Bolivar Trask

My shoulders sacked with exhaustion with the car backtracking behind me. Glancing at my phone, it was a little shy of 10pm. During the ride home, I used my light brain at full power with realm energy as fuel and spent ten days shuffling through memories. Even with the fatigue though, I had a smile on my face. As of now, I was was a linguistic master and hand to hand combat expert. I slowly made my way in the manor, smiling and whistling with each step.

"I take it, you had a good evening, Master Harry", Edward chimed, getting off the stairs behind me.

"Very much so, dear uncle" I said in a fake accent turning.

"Oh" He exclaimed, "have you made friends? or found a girl you like?" He teased.

I blinked then laughed, "No, but I found a viable solution to the system I was working on".

Edward shook his head and muttered to himself "We should have sent you to school instead of hiring tutors." but I heard him clear enough to stick my tongue to him, marching towards the dinning room.

Just then, Nana stuck her head and said in mock anger at Edward; "Stop harassing him Edward, all will happen in time. Have you eaten Harry?"

I shook my head and she motioned me in. "Come in dear, I made your favorite dishes."

I entered the dinning room and took a seat, waiting for Nana. It didn't take long for her to come back with a plate that smelled absolutely divine. I didn't need to eat but I enjoyed her cooking very much.

Smiling, I exclaimed: "What would I do without you Nana?!". I then lowered my voice and said: "I bet, I would have long turned deaf if it was just me and that old yammering crow."

Only to hear Edward's voice coming from far away; "I heard you, young man!". Nana and I burst out laughing.

"Dying of hunger is what would have happened to you if I wasn't there, besides Edward is sometimes right", she said.

"Where would I even find someone my age that has the same interests as me huh? Our closest neighbor is miles away. As for school, the students will be twice my age and maybe even more." I said munching my food.

"Always having something to say back, I see." She smiled, the same motherly smile he always had on her face as she tousled my hair and asked; "How about the party? Did you have fun?"

I told her the tale of my three hours long 'torture' with boring adults at a boring party, I kept anything power related out of the discussion obviously. We continued chatting until Anna got ready for bed.

The next day, Edward sat me down and we got over my investment options. With the technology market more than saturated, I opted for the company with potential that flew under my radar. With Edward's help, I invested one hundred and seventy millions in the three most prospective companies he found: Walmart, McDonalds and Netflix. I managed to get hold of 62% and 79% shares of the first two and wholly owned Netflix. Walmart and McDonalds were already established companies, with respectively thirteen and nine branches across the US. I let Edward take care of the management and meetings with one single objective: expand.

Two weeks later, I equipped five drones with guns after I had them properly cloaked and put them to test. The bullets were completely untraceable being made from a 3D printer whose plans I 'borrowed' from my past life. As a precaution against bulletproof glass, I upped the power of the guns. Durability wise, the drones could handle three punch at peak human strength before their reflective panels broke, making them visible. They could fly at 71miles per hour almost silently but they could only function for four hours due to the energy limitations, it was 2003 after all. I could design an arc reactor, but decided against as it would take me a year or maybe even longer.

Next, I concentrated my efforts on tracking Trask, Stryker and Dr. Lang. Stryker was off-radar, probably working on making the wolverine but I managed to track Trask and Lang. Stephen graduated this autumn from State University, with his parents and two sisters living in DC. I didn't know where Lang's hatred for mutants came from and I didn't get any information during my investigations either. As far as I could see, he never came into contact with mutants. It may be that his family suffered somehow because of mutants in the future. With me disposing of Trask, the sentinels will probably never see the light of day. Still, I planned to keep an eye on him. As for Trask, he was the head of a multi-million company based in New York City. His death would raise some eyebrows but it will most likely be attributed to a business enemy assassinating him. Besides, I was fairly certain that nothing could be traced back to me.

The following days, I used my drones to scout Trask's movements to determine when he was the most vulnerable. Next, I hacked into Trask Industries servers. There, I discovered that he was given a military contract for producing mutant inhibitor devices that he created with their help. On his home computer however, his private files showed that he was on the verge of finding a way to target the mutant X-gene specifically, months away in fact. With his findings, it would take at most five years before the first sentinels made their appearance. Making sure he didn't have any digital back-up, I copied the files and put a virus in the his system that would delete all his files in 2 days at 2pm exactly if I hadn't managed to remotely wipe his computers. The virus would also erase all the files if someone tried to upload, transfer or copy them. I planned to release some of his company's files to make it seem as I targeted all his servers, home and industry, like a politic or business enemy would.

