Rainy Day

It's been a week at the new place, new environment and more importantly new roommates. I get along well with Lena but not with the other two. I don't have enough chance to talk to them. All I know is their name, Lilith and Vivian. Maybe I'll get to know them later.

I look at Lena from my bed. She looks cute studying with those glasses. She looks more mature than usual.

"Am I that pretty?" It shocked me to death when she said that. She knows I keep staring at her. Damn it, I wanna die.

"I just think you look more mature when you wear those glasses" Just keep calm Aira.

"Really? I've get that a lot... that's why I don't wear it often." She said while her hand still busy writing.

"Do you want to go grab some lunch?" she ask.

"Yeah sure... where do you want to go?" I ask curiously.

"I heard that the new burger store near campus get a great review... wanna go there?" I hear excitement in her voice.

"Yeah... sounds good to me."


"Wow... the review don't lie... it is delicious..." Lena bite the burger for the second time.

"Wanna try mine?" I ask.

"Sure" She grab my hand and take a bite.

"Your's good too..."

"Urmm... you got some sauce at the corner of your lips." I point at it with my finger.


"Left" She brush it with her hand.

"Nope... I mean the other left... here..." I decided to get rid of it myself. I touch her lips with my hand and something just spark inside of me. I pull my hand back. Arghhh! this feeling again.


"You welcome..." I hope she can't see my blushing face.

"Do you have any plan this evening?" She ask and have a sip of coke.

"No... I think... why?" I take another bite of burger.

"Can you go shopping with me?... I mean... if you want."

"Sure... I want to look at some things myself."

"Yeay!" She sounds excited like a child getting a candy. It's cute.


We went to the mall after eating lunch. Lena is busy trying out some cloth. The price was a bit high for me though. Come to think of it, I never ask about her family. Her family must be rich.

"Hey Aira! what do you think?" She's wearing a white shirt with a red jacket. It looks a little bit tomboyish but I like it.

"You look great in it."

"Don't you want anything?... pick one... I'll pay for it." She offers to me while looking at some cloth.

"No thanks... you already paid for my lunch so I'm good." I refuse her offer.

"How about this one? it suits you the best" She showed me a white blouse with stunning design at the bottom.

"Hey... are you even listening to me?" I said to her.

"Come on... consider it as a gift for being a good roommate... please..." She beg me. Why is she this nice to me?

"Okay... fine but this is the last time... like seriously..." I'm warning her.

"Okay miss Aira." She said happily.


"Do you want me to turn off the AC? you look cold" She ask me inside the car.

"I'm fine... it's not that far until we get home."

It suddenly start to rain heavily outside when we finish shopping. We both don't like to wait for it to stop, so we make a run for it to the parking lot. My cloth is all wet.

"You go take a shower first." Lena said to me.

"No... you take it first." I disagree.

"Want to go in together?" She ask playfully.

"What?! No... " Sometime her joke making me blush.

"Okay... rock,paper, scissor... the loser get in the shower first." Lena suggested.

I don't know why we made a big deal out of this. "Okay"

"Rock... Paper... Scissor"

"I win... rock beat scissor" I said happily.

"Let's make it three round" She said.



"Go..." I push her outside.

Sometime I wonder why she get so stubborn on certain things. I put my wet cloth aside and wait for her to finish taking a shower.


The sound of thunder with lightning prevent me from sleeping. I look at the clock and its already 1 am in the morning. I decided to switch on my desk lamp.

"Hey Aira... are you up for studying?" Lena ask with her sleepy voice.

"No... sorry to wake you up... I just... can't sleep."


"Nothing... just having some trouble sleeping tonight." I don't want to tell her that I'm afraid of lightning.

"Okay... don't stay up to late... we have morning class tomorrow." She said and drift off to sleep.

"Haihh... I hate rain."


Lena POV

I switch off my phone alarm. 7 am... time to wake up. "Hmmm... weird, does Aira didn't have any class this morning. I check her schedule last night and she definitely have one this morning. I get off from my bed and go to her.

"Aira... hey Aira..." I shake her shoulder a little.

"Hmmm..." She replied. Strange. She's not the type of person that have trouble waking up for morning classes. I switch on the lamp and she began to open her eyes slowly.

I was shocked when looking at her face. It looks pale. "Hey... are you okay? you don't look so good." I said and sit on her bed.

"What time is it?" Even her voice become hoarse. She want to get up but I don't let her.

I place my hand on her forehead. "You're burning up... let's go to the clinic."

She want to get up again. "Nevermind... I'm fine... cough!"

"No way! you're going to the clinic with me whether you like it or not." I said and ask her to lie down.

"I'm thirsty..." She said with a soft and shaky voice.

"Wait a minute... I'll go grab you something to drink." I run to the kitchen and pour a glass of water.

I help her sit on the bed. "Here... drink it..." I help her drink slowly.

"Okay... let's go to the clinic before it get worse... can you walk?" I ask.

"Yes... I'm just feeling a little bit dizzy."

"Here... I'll help you..." I help her stand up.

"Don't you have class this morning?" She ask me suddenly.

"It was cancelled... the prof has an emergency this morning..." I lied. If I don't, she will push me away to go to the class.

We just got to the lift and I can feel her breathing getting heavy.

"Are you okay... just lean on me, Aira." To my surprise, she lean her head on my chest. My heart is gonna burst. I hope she can't hear it. I feel like this lift is taking forever to get to the ground floor. Keep your cool Lena... you can handle this.