Three Mile Island

Getting my bearings back, I realized that I was hovering slightly above ground.

As soon as the training area was constructed, I set myself to learn flight. I tried imitating Johnny Storm and even catapulting myself in a series of explosions like Bakugou but I always ended up smashing in a wall. There wasn't much room underground and I didn't want to be seen outside.

Deciding to take another route, I channeled realm energy in every part of my body. But instead of stopping there, I made the energy course through me then revert back into the realm in a constant cycle. Like my body was the door to my realm. I immediately felt the change, as a blue, yellow and orange aura surrounded me as I slowly levitated. It was barely visible and almost incorporeal, not even an inch thick.

With the energy shroud covering me, flight became akin to second nature, as easy as walking. I didn't need any conscious command to fly, the aura was an extension of myself. I decided to de facto use this form when fighting given that it was the same as my powered form (10 times stronger than normal). The fastest speed I've reached so far is 200mph mainly due to the lack of space underground. My speed was mainly determined by my energy output. Which in turn was entirely dependent on my energy capacity.

My body was the bridge between the world and my realm and so far I've found only one way to expand my body capacity. I planned to visit Kamar-Taj to seek alternate solutions. I also wanted to see how much time it would take for my body to reform but due to the fact that my body was essentially a bomb, I needed a safe place to conduct the test: the mirror dimension.

Next on the topmost of my list was energy projection. My Sun realm a vast expanse of near limitless energy hotter than a blue star. If I released even a fraction of its temperature, I could potentially destroy Earth entire solar system, given that the even a yellow sun (third hottest star) has a core temperature of 15millions K. My objective was to emit energy in a way that would not end the world. As I was already capable of releasing blasts containing no heat, I attempted gradually adding heat from my realm into those blasts till I reaches the temperature I wanted.

The end result was a super charged plasma beam that could go through anything. I could also discharge plasma in concentric patterns that disintegrated anything in their path. Breaking down the Sun energy into Light energy, I managed to fire laser beams, emit photon blasts and even create hard light. After that, the first thing I did was try to emulate the beams by scientific means. Selene and I succeeded just a few months after that. We then equipped the drones hard light. The energy cost however, forced us to provide every weapon system with its own mini arc reactor.

That was almost a year ago. With all my flight experience, I never actually took flight outdoor, but flying in a confined space did wonders to my precision and technique.

Still hovering, I asked Selene: "Any news on project X? Or Logan? And Have the bots connect you to the facility servers?"

Her chips disappeared in a flurry of pixels as a look of disgust donned her lovely face, "Yes, I accessed their system and copied all their files. They did many inhuman experiments on the detained mutants then they incorporated their abilities into weapon XI."

Before I could ask weapon XI's name, she continued: "There was nothing in weapon XI's file concerning his identity. As for Logan, he is on his way to way to start the adamantium lacing as we speak."

I nodded as she put up a video feed showing Logan being strapped on the metal bed and being submerged in a blue liquid. The Wolverine procedure started and I made myself comfortable on the couch. The events unfolded exactly like in the wolverine origin film, with Logan escaping at the end and helicopters pursuing him.

I got up and said, "Good. Keep an eye on that facility, and inform me if Logan comes back there. And the other people I asked you to watch?"

"Noted." She said "Jason arrived at the hospital already conscious, he is muddle-headed but according to his test result, he is fine. Frost International is facing opposition but being Frost Corporation's subsidiary, it is still expanding. Dr. Lang is still working for Edward Buckman slowly making his way up. General Ross has been working on the Bio-Tech Force Enhancement Project, I've also been compiling his crimes as he committed them" She said.

I nodded again: "Very good job. If you find Shaw, Buckman or Frost company's shares, buy them, okay?".

"Noted" She responded.

"You've outdone yourself. How about I buy you the new servers?", I said in a teasing voice.

"Really?" she asked eagerly. I laughed and glanced at my phone, it was almost 7pm. I decided to go home.

"Really.", I said, "Now I have to go. We have to start working on my suit. See you at home" And made my way out of the building. Once outside, I hailed a cab and sat comfortably playing on my phone.

I arrived home an hour later and headed directly downstairs, Selene already working on the suit. Without me deliberately splitting up the heat from my realm energy when using it, anything other that Vibranium, Adamantium or unstable particle will melt off me.

