Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters

It was late 2008 and I felt like time was moving in slow motion. With all my matters done, I was itching to move, to do something.

A few days back, when Selene informed me that Stane was covertly buying Stark Industries shares, I knew his plan to deal with Tony Stark was set in motion.

"Selene, buy any Stark Industries shares you get your hands on" I had instructed her.

I already owned 5% of Stark Industries shares. Will that put Edward on Stane's radar? Certainly. But by the time he figured out who was buying them, we will be the least of his concerns. There wasn't much available on the market anyway, the real feast will begin after Tony's press conference but it was more than one year away.

I also kept an eye on Ross, his Bio-Tech Force Enhancement Project started 3 years ago, with Dr. Banner working for him. I let the project proceed, not doing anything. Did I feel bad for Banner? A little. Enough to not let him become the Hulk? Not by a longshot. My only concern was not to let the two brutes destroy Harlem. Killing hundreds or possibly thousands in the process.

The mutants issue was in full swing, albeit a little more tame compared to the situation in the comic. People were still protesting left and right, especially human parents who worried about their children frequenting the same school as potentially dangerous mutants without knowing it. There was a great deal of opposition against mutants all over the world and the US was no better but here I removed the worst mutant hating human I knew of from the comics and movies (striped them of their political power). But I knew others will rise sooner or later, and I was fine with that IF they played fair.

I also had Selene on the look out for Erik, but I heard no mention of the Brotherhood of Mutants as of yet. Either he was preparing for something big, operating outside the US or was just sneaky enough to pass under her radar. It could also be that he hadn't even started his whole Brotherhood yet.

Following Stryker's death, the government reformed his division into the more public Department of Mutant Affairs, from the movies. Hank was chosen to be Secretary of mutants affairs but he was still helping Xavier in finding mutants to enroll in his school as the department wasn't operating yet. But I knew he was leaving soon, they had finished Cerebro just a few days ago.

I had detected a massive psionic wave coming from his school scan over the city. I was a little nervous at the idea of meeting him as I didn't know if I could keep him out of my head with my telepathy alone. According to what I read, a telepath would immediately know if someone tried to get in his head, and could protect himself.

However, I also knew that telepath could erect mental shields. But with no one to take or learn from, I did what anyone who's seen the Harry Potter movies would do. I separated my memories, thoughts and expressed thoughts from one another. I built my mind space like a castle. The surrounding were where my expressed thoughts would appear. The castle itself contained my thoughts and finally, in the center of the castle, I put all my memories in a computer that I locked with a password.

I then buried the memory containing the password underneath the computer, so that even if someone arrived there, I would have time to erect an energy barrier around my mind scape. In which case, I assume the telepath's psyche will be trapped with no way out. For the actual protection, I used anything and everything I could think of. Fire forest, Light guards, a sun just above the castle that could burn anyone that didn't belong there, guns, traps... They were just mental projections but hopefully, they would work the way I intended.

Presently however, I was waiting for Pr. X and his mutants visit. Selena detected them outside my house a short while ago. She showed me a drone view of Hank and Pr. X talking to Bernard, the butler Norman hired after Edward quit. I checked if there was anything I didn't want other people to see in the lab and waited. Moments later, Bernard knocked on the door. "Master Harry, you have 'visitors'... from a school for gifted youngsters, they say. There are in the living room."

"Alright thank you, where is Nana?" I asked curiously. The way he said visitors amused me, people weren't used to mutants, some never will.

He said: "She went out to buy groceries."

I nodded and he went to do whatever he does with his time. When I entered the living room, my eyes were immediately drawn towards Xavier and his levitating wheelchair, which I would very much like to dismantle, by the foyer. He was the same looking as he was at the end of the wolverine film. I then saw Hank, the Beast, sitting on the sofa, I estimated his age around late twenties but I didn't really know given his features. I shook their hands and acted as if I didn't know who they were.

"Hello, Bernard said you were here to invite me to attend a school?" I asked in an uninterested tone.

As I was sat on a chair facing them, Charles responded: "Yes, I am headmaster Charles Xavier and this is Dr. Hank McCoy. I founded the institute to help young gifted, to integrate more easily into society."

I nodded in Hank's direction before asking skeptically: "I don't see why prodigies would need help blending into society, but since you are already here, what programs do your school have?"

