Death and...

Mitchel Meyers, If someone asked his friends what kind of person he was, they would respond that he was a respectful, easy to be around, close but at the same time ephemeral. They would say that he was the guy, you would think had all going for him. Like he breezed trough life with no obstacle. The one to crack jokes and always having fun no matter what he was doing. But above all, they would say that he was full of life. He was always searching and exploring other facets of life. He liked to first listen rather than give his opinion, and had this ability to relativize and see past the current hold-up.


I came to myself abruptly as I looked around myself, at least I tried to. I was surrounded by nothing; not black, not the absence of light, but nothing. I couldn't discern anything. Amidst all the weirdness, I realized that I had no body. With the realization, I questioned why I was so calm and was able to think coherent thoughts. Was I a soul, or just the amalgamation of my experiences that gave me my views on life, and dictated how I would act or react in different situations? hum, let's leave that to philosophers. I see you Karl Marks, actually no but you get my meaning.

Not willing to delve on the philosophy of self (I think, therefore I am), I was able to see myself. A blob of some sort, but I couldn't see the color or make out the texture of it, so I left it at that. With nothing better to do, I began to review my life, because at this point I'm pretty sure I'm.. dead? Either that or I'm in a coma or I'm hallucinating; but I've never done hard drugs.. so I mused that even if someone slipped it in my drink or whatever, I'm positive this isn't the way it's supposed to feel.

I had a pretty basic school life, wasn't the dumbest nor the smartest growing up but I had common sense, so there's that. Average I would say, normal high school, university. Never liked going out overly much, Played games, read manga, novels, comics, binged movies and tv series. I was a semi-otaku but had not a NEET life.

At home, it was just my mother and I. She said, my father was dead before I was born, typical high school crush, married after they started working. They had me in their late thirties after getting everything settled down with their careers. Never talked about him much, but growing up, I saw the look my mother gave me sometimes. And it became increasingly obvious the more I grew up resembling my father. It was during my second year of my mechanics degree that my mother died, organ failure, doctors said. It hit me pretty hard. and I took 2 years, just for myself, to try and go through my feelings. I travelled, saw the world and tried to get as much of life as I could. But I was never the same person again. I was in different relationships but never committed fully. The last memory I had was going to get a copy of my grades and apply for a job offer I had seen in a group-chat.

I was on my phone, waiting for the green light, when a voice called from my left, on the other side of the road. Turning, I first saw a little kid running ahead of a woman in her late twenties that was yelling at him to slow down. Ignoring the two, I brought my phone in my line of sight, but on my right I caught a truck moving way too fast to stop. And the trajectory was straight to the kid and his mother.

I don't know what came over me, to act so out of my usual demeanor, but I took off with a sprint, all the while gesturing wildly for them to go back to the curb. Seeing no response and the speeding truck, I tackled both of them, oriented my back to the truck and waited for the impact. Last thing I thought of was, how this looked strangely like the start of an ROBb'ed story.

I was brought back from my thoughts when the world around me literally lit up.

After getting used to the equivalent to bringing a flare in front of a blind person seeing for the first time, I saw a being of light that encapsulated anything and everything ahead of me.

I wasn't the religious type, but I knew the being in front of me had to be a sort of God with capital G. The being was seizing me like you would something on a balance. And it smiled, it didn't have a face but I was getting and aura of satisfaction coming from it. It chuckled then started to speak: "Welcome young soul, I know you have some questions but first hear me out before inquiring further"

Seeing as I was silent, it continued: "I am what you mortals call GOD, I am in charge of your multiverse. But I see that you already figured that. So, what I do, is judge souls based on their actions when they were alive. The good or bad you have done versus the good and bad done to you, is how I decide if I reincarnate you in a dark or light universe and the details of said reincarnation. Following so far?"

I swallowed hard, guess I was right, I died. I began to fear for my reincarnation, I had done nothing overly good. At best. I was neutral good, at worst... oh shit I'm so fucked right now. Seemingly having read my mind, god said: "Fear not young'un. You've had a pretty neutral good life, as you put it but in the last moment of said life, you've done a great deal of good to your world..."

Now, I was getting confused, I mean, I tried to save the young woman and her son but even if I managed to save them, which I doubt btw, how could two life matter in the grand scheme of things. I put the though away and continued listening.

"The child you tried to save, had the same IQ as Leonardo Da Vinci, and had he survived, he would have gone and made advancement on new avenues that helped create weapons of mass destruction that would have brought extinction to humanity as you knew it. It would have resulted in more than 99% of the population dead and with the rest having to survive in a wasted earth. Not that he was evil or anything, just human greed and application of his theorems in the creation of those weapons"

I wanted to say that it wasn't my aim, and that he was going to die anyway with the trajectory of the truck, but I thought of the morale question of 'would you kill baby Hitler if you could go back in time'. Maybe he didn't want those weapons to be created but at the same time his progress in science made it so. No to forget the fact that it meant nothing but good to me... I was again brought back by the chuckling of god as it said: "Oh, I remember him, he had enough negative karma to land him in a dark universe for at least thirteen lifetimes. Back to you, if you hadn't tried to save them, the mother would have swung her son away from the truck. And yes, you didn't want to kill him, but the people that would have died had you to thank, and you have a premium fee for every good they and their descendants of 1000 years had done but not the bad. Good begets good, bad does not is the motto"

"Now young'un, you have a choice to make. You can reincarnate in any universe of your choice fictional or not, your characteristics, abilities. Keep your memories, forsake them, THE CHOICE IS YOURS, as long as you have enough karma and that it does not break the structure of said universe. So, you can't have a power in a world that does not and the like. "

Man, I was getting hyped. First, I need to know how much positive karma I had. Can it be quantified? Is it a number of sorts? I looked at god and a shake of it's head let me know that that was not how it worked, information poured in my head. Hum.. Let's see, I make my wishes till my karma is spent, and if I don't have enough karma for my wishes, I have to modify one or multiple wishes. Good.

OK, first off where do I want to go? I started thinking about where I could be going, and be absolutely free. To be free, I needed absolute power or something close to that. And above all I wanted to have fun, to enjoy myself. Naruto is out, no child soldier business here. MHA, the world is too small, I have seen almost everything there is to that world. I don't want to go to a world where a car crash could kill me. So out of my favorite fiction worlds, I'm left with the Marvel universe, and DC universe. Stronger threats but equally stronger avenues for power. God said, I can't break the integrity of the universe so, I can't be cosmic entity level right off the bat. Just to be sure, I looked towards god and it shook it's head. K, message received. If I can't have absolute power, let's go with absolute potential and enough power for immediate threats plus the the assurance that I could not die easily.