
After thinking things through, I choose the Marvel universe because honestly, the number of ways I could get stronger if I played my cards right is astonishing. Now, which version of the Marvel universe do I want to go in? X-Men (movies and comics mesh) universe is totally in, the variety of powers I could copy, assimilate is vast, but it comes with it's own set of problems. Apocalypse, Nathaniel Essex, Anti-mutant movements, M-Day, sentinels, Hellfire club and the list goes on. But I could manage if my wishes pass through. Let's go with the MCU version of marvel. Don't want to deal with demented reality wrapping Wanda Maximoff, evil Loki, dark Dumbledore professor Xavier, paranoid Fury, egomaniac batman like Reed Richards and Tony Stark. Not to forget, Hulk bringing about the destruction of the world every other week in the Marvel comics universe. Marvel easy mode, Celestials dead or at least the one from planet Nowhere dead, no Inhuman, MCU plus X-Men, god will make the details.

Looking over, I saw god accepting my first wish. Readying myself, I started to go over my wishes. 'God', god looked at me, or in my direction, I don't know; it didn't have eyes.

'I wish to be reincarnated in a mix of the MCU and X-Men universe with Ban from the Seven Deadly Sins's immortality. But contrary to Ban, I want to develop naturally and stop aging at the age of 24'

'I want my body to be able to better channel energy and be as strong as the amount of the energy passing through it. Like the Hulk but I want myself to be able to make myself as strong as I want within the limits of the realm I'm draining the energy from. Let's say, at first I can channel a tablespoon worth of energy, with training, I can increase the amount.'

'I wish to be connected to realm of cosmic energy that has my name on it. Meaning, nobody but me can even sense or locate, much less channel that energy. Better yet, can you place that realm, in my soul or my being? So that with growing familiarity, I can make that realm and energy truly mine?'

God had the equivalent of an amused smirk but didn't respond. I guess, he wants me to finish all my wishes to see my balance of karma. I hope, that also means that if I stop here, I would have those wishes granted. Cosmic power realm equal lowkey reality wrapping powers . I have an evolvable body, a perfect power source, what do I need? Or what do I want? Going over the comics I've read and the movies I've seen, and the reason why I chose to include the X-Men, the name of character came to me. Gah! I need to start thinking of them as people, not heroes and villains, I read about.

'I wish to have a variant of Rogue's and Peter Petrelli's powers, which let me copy the powers of anyone permanently with touch without said person being aware, I have control when I want to my power to activate and also whether I want to duplicate the power for myself or simply steal it. I also want my powers to be assimilated perfectly and to be in synergy with my body with the bonus of the memories absorbed compiled in an easily accessible format in a part of my brain, and be separated from my own as to not let them have an effect on me. I also do not want the psyche of the people abilities I've duplicated or stole be absorbed.'

This way my own power will not make me crazy. Brainstorming again, the only thing left for me was to have a better intellect. 'I also wish to have the rest of my karma to be converted and added in the form of IQ?'

God responded: "Very well young'un. You'll be reincarnated in a mix of MCU and X-Men universe as a mutant with a variant of Rogue's powers. With her powers, your body has an implicit adaptability/evolution factor. So it will cost less to make your body as per your parameters. However, I can't create a cosmic power realm for your use only. It will not only propel you to the ranks of the most powerful, it'll also break the balance of the cosmic being in that universe. I can give you access to a ruler-less realm stored inside your soul, visible and accessible only to you. Furthermore you can merge another realm with yours or absorb their energy. The rest of your karma will give you an IQ similar to that of Reed Richards, you will also get to chose where or who you want to reincarnate into."

A little disappointed, my mood uplifted thinking myself as of the most intelligent if not the most intelligent man on the planet. A barely repressed aura of mirth, emanating from god let me to believe in the possibility of having the F4 added to this universe. Pondering some more on the different realms of energy I could draw from. Negative zone, quantum realm, 'I remember Iceman had access to frost realm I think, Scott also gets his eye beams from an extradimensional supply of energy'. Being pretty much immortal, I need an energy that is powerful yet malleable. Able to leave destruction in its wake and also be able to be applied almost surgically. I almost immediately thought of Escanor and his ability to convert solar radiation into his power and his meticulously applied technique named ESCANOR. I was already imagining myself walking down a battlefield and leaving nothing but cinders in my path, the very air around me folding onto itself due to the temperature. But I didn't want to be as massive as him. I wanted my body to be like that of an Olympic swimmer, Ban like build with an height of 1m87.

Having validated my powers, god snapped his fingers and an orb of what looked like a mixture of yellow and orange appeared hovering above his palm. With a nudge, the orb floated silently in my direction. Once it made contact with my soul, the outer layer of the orb broke with a 'pop' and all I knew was pain. It was like anything I've ever felt. I could feel my soul being burn to crisp, reformed then burn again. Worst, the pain increased with each cycle, in my state, loosing consciousness was impossible and the pain continued climbing slowly but surely. With each cycle, the duration increased. After god knew how much time, I found myself in an ocean of yellow with some tint of orange. I felt like I was everywhere at the same time, there was no bottom and no surface, in every direction was the same expanse of vastness. I instinctively knew that I was in my astral projection or soul; I was in my being, I also knew I was looking at my Sun realm. I was every atom, every particle, I was anything and everything in this realm. It was abruptly cut off when I found myself looking at god again still hung on the sensation of feeling like god.

I could have sworn god smirked at me, but I could hear the amusement in his voice: "Young'un, you've been made the ruler of the Sun realm, remember you are the Sun and the Sun is you. Beware though, your body immortal as it may be will, at the start at least, have the force of a mortal, meaning you will have to channel your energy through it and train it to get stronger. Now, choose who you wish to be reincarnated as."

I wanted to be reincarnated close to the movers of the MCU and X-Men, so being reborn in America is a given. I also wanted to have freedom and funds growing up. The most obvious choice was to be reincarnated as Harry Osborn, the one from the Tobey Maguire Spider man, it would give me time to do whatever I wished to do, at the same time be young enough to date whatever X-Woman I wanted. I looked at god one last time and said: "I wish to be reincarnated as Harry Osborn"

God smiled: "You will thus be reincarnated into Harry Osborn, son of Norman Osborn and Emily Osborn who died at childbirth. Go forth, young'un and may you shine brighter than any star has ever been"

With a wave of god's hand, I felt my surrounding blacken as I fell in the darkness. After an undeterminable amount of time, I felt myself being carried form hands to hands as I marveled at the sensation of having a body again. The minute tickles of the cold air as it made contact with my skin making me nearly chuckle, the cacophony of sounds; people talking hurriedly, machines beeping coming off as irritating. My newfound senses carried with them a mini sensory overload in the form of a growing headache. A slap on my butt cheek, forced me to open my eyes abruptly, only to close them immediately due to the intense light as I began to cry my lungs out. A baby's body go to command after getting hurt. As my body settled down, I opened my eyes just as I was handed to a not so young but definitely not old man. Maybe in his late twenties or early thirties, Norman Osborn like in the Amazing Spider-Man but at least 20 years younger.

As I looked in his eyes, I was a little of the look I saw in my mother's eyes sometimes. Except, I saw more, much more; regret, lost, slight despair, anger and finally reproach. I slowly closed my eyes as I drifted to sleep thinking to myself: 'Yelp there's that'.