Hank smirked and Charles gave me a little smile saying, "We only offer up to high school level education. I assume you wouldn't be interested in such, but.."

He continued but this time in my head: 'The institute offers extracurricular programs where people like yourself could learn more about their gifts in a safe and controlled environment.' He paused, probably waiting for me to digest the information or freak out, before continuing:

'As you must be aware, there exist people with abilities called mutants. These gifts are the result of the X-gene, mutating, around puberty in most cases. These mutations come in a large variety of effects. From having a sixth finger to having the ability to control weather. You and I, have the gift of telepathy, a very powerful but often misused gift.'

Hank sat there and waited for the professor to finish, he probably guessed that the professor was talking in my head. I frowned for a moment looking around my mind space to see if he went there. He was a Pr. X after all, I didn't know his exact strength.

I nodded at him before replying telepathically, 'So... if I understand, there is a school full of people like yourself and you have come today in hopes of recruiting me?'

His eyebrows rose up, perhaps surprised by the ease at which I talked in his mind, but nodded.

'What's the catch?' I asked.

'There is none, Mr. Osborn' He replied 'The institute is first and foremost a safe place for young mutants to control their gifts. We teach them how to merge into and possibly help society with their acquired powers. You seem practiced in your telepathy but you could always improve.'

I nodded at the professor and said: 'Tempting, but I don't think I would mix well with others my age.' and stood up, 'Would you please follow me? I would like to show you something.'

Charles looked like he wanted to say something else but he nodded. Hank looked at him for a moment before he stood up too. I didn't have anything to hide in the basement. The only gadgets of importance present were the hologram projectors. Aside from that and my X-gene study, everything else was in BQ.

At first, I was worried about the stairs but the professor hovered through them like a breeze. I walked into the lab with them right behind me. Stepping aside, I saw Hank the looking around the lab so rapidly, I feared he might break his neck then the two turned toward me.

"My powers started manifesting when I was 11", I lied, and continued gesturing around "I had just started studying bio-engineering at that time. I set this lab up with the funds my father gave me. And as time passed, I grew interested in other area of studies and upgraded the facilities accordingly."

They nodded, glancing around as I gave them a little tour. Hank practically had stars in his eyes when he saw my notes and findings while Charles looked surprised. The lab was furnished with the latest equipment and even had holographic displays on the different tables. They probably had seen an interactive artificial environment if the the danger room existed in this universe, but there wasn't any hologram system like mine on the market.

"You are even more remarkable than I though." Charles murmured.

I gave them a rundown of my research and Hank bombarded me with questions upon question. My research was based on the samples and files I found on Trask and Stryker servers. And with the Weapon XI sample I got, my research went probably even deeper than Hank's. Speaking of Trask, I cracked the mutant inhibitor collars and could shape them as I wanted, a chain or bracelet for example. Time passed and we almost spent an hour talking about my files.

"Your research on the X-gene is quite detailed." Hank said finally, sinking into his chair.

"Well when you suddenly wake up one day, capable of hearing people thoughts, you try finding the cause. I have multiple PhD's after all." I said jokingly.

I think I heard Hank mutter something about if only he had found my research sooner before he shook his head trying to get that thought out of his head.

I guess his transformation into the Beast isn't something he planned on doing in this universe either. We sat in silence for a few seconds before Charles said: "Concerning your enrollment, what is your decision?"

Taking a few moments, making it seem as I was really considering the idea, I said: "I can't. I don't really have the time. I have many ongoing projects, I also work almost full time at Oscorp, besides I even finished university. "

Charles seemed worried that I wasn't affiliated to his school but was left no choice but to accept given my situation. He invited me to the institute to 'interact with my fellows mutants' even if I didn't join as it was just an hour away from my house.

"Alright" I said: "I will visit whenever I find the time."

He proposed I follow them back to the institute today to see the facilities for myself perhaps thinking I would visit more often if I saw the people there. Checking on my phone and not finding anything urgent on my calendar, I agreed.

"Would it be possible for me to have a copy of your research?" Hank asked a little embarrassed, I think? Really hard to tell with his blue skin.

"No problem." I said then copied my X-gene files for Hank. I didn't really see why not. We set off after just after.

We arrived at 3pm sharp. The mansion was exactly the same as in the movies. Selene was inspecting the surroundings via the drones, in case Charles's school was under surveillance. Fury is the professional paranoid after all, not me.