?" What is she talking about.

"Come on... spill it... did you won a lottery or something?"

"No! and firstly, it is my usual expression... stop thinking about it." I said to her.

"Okay fine... but if I know you're keeping secret with me, you better watch out." she pointed her fist in front of me.

"Yeah... yeah... i know... i know..." I began reading my notes back before the lecture start.


"Hey Aira! long time no see!" This speaker like voice is no other than Damien.

"Hey Damien... nice to see you too" I said.

"Hey Sarah! you know what... you to looks like a couple because you keep hanging out with each other." He said that out of the blue.

"So what? were best friend... like sisters... right Aira?" She link her arm with mine.

"Ye... yeah..." Sometime Damien joke is too far to handle.

"Urghh... whatever" He shows his annoying face.

"I know... why don't we go get a drink at nearby cafe... my treat." Damien ask.

"Sure... why not... how about you, Aira?" Sarah look at me.

"Sounds nice... we can kill some time before the real torture of brain begin." But part of me want to go home faster to see her... why did I feel this way?