I first intended to track Ulysses Klaw for his Vibranium stock, but Selene gave me an inspiration. It happened when she and I were brainstorming on the the unstable particles, she wanted me to explain exactly how the particles behaved and as I didn't know, I used the analogy of someone turning into ice and immediately thought of the difference in my blood with and without realm energy. I wanted to observe a sample of my blood going through the transformation but for that, I had to be capable of channeling energy through the connection a part of me outside my body had with my realm. Which required a string of trials and errors. However, the results didn't disappoint.

It turns out, atoms in the Marvel universe contains a little something besides protons, neutrons and electrons. In an everyday configuration, that subatomic particle that Reed named unstable particle mimics either a proton, neutron or electron and is thus indiscernible from them. But when a type of energy that induce a fundamental change in an atom is introduced, these particle adopt that energy signature forming a membrane that keeps the changed atom from breaking apart. The unstable particle could only be observed during specific energy induced metamorphosis, thus making them almost undetectable. It didn't take long for Selene to produce the particles once we identified them. And with nobody bothering me, I was a 100% focused on my suit.

Over the course of the last three and a half year, the public slowly became aware of mutants existence.

They reacted just as they had in the films. Views were rather mixed with people on both ends of the spectrum. A year ago, I found Congressman Robert Kelly, he hated mutants as much as the next guy and was just two year away from becoming senator. But recordings and evidences on his past and secret dealings started appearing out of nowhere, forcing him to resign. I found it wise to let the good professor deal with mutants rights and politics. What I did however was offing the heads of powerful mutant haters I knew from my metaknowledge, figuratively and sometimes literally. I knew more extremists will appear but I had to start somewhere, right? Besides, I only target those with power.

As for Norman, he didn't hate mutants per se. He envied some but he had bigger fishes to catch. He became an even bigger workaholic then he was before. Even our weekly meals were cancelled. He was obsessed with finding a cure for his illness, not that I blame him, his life was on the line after all. But with me doing my own thing and not attempting to salvage the situation, we saw each other once every four months at best. Ultimately, I wasn't Harry from the movies that wanted Norman's recognition.

Four days later, the suit was completed. I kept the look simple, a black S.H.I.E.L.D like agent outfit with a hood sown to the shirt. I added a mask covering the lower half of my face. I also added a HUD with AR lenses to the suit and holographic projectors in my wrists bands. They couldn't endure more than 700 C but, it was the best I could do without Vibranium. With the supply of unstable particles I had, I planned on creating sets of every day clothing as well.

The suit of unstable particles was durable but also smooth on the touch. After series of tests, I took it off satisfied then set it on a rack in the right corner room. I specially liked the UI, with the augmented reality lenses that Selene added, the result were magnificent. It gave me details on anything I focused on, the information coming from her database, without messing with my depth view or obstructing my sight, I took inspiration from the interface Iron Man added to the Spider-Man suit. Concerning Selene, the only upgrade besides servers I needed to do was launch a satellite that would help us immensely or change a preexisting one's parameters to give me access.

Just then, Selene called out to me and she started playing the feed the bots in Three Mile Island. Logan had came back and he was confronting Stryker about tricking him into thinking Sabretooth was after their old team, when in fact it was on Stryker's orders. Nearly bleeding out, Stryker took a command and pressed. The hangar door opened with weapon XI, who by the way isn't Wayde Wilson, standing on the other side of the door. I tracked Wayde and he lives in NY, apparently having just started his mercenary career. While weapon XI engaged Logan, Stryker was searching for his case containing the adamantium bullets.

I decided not to fly too close to Logan or Victor because of their animal senses. I watched with the drone flying from afar as weapon XI, Logan and Victor began to duck it out on top of the reactor. Neither really staying hurt thanks to their healing factors. Until Logan finally severed weapon XI's head. Logan and Victor talked some more before Victor scoffed and turned, disappearing in the nearby forest's depths. The reactor collapsed, with Gambit saving Logan, not that he would have died anyway, and the two headed to save the young mutants. I honestly thought that Logan would go and finish Stryker, but he followed the mutants to Xavier's projection and left for the school. As for Stryker, I put a hard light bullet between his eyes as soon as Logan followed the young mutants to Pr. X's location.

"Alright Selene, delete the files on site and wrap this hole mess up." I told her and she nodded.

All the cameras angles began to shut down one after the other as the bots returned to one of mother drones. One of the drones secured the perimeter while another made its way toward weapon XI's 'corpse' extracting a syringe full of his blood. The drone backed away high up in the air and dropped two mid-sized bombs leaving a crater where the facility and the reactors previously stood in a loud KABOOM.

'That will keep me occupied for a while' I mused as I laid down on the sofa.