Jason Stryker

(A/N: McDovi = McDonals; Doormat = Walmart; Flix = Netflix)


It's been 15 years since I've been reborn as Harry Osborn, and I have to say, I loved every second of it. Thanks to my training, my body developed nicely, I had the build of an Olympic swimmer with well defined muscles, standing at 5'7. Almost all my projects had been completed. I obtained PhD's in all that I was studying but chemistry, because I took the class at university so no accelerated courses on that front. I finished building my A.I: Selene when I was 12, and relocated her servers in my Queens's building.

I also created a bunch of energy sources, having finally been able to create Starkium in the Bronx's building second basement floor. I made them round, like rings. In the end, I couldn't wait for Stark to create an arc reactor for me to steal, thus Selene and I worked on an arc of our own. So, as of February 2005, my drones, hideouts and laboratory had their own clean energy source. With Selene's help, I had finished almost everything I set myself on, well except the unstable particles, hence just a year after her birth, I found myself with nothing else to work on besides studying.

Selena and I also created the stalker bots, they were 3 inches long and 2 inches large with a battery life of 12 hours. I designed a special compartment in the drones that could hold 5 to 10 bots. The bots were better at infiltration than the drones, but they had no fighting power. They have retractable connectors though, through which Selene could access and hack into a closed off network. I also upgraded the drones with the added bonus of serving as a charge tower for the bots. As for the Pym particles, I decided to try stealing them at another time.

Thanks to Selena being at my side, calculations and optimization became a piece of cake, allowing system upgrade with more than 60% increase in performance. She also found out a chemical that once in contact with Starkium, will have a rather explosive reaction. Using her findings, I equipped the drones with very deadly Starkium bombs. Even the smallest ring (2inches diameter) triggered an explosion that could level at least 4 blocks.

With Trask material and Selene's help, I became an X-gene expert, not on the same level as Essex and En Sabah Nur of course. Not that I was trying to give myself more genes, with my body healing capabilities, anything foreign or dangerous introduced in my bloodstream will be destroyed almost immediately. What I wanted was being able to target a specific trait or effect and change it. No luck in these endeavors so far. I didn't even know where to begin with given that I only had access to one mutant: me.

I also planned to create an X-gene suppressant once I found Jimmy aka Leech aka Subject AM 1121, the mutant power nullifier. However with nothing but his nickname, I concentrated my efforts on buying Worthington Labs shares. I already owned 20% of the company and had Selene monitor them so I would know as soon as they started experimenting on Jimmy.

In the meantime, I worked in Oscorp labs on my free time, there I met Dr. Octavius aka Octopus. Surprisingly, the good doctor with a tentacle fetish is a she in this universe, yup Dr. Mary Octavius. She works in the robotic department at the moment. In addition, I noticed Oscorp bioengineering department starting to genetically modify animals with great vigor for the various cures Norman wanted to create. It may be the Osborn family illness finally catching up to him since patches started appearing on his skin, Retroviral Hypo dysplasia if I remember correctly.

My three enterprises were coming along nicely too. We had faced some competition but nothing one or two scandals emailed anonymously to the media couldn't fix. Walmart was everywhere in the US and you could find almost anything there, from guns, to electronics, to house equipment; it became 17th largest retailer in America. As for McDonalds, we even started expanding to Europe. We had at least 3 branches in every city. Netflix however is a little slow on the uptake but was still accessible to 3/4 of the world. With the three combined, my net worth was more than 7 billion dollars.

Edward was the one managing all my assets and the public face of my holdings. He was presently working hard on expanding further. He quit being our butler three years ago, given that I offered him 3% my profit per year. I trusted him completely on that front, besides he couldn't steal from me even if he wanted to.

One morning, two days after my 15th birthday, while I was working on the unstable particles, Selene finally gave me the news I was waiting for. I had tasked her to keep an eye on Jason Stryker and look for any indication of his powers awakening. And a few minutes ago, a security camera near his school caught him rushing to his home, sweating while covering his ears. I immediately took off with Selene making sure I wasn't detected. Even though I had a hoodie and face mask on, I didn't want to take the risk, I was running at humanly impossible speeds after all. Listening to Selene voice through my ear piece, I ran through Bronx alleys for 15 minutes until I was a mile away from Jason. I found him collapsed on the pavement with a few people already gathered around him but nobody getting close.

As I approached, I heard him muttering: "Shut up,... shut up..., shut up". Over and over again, like he was in a trance. I quickly kneeled and placed a hand between his right shoulder and neck, acting like I was checking his vitals. I activated my power to absorb his telepathy as soon as my hand made contact with his skin. To my disbelief, I felt a resistance; his eyes lost focus, so his opposition wasn't a conscious action. It was like game of rope pulling . So I tugged more forcefully, after thirty seconds of back and forth, with people glancing at me; probably wondering what I was doing, I felt the metaphorical rope loosen. As I pulled one last time and Jason lost consciousness.