Sunday at 1pm, I took control of a K-drone and flew it down to Trask's home, located in south Manhattan. Half an hour later, I was looking at mansion, the size of our own with six armed guard patrolling. Four on the outside and two in the house. Trask was on the second floor working on his computer. I positioned the drone near one of his office's windows and aimed his head. But my hand stilled. I was hesitating, the longer I stared at him through my screen, the less I wanted to kill him.

'Maybe if I deleted his files, that would be enough to set him back a few decades, he would perhaps die of old age or drop the project'. But I squashed the idea immediately. He didn't have children and was widowed. In light of me following him the last week, I found out that he spent all his time on research and development. I thought further about what the sentinels would do by letting Trask live; if this universe was the same as the X-Men movie's universe, I would have left Xavier and his minions do the saving. However, this is not the movie's universe and above all, it's a the world I'm living in and the sentinel program will almost certainly affect me, negatively at that. What really stayed my hand was 24 years of people telling and enforcing that killing was bad. Trask may not know me but he was in my way.

I was brought back from my musings, when the automated erasure of his files commenced. I saw Trask typing hurriedly, trying to make sense of his situation and in a split second, I fired. I saw almost in slow motion how his head exploded in a spectacle of gore akin to a Pollok painting and his body guards rushing upstairs in panic. Just a few minutes later, A series of black SUV stormed into Trask's propriety and military personnel inspected every nook and crack, looking for clues.

After confirming that all his files where deleted, I slowly flew the drone back to the mansion and waited. Waited for myself feeling guilty, dirty; feeling less. Nothing of the sort happened. I woke up the next day with no particular discomfort, no bad dreams, nothing. Trask's assassination was on the new for the entire week, and I followed the investigation closely. However, with nothing to work with except an unmarked bullet, it became another unsolved case accumulating dust.

With Bolivar dead, I turned my sights on Jason Stryker. I remember from the movies that his telepathy grew to rival Xavier's, who is the most powerful telepath alive. I found him with a simple click on my computer. He was attending a local high school in the Bronx. But without an A.I, I had to take control of the drones manually, so I intended to monitor him only once per two months then watch him more closely when my A.I was created. I wanted to absorb his power before him even figuring out that he had any, and before Xavier built Cerebro. Speaking of professor X, he was in the process of creating his school with Hank's help and Ororo hired as professor. But, I didn't find Mystique; with her abilities, she is almost impossible to catch. A police record of the deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Grey led me to believe that Jean already enrolled in his school or was going to in the near future.

As for Stryker, I decided to deal with him after Logan escapes and free the other mutants. On Erik's side thought, I've drawn a blank partly because most of the records of his youth were on paper format; and I have almost zero skill in infiltration. From what I managed to find and my meta knowledge, Erik's upbringing was most likely similar to his comics counterpart, having been held in a center that Essex ran. As far as I could tell, he and Xavier hadn't met but I found so little information for that period that I could be wrong. I uncovered next to nothing about his early life even from the government agencies. The little concerning him, said that he defected from the C.I.A after killing his handler and colleagues and was still at large.

Professor X however was alive and well, already in a wheelchair and bald at 36. With so many events and people jumbled up together, I decided to leave the quagmire that was the mutants and let the events unfold themselves barring no one attempts bombing them. Luckily, the Avengers side of things was easier and less entangled. Captain America was presumed dead fighting the Red Skull, the S.H.I.E.L.D, Rhodes, Black widow, Hawkeye, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner are the same I remembered them. I opted for doing my experiments in peace, get my degrees, monitor Jason and wait the Hulk and Iron man events.

Meanwhile, Edward helped me purchase two buildings, one in Queens near the industrial area, where I intended to learn flight and different application of my powers. The other's in Bronx where I would store the majority of my drones. Both had two floors below ground that I furnished and equipped with soundproofing and almost unbreakable walls. Security however, being retina scan and fingerprint, had much to be desire with the number of shapeshifters, portal and teleport masters that existed in the Marvel universe. With vigor, I concentrated on creating an A.I that would hopefully not turn on humanity.