I shook him by the shoulders twice for show, before yelling: "He just fainted but is otherwise fine. Give us some space and can someone call an ambulance?!"

I laid Jason on his back gesturing for the small crowd to make room. As I contemplating a way to slip out, a passerby kneeled beside me and asked, "What happened?"

When I looked up at him, he said simply, "I am a nurse, I can help."

Thanking my lucky stars, I told him, "I don't know, I found him collapsed on the ground. I turned him on his back and checked if he was breathing. Something I remember reading a while back. The ambulance is on its way."

I knew the human body inside out, but he didn't need to know that. He did a series of test of his own before nodding: "Good thinking, it must have been a fainting spell. I can take it from here."

I nodded and I slowly made my way out of the crowd before slipping out completely. My head lowered, I whispered: "Darling, can you make me a path to the BQ please? I do not want to be seen anywhere near this place."

"Already done, Harry." Selene replied in a cheerful tone. When she was born, I told her to choose her image, voice and other specifics for herself.

"Thanks Selene, could you also deploy a drone and observe Jason for the next few days?" I said, making my way undetected towards my Queen's hideout, BQ.

I reached BQ, 20 minutes later. The building had twelve floor and was constructed 43 years ago. It was located near La Guardia airport, with the soundproofing added, nobody could hear me training. Even If they heard something, they would most likely attribute it to the airport. Unlocking the door, I continued down the hallway before descending the stairs and arrived at a large metal door. After getting through the security measures, I pushed the 2tons and 12inches thick door open and entered.

"Harry welcome! So good to see you." Selene said appearing right next to me. She was 5ft7 with auburn hair reaching her back and big jade green eyes.

As soon as we reproduced Mysterio's illusion/holograms, I installed projectors on all the drones and in all the places I go, except Oscorp.

"Hello to you too darling, but you see me all the time through the drones and cameras in the city. " I said as I headed downstairs to my lab. The first underground floor, was just a training ground with an upgraded treadmill, a gravity weight lifting machine, mannequins, and a place for evasion maneuvers for training and testing.

Thanks to the training I've done so far, I could dead lift 4tons and run at 40mph without realm energy coursing through me. As for my durability, I was certified bulletproof but with my energy conversion and healing factor, I didn't care all that much.

"But! It's not the same, the streets cameras quality are too lousy." Selene pouted as she followed me.

"Don't pout, besides, you're already everywhere I go when I'm not working at Oscorp" I said laughing. The second floor layout was the same as the lab I had in the mansion, but the surface was twice as large. I even put a couch and TV in the space between my computers set up and the mechanics lab.

As I sat down besides Selene, I accessed Jason's memories. After a quick scan, I discarded them as their was nothing of value for me in them. But I was puzzled, I don't hear anyone's thought, in fact I didn't sense a peep on my way to BQ. I first thought that maybe his powers hadn't awakened yet but the way he behaved today said otherwise. Thinking hard, I realized that I still subconsciously maintained the energy barrier that I put up years ago. With the energy barrier erected, my brain was cut off the world, I was protected against telepaths but I couldn't enter somebody's either. I turned to Selene: "Selene, I will be unlocking my telepathy for the first time, I may cry out in pain or faint, but when it happens stay calm, ok?"

She nodded her head repeatedly. "Good girl." I said, going back to the first underground floor.

Once there, I sat on the training mat, then I took a deep breath and let the barrier dissipate.

"AhH!", I screamed as I was immediately swarmed by millions of thoughts at once. My range was at least a 100 miles radius, which was huge for recently awakened telepath.

I emptied my mind and concentrated on the task. There were so many thoughts that I was almost overwhelmed, even with my brain processing capabilities. I had never felt so grateful to have started meditation before I could even crawl. I was calming down with each passing second, and I tried to target a specific person to shut the other thoughts out. I concentrated directly above me; in apartment 1C was a single woman, Alice was her name, an air hostess... I stopped before I could go through her life story.

Now that I was only hearing one person's thoughts and my head was mostly cleared out, I tried shutting the others out. I thought of it like a switch; On/Off, just like the energy cloak around my brain worked. A few hours of fine tuning and experimentation, I could connect shut every thoughts out or connect to any mind I wanted. I could already read people thoughts and invade their mind but I knew it will take me months or years of training to rival the likes of Emma Frost, Jean Grey and Pr. X but I was satisfied for now. I could always erect my barrier if a fellow telepath tried to attack me. Opening my eyes, I saw Selene munching on (holographic) chips looking at me.

"Missed me?" I smirked then asked "What time is it?"

"Nine o'clock pm." she responded simply.